Todd, S. (2005), "Internet review", Structural Survey, Vol. 23 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Internet review
The web site information included below includes two key and other informative sites. If there are any other interesting sites or sources of information that you have found useful, please e-mail me at:
The Building Research Establishment
The latest news section from the BRE includes information on:
- 1.
Hanson, the UK’s largest brick and block manufacturer, is tackling the main areas of criticism against traditional building methods – speed and quality of build – head on by developing its own unique answers to modern methods of construction.Hanson will demonstrate a range of new systems that combine traditional build with modern processes, at OFFSITE2005 at the BRE, Watford. “We’ve realised that to compete, particularly in the housing market, we must find ways of speeding up the construction process and guaranteeing quality build,” says Paul Rogatzki, Head of Product Development for Hanson. “But we also wanted to capitalise on what has made traditional build so successful, such as the ability to meet and exceed current and future Building Regulations. By bringing the bricklaying process into the factory environment, we can build standardised, single storey cavity walls in all weathers,” says Rogatzki. “Operatives work in a safer environment with more regulated work patterns and quality control.”Hanson is constructing a three-storey building, including a basement, at OFFSITE2005 to showcase its:
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standardised cavity wall panels (in thin joint block);
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Wonderwall – an insulated composite panel system with slip brick fixings;
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jet floor flooring system – pre-stressed T-beams filled with EPS;
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twin-wall system for basement construction using pre-cast cavity walls that resist ground pressure; and
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box culvert – used as cellar, garage, storage – existing box culvert system traditionally used for diverting rivers and water supplies.
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- 3.
New standard for innovative dwellings: a new loss prevention standard (LPS) for innovative dwellings is now ready to be trailed by housing manufacturers following extensive consultations with major stakeholders over the past year. The LPS 2020 standard was developed by BRE Certification – at the request of insurers, mortgage lenders, regulators and manufacturers – to provide an effective method of assessing the performance and design of new methods of construction that do not have an adequate track record in service in the UK. Its introduction is particularly significant in light of the current pressure from government and others to increase the use of so-called modern methods of construction in dwellings.This standard is one of a suite of loss prevention standards (LPS) that have been prepared by BRE Certification Ltd to provide a route to certification for innovative building systems, sub-assemblies and elements used in dwelling construction. It addresses:
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the lack of standards and guidance that cover new methods of construction for dwellings;
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the variable needs of different approval, regulators and warranty providers which result in manufacturers having to go through several expensive and time consuming testing and assessment procedures to satisfy each body;
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the inconsistency of each approval given (as they are essentially the outcome of a negotiation process between manufacturer and approval body, dependant on the product and how it is intended to be used). This makes direct comparisons difficult (no two approvals would be the same), especially for insurers and lenders who are trying to understand and control risk;
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the considerable pressure from government and others to increase the use of so-called modern methods of construction in dwellings; and
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the need for the insurance and lending sectors to be able to manage the risks of using innovative construction systems with limited track record (particularly given their historic experience).
LPS 2020 standard aims to:
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provide a single and consistent method for assessing the design and performance of innovative building systems that do not have an adequate track record in service in the UK;
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ensure that the manufacture/factory production of innovative systems is controlled;
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complement the control and inspection functions of existing warranty providers and building control;
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check buildability and produce a checklist of key items that will need to be inspected on site to ensure adequate performance in the final dwelling;
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give confidence to insurers, lenders and owners that innovative systems will perform adequately;
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achieve equal treatment for insurance and lending as given to conventional dwellings under normal terms for insurance and lending;
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enable manufacturers to demonstrate optional enhanced performance of specialist systems, e.g. enhanced flood resistance or fire performance or reduced environmental impact; and
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maintain a database of approved innovative systems constructed and their location to be used to trace systems for future maintenance.
During the calibration stage BRE Certification will work with on-site inspectors, such as building control and warranty providers, to make sure they understand and check the on-site quality issues for innovative building systems during the construction of dwellings.The calibration stage will also involve trailing a suite of supporting standards that set higher performance levels for dwellings. These additional standards will provide the option for manufacturers to demonstrate that their specialist systems achieve higher levels of performance for flood resilience, fire resistance, security, energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact.BRE Certification plans to launch LPS 2020 later this year. The standard is expected to reduce the overall costs of certification and approvals for manufacturers, because it should cut the number of certification/approval processes required to demonstrate that they perform as required.
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The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
The latest News section gives details on:
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RICS construction market survey quarter 1, 2005-04-04;
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council tax revaluation: the facts;
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new landscape management and rural conservation body;
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controlling and minimising the environmental effects of mineral extraction in England; and
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delay in energy ratings for home and business.
The Planning Portal
The Planning Portal is a one stop for all aspects of the planning system in England and Wales. The site gives a comprehensive range of information including the latest planning news. The main menu includes:
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learn about the planning system;
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apply for planning permission;
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find out about development in your area;
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appeal against a planning decision; and
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research the latest government policy.
Sandtoft Tiles
This web site includes a highly interactive and helpful means of working with a range of roof tiles available in the UK. The site offers advice, product information and design ideas. The main menus are structured as:
- 1.
Product index:
- 2.
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clay tiles;
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concrete tiles;
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sandtoft slates;
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heritage tiles;
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roofing systems; and
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tile selector.
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- 3.
Knowledge bank:
- 4.
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technical library;
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specification clauses;
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CAD details;
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technical support;
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training and CPD; and
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roof design.
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- 5.
Resource centre:
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case studies;
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picture gallery; and
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MRW Materials recycling week
This web site includes information from the recycling and waste management industry. The web site is structured as:
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latest news and features;
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this week’s prices;
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news and feature archive;
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market overview;
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about MRW;
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jobs, tenders and classified;
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MRW directory; and
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legislation forum.
Centraline City
This web site gives a guide to energy efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. The web site is structured as:
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about us;
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your benefits;
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partner; and
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The PARSOL “egov” project aims to deliver practical assistance to all local authorities to provide online planning and regulatory services. The project is run by a consortium of local authorities led by Wandsworth Borough Council and financed by the odpm. The site is structured as:
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PARSOL overview;
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planning services;
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regulatory services;
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PARSOL exchange;
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priority outcomes;
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ESW slides;
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PARSOL suppliers;
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suppliers statements;
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PARSOL deliverables;
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press archives;
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legal; and
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consultancy register.
Greenwood Airvac
This web site gives details of the company’s air management products including extractor fans, whole house systems and accessories to suit all new build and refurbishment applications. The latest news section gives details of the central vacuum range for the new build and self build market. The site aims to be a specifier’s guide and has useful links to the Building Regulations.
The Construction Industry Council – Standards Panel (CIC OSP)
The Construction Industry Council’s Standards Panel’s mission is to develop, maintain and promote the use of Occupational Standards and National Scottish Vocational qualifications for the professional, managerial and technical occupations in industry. The site includes details of the updated higher level Occupational Standards for the Built Environment.
English Heritage
This site structure includes:
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about us;
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public policy;
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places to visit and events;
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membership and support us;
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conserving historic places;
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archaeology; and
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resources and galleries.
The site includes a “Viewfinder” which allows the user to access an extensive library of photographs. The aim of English Heritage is to use Viewfinder to allow access to the ten million items in the public archive for the historic environment – The national Monuments Record.
Stephen Todd