(2003), "A framework with a fragile foundation: thoughts from a critical friend on Framework for the Future", VINE, Vol. 33 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited
A framework with a fragile foundation: thoughts from a critical friend on Framework for the Future
The following Emerald abstracts represent the most pertinent recently published literature on the New Opportunities Fund, The People's Network project and related issues. They are selected for VINE from Emerald Fulltext, available on subscription.
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A framework with a fragile foundation: thoughts from a critical friend on Framework for the Future
B. Usherwood (University of Sheffield, UK), Library Management, 2003, Vol. 24 No. 6, pp. 305-9
Describes and critiques a report published by the UK's Department of Culture, Media and Sport in 2003 which sets out a structure whereby public libraries will provide socially inclusive services and how this will be achieved. The report indicates that the modern mission of public libraries should be based on evolution, public value, distinctiveness and local interpretations of national programmes. New roles should emerge from traditional core skills, and focus on areas where public intervention will deliver large benefits for society.
Keyword(s): Public libraries, UK, Social systems