(2010), "Diary", Sensor Review, Vol. 30 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Article Type: Diary From: Sensor Review, Volume 30, Issue 3
ISFA 2010
2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation
12-14 July
Tokyo, Japan
The purpose of this biennial symposium is to promote research activities in various areas of flexible automation by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, presentation of technological achievements, and discussion of future directions.
Contact: web site:
FAIM 201020th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing
12-14 July
Northridge, CA, USA
FAIM conferences address applications of new technologies and methods to the manufacturing environment, from industrial and academic perspectives.
Contact: California State University. Web site:
ARCS-10International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
12-14 July
Orlando, FL, USA
ARCS is an important event in the areas of automation, robotics, control systems and related areas. The conference will be held at the same time and location where several other major international conferences will be taking place.
Contact: web site:
CMSCCoordinate Metrology Systems Conference
12-16 July
Reno, NV, USA
Contact: web site:
SENSORCOMM 2010The Fourth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications
18-25 July
Venice, Italy
Contact: web site:
SSRR 20102010 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security & Rescue Robotics
26-30 July
Bremen, Germany
Contact: web site:
Screw-Theory Based Methods in Robotics
26 July-6 August
Shanghai, China
This summer school will teach attendees how to apply existing methods of robotics applications of screw theory and empower them to develop new ones in their own research. The basic theoretical notions will be introduced in a rigorous manner, with emphasis on examples, applications, and exercises.
Contact: web site:
ICIESE 2010International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Systems Engineering
28-30 July
Paris, France
The International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Systems Engineering aims to bring together academic scientists, leading engineers, industry researchers and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Industrial Electronics and Systems Engineering, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.
Contact: web site:
ICMEE 20102nd IEEE International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering
1-3 August
Tokyo, Japan
The aim objective of ICMEE 2010 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in mechanical and electronics engineering. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
Contact: web site:
SPIE Optics+Photonics
1-5 August
San Diego, CA, USA
Contact: web site:
International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications
4-6 August
Ottawa, Canada
The aim of the International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications is to gather scholars and researchers from all over the world to present advances in the field of nanotechnology and to foster an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information. This conference will also provide a golden opportunity to develop new collaborations and meet world experts on the fundamentals, applications, and products of nanotechnology.
Contact: web site:
ICMA 2010International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation
4-8 August
Xi’an, China
ICMA has grown into the largest gathering of its kind in the world for researchers and practitioners in the fields of mechatronics and automation.
Contact: web site:
IPPRIE 2010International Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition in Industrial Engineering
7-8 August
Xi’an, China
Contact: web site:
AHTEInternational Assembly and Handling Technology Expo
11-14 August
Shangai, China
AHTE offers the best platform for the world’s leading assembly and automation suppliers to show their products and technologies for lean manufacturing, cost reduction, enhanced productivity, and process control.
Contact: web site:
ICAL 2010IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics
16-21 August
Macau, Hong Kong
IEEE ICAL 2010 promises to be a great conference, bringing together electrical, mechanical, industrial, systems, logistics, and computer engineers, and offering a rich technical program emphasizing effective use of the synergy in the areas of it automation and logistics.
Contact: web site:
CASE 20102010 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
22-25 August
Toronto, Canada
CASE is the flagship automation conference of the IEEE RAS and it constitutes the primary forum for cross-industry, multidisciplinary research in automation. The goal of the conference is to provide a broad coverage and dissemination of foundational research in automation among researchers, academicians, and industry practitioners.
Contact: web site:
AUVSI’s Unmanned SystemsNorth America 2010
24-27 August
Denver, CO, USA
AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2010 is the premiere forum for reviewing, assessing, and discussing the successes and shortcomings of current unmanned systems.
Contact: web site:
AME 20102010 International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering
4-5 September
Luoyang, China
The forum aims to bring together researchers, developers, and users from around the world in both industry and academia, for sharing state-of-art results and for exploring emerging trends and new challenges in advanced mechanical engineering.
Contact: web site:
MFI 2010IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems
5-7 September
Snowbird, UT, USA
The theme of MFI 2010 is “Cognitive Sensor Fusion.” A major goal of multisensor fusion systems is to achieve human-like performance in terms of perception, knowledge extraction, and situation assessment, exploiting symbolic, and/or dynamical systems approaches.
Contact: web site:©ownerid=1441
IAV 20107th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
6-8 September
Lecce, Italy
The symposium will consider generic methodologies and techniques applicable to intelligent autonomous vehicles. These include mobile robots on land, at sea, in air or in space, multi vehicle systems, and networks of autonomous vehicles.
Contact: web site:
ADM 20103rd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacture
8-10 September
Nottingham, UK
The conference topics include: engineering/product/industrial design, manufacture, production, management, materials, automation and control, computing and internet, technologies, sustainable technology, renewable, energy, creative industries, and related areas.
Contact: web site:
2010 RO-MAN18th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication
12-16 September
Viareggio, Italy
Contact: web site:
IMTS 2010International Manufacturing Technology Show
13-18 September
Chicago, IL, USA
IMTS 2010 brings you the future of manufacturing technology. This is your chance to see the world of technology all in one place. Experience the latest developments and new features, including an expanded Emerging Technology Center.
Contact: web site:
Automation 2010
21-24 September
Mumbai, India
Automation 2010 will highlight products trends, services and solutions in the field of factory automation, process automation and control system, field instrumentation, robotics, drives and various bus technology, building automation an hydraulics, and pneumatics.
Contact: web site:
Atlantic Manufacturing Technology Show
22-23 September
Nova Scotia, Canada
Atlantic Canada is home to more than 2,600 manufacturing companies employing nearly 24,000 workers.
Contact: web site:
Robotics’102010 International Conference on Robotics
23-25 September
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The main goal of ROBOTICS’10 is to provide a forum for researchers, educators, engineers, and government officials involved in the general areas of robotics, automation, mechatronics, to disseminate their latest research results and exchange views on the future research directions of these fields.
Contact: web site:
BioRob 20103rd IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics
26-30 September
Tokyo, Japan
BioRob covers both theoretical and experimental challenges posed by the application of robotics and mechatronics in medicine and biology.
Contact: web site:
National Robot Safety Conference XXII
27-29 September
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Contact: web site:
ICALEOInternational Congress on Applications of Laser & Electro-Optics
27-30 September
Anaheim, CA, USA
The International Congress on Applications of Laser & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) has a 28-year history as the conference where researchers and end-users meet to review the state-of-the-art in laser materials processing and predict where the future will lead.
Contact: web site:
Assembly Technology Expo
28-30 September
Rosemont, IL, USA
ATExpo features assembly machines and systems, printed circuit board assembly equipment, power and hand tools, parts and material handling equipment, adhesives, fasteners, robots and accessories, machine vision, and software. This annual event is for design and manufacturing engineers, manufacturing managers, and purchasing executives. A concurrent conference program includes technical sessions on lean manufacturing, assembly methods, and planning and operations.
Contact: web site:
Mechatronics and Robotics 2010
28 September-1 October
St Petersburg, Russia
The International Industrial Forum “RUSSIAN INDUSTRIALIST” is a scale congress and exhibition measure connecting the specialists of machine-building companies of Russia and other countries.
Contact: web site:
ICAM 20102010 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics
4-6 October
Osaka, Japan
The theme of the fifth ICAM is “Robotics and Mechatronics for Sustainable Innovation”, reflecting the growing expectations for robotics and mechatronics technology especially applicable to the biological, medical, and ecological fields.
Contact: web site:
CARPI 20101st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry
5-7 October
Montreal, Canada
The 2010 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry (CARPI 2010) is a three-day event that will bring together stakeholders interested in robotics applications in the power industry. The program will include presentations of robotics solutions for construction, refurbishment, inspection, and maintenance of power systems.
Contact: web site:
EUCogIII3rd European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics
8-9 October
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
EUCogIII is a European network for researchers in artificial cognitive systems and related areas who want to connect to other researchers and reflect on the challenges and aims of the discipline.
Contact: web site:
IROS 2010IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
18-22 October
Taipei, Taiwan
Contact: web site:
TIROS 2010
19-22 October
Taipei, Taiwan
TIROS 2010 is the biggest international robot exhibition in Taiwan. It offers an outstanding platform for worldwide robotics companies to promote their robotics products to Taiwan’s consumers and important buyers.
Contact: web site:
28-31 October
Islan, Korea
Contact: web site:
RA 2010The 15th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications
1-3 November
Cambridge, MA, USA
The 15th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications (RA 2010) will be an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the advances in robotics and the broad range of its applications. Specific emphasis will also be placed on telerobotics, which receives increasing attention due to the tremendous progress in telecommunication and data processing technologies.
Contact: web site:
NANA 2010The IASTED International Conference on Nanotechnology and Applications
1-3 November
Cambridge, MA, USA
The IASTED International Conference on Nanotechnology and Applications (NANA 2010) will bring together leading experts in the fields of nanobiotechnology, nanoelectronics, power and energy, and nanomaterials.
Contact: web site:
ASTSA-2010First International Workshop on Advances in Sensor Technologies, Systems and Applications
4-6 November
Fukuoka, Japan
ASTSA-2010 will serve as a forum for researchers from academia, industries, professionals, standard developers, students and practitioners to exchange ideas, present new results and provide future visions of the impact sensors will have in our life.
Contact: web site:∼bbb/ASTSA-2010/index.html
Vision 2010International Trade Fair for Machine Vision
9-11 November
Stuttgart, Germany
For over two decades, VISION has matured, together with the industry for machine vision and identification technologies, to become an essential platform for the international exchange of information and product presentation.
Contact: web site:
ICR 2010Israeli Conference on Robotics
10-12 November
Herzlia, Israel
The Israeli Conference on Robotics (ICR) is a bi-annual meeting, intended to provide a forum for Israeli and foreign researchers and engineers from industry and academia to discuss and exchange ideas on contemporary topics in robotics and automation.
Contact: web site:
GCCA’10WASE Global Conference on Control and Automation
13-14 November
Yantai, China
The Global Conference on Control and Automation aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of control and automation, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.
Contact: web site:
Nanosafe 2010
16-18 November
Grenoble, France
The objectives of the conference will be to make available the major progresses and future trends in the domain of the safe production and use of nanomaterials.
Contact: web site:
MECATRONICS 2010-Yokohama
22-24 November
Kanagawa, Japan
MECATRONICS 2010-Yokohama is the 8th edition of France-Japan and 6th Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics that brings together researchers active in the field of advanced mechatronics to discuss current developments of mechatronics, either in the research or in the educational field, mainly from Europe and Asia, but also from other continents.
Contact: web site:
Humanoids 20102010 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots
6-9 December
Nashville, TN, USA
Contact: web site:
ICARCV 2010International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision
7-11 December
The conference focuses on both theory and applications mainly covering the topics of control, automation, robotics and vision. In addition to the technical sessions, there will be invited sessions, keynote addresses and plenary panel sessions.
Contact: web site:
ICMENS 20102010 6th IEEE International Conference on MEMS NANO, and Smart Systems
14-15 December
Changsha, China
ICMENS is an international forum for state-of-the-art research in MEMS NANO, and smart systems.
Contact: web site:
ROBIOIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics
18-23 December
Trieste, Italy
ICMV 20102010 the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Machine Vision
December 28-30
Hong Kong, China
ICMV 2010 is one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the fields of machine vision.
Contact: web site:
SPIE Photonics West
22-27 January
San Francisco, CA, USA
SPIE Medical Imaging
12-17 February
Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA
This multidisciplinary forum seeks to advance these technologies: image acquisition, image segmentation, image registration, molecular imaging, medical image analysis, image-guided procedures, CAD, and PACS.
Contact: web site:
MIMT 20112011 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies
26-28 February
MIMT 2011 is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of mechanical, industrial, and manufacturing technologies.
Contact: web site:
HRI 20116th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
1-5 March
Lausanne, Switzerland
Contact: web site:
SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring
6-10 March
San Diego, CA, USA
ProMat 2011
21-24 March
Chicago, IL, USA
ProMat exhibits will represent all segments of the material handling and logistics industry, from traditional, manual equipment to computerized, automated systems.
Contact: web site:
Automate 2011
21-24 March
Chicago, IL, USA
Formerly, the International Robots, Vision & Motion Control Show, this biennial show held in Chicago, Illinois is North America’s largest showcase of robot, machine vision, motion control, and other automation technologies. The show features dynamic keynote speakers covering topical issues, interactive hands-on demonstrations, and a top-notch educational conference.
Contact: web site:
International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices
22-25 March
Sousse, Tunisia
The International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices traditionally brings together outstanding researchers in different fields of the electrical engineering departments from the leading research centres and universities around the world.
Contact: web site:
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing
25-29 April
Orlando, FL, USA
ICRA 2011International Conference on Robotics and Automation
30 April
Shanghai, China
Contact: web site:
MEMS 2011IEEE 24th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
14-20 May
Cancun, Mexico
ICAR 2011International Conference on Advanced Robotics
20-25 June
Tallinn, Estonia
Contact: web site:
ICORR 2011International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics
29 June-2 July
Zurich, Switzerland
Contact: web site:
SPIE Optics+Photonics
21-25 August
San Diego, CA, USA
AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2011
August 2011
IROS 2011IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
24 September-1 October
San Francisco, CA, USA
ICRA 2012International Conference on Robotics and Automation
1-6 May
Minneapolis, MN, USA
AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2012
7-10 August
Las Vegas, NV, USA
ICRA 2013IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
27 April
Karlsruhe, Germany