(1999), "Asbestos legislation tightened up", Structural Survey, Vol. 17 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
Asbestos legislation tightened up
Asbestos legislation tightened up
Keywords Asbestos, Regulations
From 1 February 1999, the Asbestos Licensing Regulations 1983 and the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 1987 have both been amended.
The changes in the regulations follow research which has shown that the largest group of workers currently at risk are those in the building related trades.
The main change to the Licensing Regulations is to bring work with asbestos insulating board into the scope of the regulations. The main changes to the Control at Work Regulations are lowering of the exposure level to white asbestos, extended scope to include all types of work that may lead to exposure and a requirement for laboratories which carry out analysis work to be accredited to the standard EN45001.
The Health and Safety Executive has published two Approved Codes of Practice and two Guidance Notes to explain the changes.