Todd, S. (1999), "Structural Survey and the Internet", Structural Survey, Vol. 17 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
Structural Survey and the Internet
Stephen Todd
Keywords Construction industry, Internet
The Web site information in this issue includes some key sites and other new resources. If there are any other sites that you find particularly useful please e-mail me at with the details.
The Building Research Establishment(
This major site has been updated since the last journal issue and the main menu is now divided into eight sections:
- 1.
BRE Home.
- 2.
About BRE.
- 3.
News Releases.
- 4.
What's New.
- 5.
BRE Events.
- 6.
- 7.
Search BRE.
- 8.
Contact BRE.
At the time of writing the "News Releases" section gives information on:
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A major indoor air conference.
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A new BRE digest to help with the wind loading standard.
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Sustainable retail premises and shopping centres a recently published guide.
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Recent BRE publications.
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A level playing field for assessing the environmental performance of building materials.
Other information in the "What's New" section:
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Designing for adaptable building services (a project with CIBSE and the DETR).
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BBC Dreamhouse (Integer project). This section contained some very useful information on the integration of new technology into housing.
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A Zero CO2 housing competition sustainable development for brownfield sites.
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BRE Publications online in Adobe Acrobat.
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BREWEB newsletter. Promoting sustainable waste management and construction.
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Quick Time VR tour of Cardington.
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Materials information exchange.
The Royal institution of Chartered Surveyors(
The main menu of this site has been restrutured as:
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Surveyors Services.
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Press Releases.
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Related Sites.
The Building Centre(
This site has been completely restructured and includes information in four main areas:
- 1.
Bookshop. Includes over 3,000 titles and will allow online buying.
- 2.
What's on display. Shows what is on display on the various floors of the Building Centre.
- 3.
Information services. Includes products, manufacturer's literature, reports, research papers and standards. These are available by phone (which is chargeable) or in person at the library.
- 4.
Market research. Includes statistical and market analysis, trends and forecasts, technical papers, regulations and standards.
The site also links with The Export Action Centre.
The International Solar Energy Society (ISES)World-Wide information System for Renewable Energy (WIRE)(
The aim of the WIRE project is to "provide information on a broad range of renewable energy aspects to scientists, politicians, academics, business people, decision makers and other interested parties."
The site includes a suite of information resources, information exchange mechanisms, integrated search facilities, discussion forums, special interest areas, conference proceedings and short-term publications. The publications include:
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White papers. A collection of high quality papers addressing some of the most important aspects of renewable energy.
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Research reports. Includes interim results, new applications, scientific breakthroughs and research reports.
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Renewable energy encyclopaedia. A regularly updated introduction to renewable energy technology which is aimed at various levels.
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Conference proceedings and workshops.
This site describes Mason's as a specialist construction firm with expertise in construction law, IT, construction engineering, commerce, finance, property planning and the environment. The site includes information on construction law and "Mason's guide to EC law affecting the construction industry". Reference is also given to "Mason's library" which includes construction articles, books and conference.
European Environmental Law(
This site includes an analysis of European environmental law, cases and legislation. The site also includes articles which give a more in-depth view of specific issues. The main menu includes:
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Case law.
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Information for industry(
This site describes itself as "the complete environmental service" and includes:
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Environmental business briefing.
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Air quality management.
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Environmental business magazine.
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Environmental business directory.
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Environmental compliance manual.
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Environmental management forum and bookshop.
Construct IT Centre of Excellence(
This site has been set up to co-ordinate and promote innovation and research into IT in construction in the UK. The site map gives access to:
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International links.
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Research database.
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Best practice.
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Building Online(
This site was first launched in 1994 as a UK government initiative to improve efficiency in the Construction Industry using the Internet. It includes:
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Virtual product library an online specification driven application.
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Construction directory allows construction professionals, contractors, academics and others to register their details into an online searchable database.
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BIW Journal includes news and reviews of construction on the Net.
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Web technology applications working online examples including VR and drawings (e.g. J. Sainsbury's store at Clapham).
Construction Best Practice Programme(
This site was launched on 28 May 1999 and aims to raise the awareness of the benefits of best practice in management and gives guidance to the UK construction industry and client organisations. The site includes information on:
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Case studies.
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Activities and events.
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Sector initiatives.
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Discussion forums.
UK Construction Online(
This site give a database of companies and products that aims to be the most comprehensive available. It is possible to search by company name, product, alphabetically or by standards and trade association. It also contains links to manufacturers' sites.
Party wall resource site(
This site is maintained by Paul Chynoweth of Salford University and provides resources and a forum for discussion for all those requiring information on the operation of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 and its effect on land and property. The main menu is split as follows:
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Party Wall discussion forum.
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Discussion forum archives.
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Search for more Party Wall information on the Internet.
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Introduction to the Party Wall etc. Act 1996.
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Party Wall bookshop.
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Free Party Wall booklet.
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Text of the Party Wall etc. Act 1996.
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Legal documentation.
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Case summaries.
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Directory of Party Wall Surveyors.
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An introduction to the Pyramus and Thisbe Club and members' register.
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Party Wall research.
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Seminars and courses.
Building Focus(
The aim of Building Focus is to "be the starting point for information users in the building industry". The information sources include product, technical and complementary services. The site includes links to the main commercial search engines and uses its own "UK Property search engine".
Contaminated Land(
This site details contaminated land in the UK and includes standards, legislation and guidelines.
Altro Floors(
This site details the company's vinyl sheet flooring products and now includes NBS specification clauses and details. The site is split between product selector, product information, specification clauses and detailing diagrams.
Forbo Nairn(
This site details the company's floor coverings including "natural marmoleum" and cushion floor and has a domestic and contract section.
This site includes details of:
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Celcon blocks.
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Site practice.
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NBS proprietary clauses.
The site also includes information on U-values and BBA certificates. A CD is also available which includes detailed drawings and a U-value calculator.
This site contains information on the company's range of pipework including new launches.
Federation of Master Builders(
The Federation of Master Builders is the largest employer's trade association in the building industry, with a 50-year record of accomplishment and over 15,000 members. It calls itself "The Building Resource and Information Service" and includes sections on:
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Find a builder.
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Other links.
British Gypsum(
This site gives details of the company's wide range of plasterboard and insulation materials for the domestic and commercial sectors which can be viewed by country. It is also possible to order technical literature online.
UK Building Resource(
This site describes itself as "a construction industry Internet directory". It includes a "suppliers listing" which gives access to a wide range of building material manufacturers, and a "professionals" listing which includes architects, surveyors, engineers and interior designers. The site also includes a discussion forum.
This site is split into five main areas:
- 1.
- 2.
House self-build.
- 3.
News and products.
- 4.
Company information.
- 5.
This site details the company's wide range of glass products and includes sections on technical bulletins, landmark buildings and glass in the home.