(2002), "Structural Survey and the Internet", Structural Survey, Vol. 20 No. 5.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2002, MCB UP Limited
Structural Survey and the Internet
The Web site information in this volume includes some key sites and other new resources. If there are any other sites that you find particularly useful, please e-mail me at
Key sites
The "latest news" section includes information on:
- 1.
Office fires.
- 2.
Sustainability check-list for developments. The guide enables developers, planning authorities and their advisers to specify/assess the sustainability attributes of their developments.
- 3.
Using non-ferrous waste in road construction. The BRE have demonstrated the use of selected non-ferrous industry waste streams as bound aggregates in the construction of a road that will be used for access to the Britannia Zinc site in Bristol.
- 4.
Recycling glass and window/door frame waste. This section gives details of a one-year Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP)-funded project which aims to help increase glass recycling.
- 5.
CabinAir – update. The second stage of the project involving in-flight monitoring has now been completed. This was carried out on 50 BA, SAS and KLM flights to destinations including Rome and Bangkok. Measurements focused on the key factors influencing passenger comfort and wellbeing: humidity, air velocity, temperature and the constituents of the cabin air. The data will be used to establish, for the first time, a picture of conditions on short-, medium- and long-haul flights in the commercial sector of the airline industry.
- 6.
Consultation exercise on Code of Practice for controlling legionella in water systems. This review, being conducted by BRE, is designed to ascertain whether:
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The ACoP and Guidance is clear in its explanation of duty holders' requirements.
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These requirements are understood and are practicable and achievable.
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- 8.
Sustainability estimator for utilities. A tool for utilities and their contractors has been published to encourage more sustainable practice in the construction and refurbishment of utility infrastructure. The tool is designed to help companies benefit from the improvements that can accrue from sustainable practice:
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Reduced risks.
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Increased compliance.
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Improved efficiency.
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Cost savings.
The tool is aimed at local level infrastructure, from neighbourhood hubs to properties, for example, for electricity systems from the distribution substation to the electricity meter in the property. New build, refurbishment and maintenance work can all be analysed. The tool includes:
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A management check-list, for high-level business decisions.
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Quantitative sustainability indicators, covering the economic, social and environmental issues at a strategic and operational level.
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A materials section giving the environmental impact of commonly used materials in a simple ABC rating.
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A whole life cost calculator, allowing the user to experiment with different levels of capital, operational and decommissioning costs and risks.
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Comparison of four different options in each section, with graphical outputs.
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- 11.
Recycled Construction Products. A new initiative from the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) to encourage the use of construction products with a high content of recycled material, with a particular focus on the use of recycled plastic. This initiative aims to increase markets for recycled construction products by offering assistance with the certification and product approval so that products can be promoted as fit for purpose. Under the scheme, product manufacturers can receive financial support towards the cost of product certification, testing and approval.
- 12.
Review of the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. The adoption of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive by the EU Council of Ministers on 6 June has far-reaching implications for the owners, operators and developers of buildings in the UK. Key provisions of the Directive are:
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Minimum requirements for the energy performance of all new buildings.
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Minimum requirements for the energy performance of large existing buildings subject to major renovation.
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Energy certification of all buildings (with frequently visited buildings providing public services being required to prominently display the energy certificate).
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Regular mandatory inspection of boilers and air-conditioning systems in buildings.
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The Directive becomes a legal requirement in the UK within three years.
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- 14.
E-tagging for construction products. Gives information on a DTI contract to develop and pilot a system for electronically tagging and tracking construction products throughout the supply chain.
The Royal Institution of Chartered
This site includes a new Research Insight portal. This section includes information on the RICS Foundation, the Property Council of Australia and the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society.
The "News" section includes details of the new leading edge paper series. The first of three papers covering the subjects: Coping with rapid urban growth, by Chris Powell, Integrating transport and development by Stephen Williamson and finally Barry Gilbertson, discussing land markets and the modern economy. The papers were presented at the President's Address for new president Peter Fall at the RICS headquarters in Westminster.
Other new information includes:
- 1.
Details of a new Party Wall Guidance Note covering:
- 2.
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Advising clients and accepting appointments.
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Service of notices.
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Powers and duties.
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Surveyors' role in preparing primary award.
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Surveyors' role subsequent to publication of primary award.
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Challenges to surveyors' decisions.
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- 3.
Part-Time Work Regulations – from 1 October 2002. The Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 introduced new rights for part-time workers.
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Guidance and information including:
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Compliance and best practices for employers and part-timers.
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Part-time workers regulations.
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Part-time work directive.
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- 6.
Toxic mould. The RICS is warning surveyors about increased concerns surrounding a type of mildew. Stachybotrys Chartarum is its name. A greenish, black mould that grows on materials with a high cellulose content, such as timber and ceiling tiles. Human exposure to high levels of the fungus can lead to cold-like symptoms, rashes, and aggravated asthma. There has also been evidence linking it to pulmonary haemosiderosis in children.
This site includes information of new legislation affecting property and associated issues:
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Environment – Coast protection notices (England) Regulations 2002.
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Landfill England and Wales Regulations 2002.
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Law Insolvency (Amendment) Rules 2002.
Construction Best Practice
This programme aims to provide support to individuals, companies, organisations and supply chain in the construction industry, seeking to improve the way they do business, including clients, contractors, specialists. The site provides an extensive review of current best practice activities, information and resources.
This new site focuses both on the float glass manufacturing operation, Saint-Gobain Glass UK and on the network of glass distributors, processors and installers – Solaglas (UK) and Dockrell glass (Eire). The site includes a "virtual showroom" enabling visitors to step inside a virtual world. It is possible to search for the most appropriate glass solutions for various applications and performance requirements. The site also includes a product database which includes information on pan-European products and includes a number of UK project profiles.
BSI Online Information
This site includes information on the CPD Standards Tracker showing the status of the draft European harmonised standards under the Construction Products Directive.
The main menu structure includes:
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New products and special announcements.
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Most popular products for this sector.
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Standards development in this sector.
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Bespoke services.
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Landmark Information
This site enables users to produce environmental search reports for commercial properties. The report is a tool for commercial property owners, purchasers and their advisers, reducing the environmental risk in property transactions. It provides an indicative risk assessment and identifies potentially contaminative areas within 500m of a subject site's boundary.
This site enables real time exchange for the construction industry, enabling users to compare price, availability and delivery terms for more than 100,000 building materials from participating builders' merchants.
BTCV is one of the UK's leading practical conservation charities, working with people to bring about positive environmental change. Founded in 1959, they help over 130,000 volunteers take hands-on action to improve the rural and urban environment.
They offer:
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Practical conservation opportunities.
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Support and advice for local people and community groups.
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UK and international conservation holidays.
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Training and learning opportunities.
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Practical land management for conservation.
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Opportunities for young people to develop skills and careers.
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Employment programmes giving people the skills for work.
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Recycling and waste minimisation.
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Environmental consultancy and project management.
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Mail order delivery, including trees, wildflowers, tools and handbooks.
Cyberium presents a useful set of links to sustainable development resources. The main menu is structured as:
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Educational resources.
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Food, farming and forestry.
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Housing and communities.
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Government sites.
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Money and economics.
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Rural regeneration.
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Visitor centres.
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Welsh initiatives.
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Construction (and buying other) resources.
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Energy efficiency.
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Waste management.
This Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) was created in 2001 to promote sustainable development and stimulate recycling in the UK by creating stable and efficient markets for recycled materials and products. There are seven programmes – three focus on generic areas – financial mechanisms, procurement, and standards and specifications; and four focus on specific material streams – paper, glass, wood, and plastic.