
Sensor Review

ISSN: 0260-2288

Article publication date: 3 April 2007



(2007), "Diary", Sensor Review, Vol. 27 No. 2. https://doi.org/10.1108/sr.2007.08727bac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Key: C=Conference, E=Exhibition, S=Seminar, W=Workshop


ICRA'07 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (C)

10-14 AprilRome, ItalyThe conference theme is Ubiquitous RoboticsKeywords: Robotics, Automation, Ubiquitous roboticsContact: IEEE. Tel: +38 516 129 796; Fax: +38 516 129 785; E-mail: icra07@fasiweb.com; web sites: www.icra07.org/ and www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

INICO 2007: 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation & Robotics (C)

9-12 MayAngers, FranceThe purpose of the 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the application of informatics to Control, Automation and Robotics.Keywords: Intelligent control systems, Optimization, Robotics, AutomationContact: ICINCO. Tel: +35 126 552 0185; Fax: +35 126 552 0186; E-mail: secretariat@icinco.org; web sites: www.icinco.org/ and www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

RoboBusiness 2007 (C) (E)

15-16 MayMA, USARobotics Trends' RoboBusiness Conference and Exposition is the only industry event dedicated to the growth and development of the mobile robotics and intelligent systems industry. The event focuses on the business development and technical issues involved with the commercial application of mobile robotics and intelligent systems technology to develop entirely new markets and product categories, open additional lines of business and enhance existing product lines.Keywords: Mobile robotics, Medical robotics, Tele-robotics, Robot visionContact: Robotics Trends, Inc. Tel: +1 508 529 4197; E-mail: info@roboticstrends.com; web sites: www.roboevent.com/ and www.roboticsonline.com/public/calendar/

UC17: IEEE International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence (C)

21-23 MayNiagara Falls, CanadaThe UCI-2007 symposium aims to provide a platform to bring together researchers from industry and academia in the areas of Ubiquitous Computing, Intelligent Computing and related areas to showcase their current novel research results and discuss future trends with experts in hese areas.Keywords: Robotics, Intelligent Computing, EngineeringContact: E-mail: ltyang@gmail.com; web sites: http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~hduman/uci2007 and www.allconferences.com

IAD'07: IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Assembly and Disassembly (C)

23-25 MayAlicante, SpainThis conference deals with how the rapid development observed in modern production is firmly connected with the development of new assembly and disassembly systems.Keywords: Robotics, Assembly, Virtual realityContact: Tel: +34 965 90 9491; Fax: +34 965 90 9750; E-mail: iad07@dfists.ua.es; web sites: www.aurova.ua.es:8080/iadims07/ and www.allconferences.com

IMS'07: IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (W)

23-25 MayAlicante, SpainThis meeting will bring together representations from industry, research institutions and universities to give an overview of the state-of-art, to present new research results and to exchange ideas and experiences in the field of intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS).Keywords: Robotics, Knowledge-based systems, Learning, Reasoning, Fuzzy logic, Neural neworks, Intelligent manufacturing systemsContact: E-mail: ims07@dfists.ua.es; web sites: www.aurova.ua.es:8080/iadims07/ and www.allconferences.com

CA 2007: The Ninth IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications (C)

30 May-1 JuneMontreal, CanadaThe IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications (CA 2007) will be a major forum for international researchers and practitioners interested in all areas of control and applications.Keywords: Fuzzy control, Robotics, Modelling and simulation, Mechatronics, Systems applicationsContact: The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED). Tel: +1 403 288 1195; Fax: +1 403 247 6851; E-mail: calgary@iasted.org; web sites: www.iasted.org/conferences/cfp-568.html and www.allconferences.com

Telehealth 2007: The Third IASTED International Conference on Telehealth (C)

30 May-1 JuneMontreal, CanadaTelehealth promises to impact the ways that clinical healthcare, health-related education, public health, and health administration are approached. Telehealth 2007 is intended to be an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the advances in and applications of Telehealth to exchange the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas.Keywords: Robotics, Image processing, Computed tomography, Surgery simulationsContact: The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED). Tel: +1 403 288 1195; Fax: +1 403 247 6851;E-mail: calgary@iasted.org; web sites: www.iasted.org/conferences/cfp-564.html and www.allconferences.com

AutoID 2007: Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies (W)

7-8 JuneAlghero, ItalyAutoID fields are at an exciting time in their evolution. Novel research developments are being made at a high rate, and these are being implemented into commercial systems. This workshop encourages attendance of both academic and industry participants to present, examine, and discuss new developments.Keywords: Biometrics, Bar code systems and other symbologies, Radio frequency identification (RFID), Other visual identification technologiesContact: University of Sassari. E-mail: autoid2007@uniss.it; web site: http://autoid2007.uniss.it/

Transducers 07/EuroSensors XXI (C)

10-14 JuneLyon, FranceTransducers' has grown into the largest multidisciplinary conference on Microsensors, Microactuators and Microsystems, with typically 900 attendees from government and industry who gather every two years to exchange the latest advances in the field.Keywords: Mechanical, Magnetic, Optical, Chemical and biological microsensors, Microdevice modeling and CAD, Micro and nano technologies for sensors and actuators, MEMS, MicropackagingContact: Package Organisation. Tel: +33 472 774 550; Fax: +33 472 774 577; E-mail: info@transducers07.org; web site: www.transducers07.org/

RoMoCo'07 – Sixth International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (W)

11-13 JuneBukowy Dworek, PolandTheoretical and application aspects of robot controlKeywords: Robot control, Neural networks, Manufacturing, Civil engineeringContact: Poznan University of Technology. Tel: +48 616 652 199; Fax: +48 616 652 849; E-mail: krzysztof.kozlowski@put.poznan.pl; web sites: http://romoco.put.poznan.pl/ and www.eventseye.com

ISR 2007: International Symposium on Robotics (C) (E)

12-14 JuneIllinois, USAISR 2007 together with International Robots & Vision Show 2007Contact: Robotic Industries Association. Tel: +1 734 994 6088; Fax: +1 734 994 3338; E-mail: smotwani@robotics.org; web site: www.roboticsonline.com/public/calendar/

CIRA 2007: 7th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (C)

20-23 JuneFlorida, USAThe 7th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA2007) provides an opportunity for prominent researchers, engineers and practitioners to present the latest research results, innovations, and potential future directions in computational intelligence in robotics and automation. Special emphasis will be placed on complex systems and complex behavior including innovative usage of computational intelligence in robotics, manufacturing systems, medical instruments and systems, health-care, and automation.Keywords: Computational Intelligence, Robotics, Manufacturing systems, Medical instruments and systems, Computer vision, Automation, Fuzzy logic, Adaptive and learning control, Sensor fusionContact: Web sites: www.eng.fsu.edu/CIRA2007/index.htm and www.science.uva.nl/research/ias/events/euron_calendar/list.html

WESIC'07: 5th Workshop on European Scientific and Industrial Collaboration on promoting Advanced Technologies in Manufacturing (W)

21-22 JuneWarsaw, PolandThe aim of WESIC 2007 is to provide a forum where companies, universities, institutes and research centers may interchange experiences in meeting the needs of advanced technology in manufacturing systems. The workshop will be of particular interest to those companies and institutions that are interested in collaborating in scientific projects in their sector. The intention is to identify common points of interest in order to participate in collaborative actions such as: research agreements, integration of PhD students in European companies/universities, transfer of technology, thematic networks, European Community research projects, etc.Keywords: Mechatronic systems, Advanced manufacturing processes, Intelligent systems in manufacturing & control, Computer integrated manufacturing, Robotics, Modelling and simulation, Embedded control systems, Image processing & computer vision, Biomedical systems- biomechatronics, Fault diagnosis, Communications and distributed systems, Transportation systemsContact: PIAP: Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements. Tel: +48 228 740 171; Fax: +48 228 740 209; E-mail: rszewczyk@piap.pl; web sites: www.piap.pl/wesic07/ and www.science.uva.nl/research/ias/events/euron_calendar/list.html

CARS 2007: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 21st Intenational Congress and Exhibition (E)

27-30 JuneBerlin, GermanyContact: Technical University Berlin. Tel: +49 774 292 2434; Fax: +49 774 292 2438; E-mail: fschweikert@cars-int.de; web sites: www.cars-int.org and www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

Med07: 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (C)

27-30 JuneAthens, GreeceA broad range of topics is proposed, following current trends of combining control/systems theory with software and communication technologies, as well as new developments in robotics and mechatronics, with the goal of strengthening cooperation of control and automation scientists with industry.Keywords: Robotics, Mechatronics, Control and automationContact: Mediterranean Control Association/IEEE Control Systems Society/IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Tel: +30 282 103 7040; Fax: +30 282 103 7082; E-mail: zdenko.kovacic@fer.hr; web sites: http://med07.rasip.fer.hr and www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

Robotics'07: Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (C)

27-30 JuneGeorgia, USAThe 2007 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference will bring together researchers working on algorithmic or mathematical foundations of robotics, robotics applications, and analysis of robotic systems.Keywords: Mechanisms, Manipulation, Human robot interaction and human centered systems, Distributed systems, Mobile systems and mobility, Robot perception, Planning and algorithmsContact: University of Freiburg. Tel: +49 761 203 8026; Fax: +49 761 203 8007; E-mail: rss07org@informatik.uni-freiburg.de; web sites: www.robotics-conference.org/index.shtml and www.science.uva.nl/research/ias/events/euron_calendar/list.html

CSS 2007 The Fifth IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems (C)

2-4 JulyAlberta, CanadaThe IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems (CSS 2007) will be an international forum for researchers and specialists to exchange new ideas and practical experience in the above areas. It will provide an opportunity to present and observe the latest research, results, and ideas, and to collaborate on current issues identified by conference participants.Keywords: Circuits and systems, Signal processing, Pattern recognition, Information systems, TelecommunicationsContact: IASTED. E-mail: karen@iasted.org; web sites: www.iasted.org and www.allconferences.com

MCCSIS 2007: IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (C)

3-8 JulyLisbon, PortugalThe IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2007) aims to address two main subjects: computer science and information systems. The multi conference has different conferences according to several themes.Keywords: e-Learning, Intelligent systems and agents, Wireless applications and computing, e-Society, Interfaces and human computer interaction, Data mining, Telecommunications, Networks and systems, Mobile learning, Computer graphics and visualizationContact: E-mail: secretariat@mccsis.org; web sites: www.mccsis.org/ and www.science.uva.nl/research/ias/events/euron_calendar/list.html

AIPR-07: 2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (C)

9-12 JulyFlorida, USAAIPR is an important event in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as pattern recognition (PR) and focuses on all areas of AI, PR related topics.Keywords: Robotics, Artificial intelligence, Pattern recognitionContact: E-mail: jeedward@gmail.com; web sites: www.promoteresearch.org/2007/aipr/index.html and www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

FSR 07: 6th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics (C)

9-12 JulyChamonix, FranceThe goal of FSR is to report and encourage the development of field and service robotics. These are non-factory robots, typically mobile, that must operate in complex, and dynamic environments. Typical field robotic applications include mining, agriculture, building and construction, forestry, cargo handling and so on.Keywords: Field robotics, Sensors, Navigation systemsContact: INRIA. E-mail: fsr07@inrialpes.fr; web sites: www.inrialpes.fr/FSR07/index.html and www.science.uva.nl/research/ias/events/euron_calendar/list.html

CLAWAR2007: 10th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (C)

16-18 JulySingapore, SingaporeThe purpose of the 10th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR2007) is to provide a venue where researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world can come together to present and discuss the latest achievements, future challenges and exciting applications for mobile machines in general, and climbing and walking robots in particular.

Keyword: Mobile roboticsContact: Nanyang Technological University. E-mail: clawar2007@ntu.edu.sg; web sites: www.clawar.org/clawar2007 and www.science.uva.nl/research/ias/events/euron_calendar/list.html

ISAM: IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (Formerly ISATP) (C) (E)

22-25 JulyMichigan, USAThe symposium aims at providing a forum for researchers and practitioners working on the diverse issues of assembly and manufacturing in various product sizes (nano to macro), production scales (workcell to global supply chain), and product life stages (product design to product retirement).Keywords: Macro, micro, and nano, CAD/CAM integration, Manufacturing processes and systems, Fixturing, grasping, and manipulation, Virtual assembly and prototypingContact: IEEE. Fax: +1 734 647 3170; E-mail: isam2007@umich.edu; web sites: http://me.engin.umich.edu/isam2007/ and www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

ISCAS 2007 – 11th Annual Conference of the International Society for Computer Aided Surgery (C)

27-30 JulyBerlin, GermanyKeywords: Medical computer applications, Surgery, and plastic/ reconstructive surgery, Image guided therapy, Surgical robotics and instrumentation, Surgical navigation, 3D modelling and rapid prototyping, Surgical education and training, Haptics and multimodal devicesContact: E-mail: office@cars-int.org; web sites: www.cars-int.org and www.allconferences.com

ICMA 2007: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (C)

5-8 AugustHeilongjiang, ChinaThe objective of ICMA 2007 is to provide a forum for researchers, educators, engineers, and government officials involved in the general areas of mechatronics, robotics, automation and sensors to disseminate their latest research results and exchange views on the future research directions of these fields.Keywords: Intelligent mechatronics, Robotics, Biomimetics, Automation, Control systems, Teleoperation, Telerobotics, Haptics, Teleoperated semi-autonomous systems, Micro and nano systems, Sensor design, Multi- sensor data fusion algorithms, Wireless sensor networks, AI, Intelligent control, Neuro-control, Fuzzy controlContact: Kagawa University. Tel: +81 878 642 333; Fax: +81 878 642 369; E-mail: guo@eng.kagawa-u.ac.jp; web sites: www.ieee-icma.org/ and www.science.uva.nl/research/ias/events/euron_calendar/list.html

MMAR 2007: 13th IEEE IFAC International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (C)

27-30 AugustSzczecin, PolandThe Conference will be a good opportunity for highlighting the new results and directions of Automatic Control theory, technology and applications. As such, it mainly will concentrate on the following key points: Emphasis on invited lectures including plenaries; Industry participation promotion; Attracting young people to study and work in the field.Keywords: Control engineering, Robotics, Modeling, Computing and simulation, Integration in manufacturing, Artificial intelligence, NetworksContact: Szczecin University of Technology. Tel: +48 914 494 153; Fax: +48 914 494 153; E-mail: mmar@ps.pl; web site: www.mmar.ps.pl/

RA 2007: The 13th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications (C)

29-31 AugustWürzburg, GermanyThis conference will be an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the advances in robotics and the broad range of its applications. Specific emphasis will also be placed on telerobotics, which receives increasing attention due to the tremendous progress in telecommunication and data processing technologies.Keywords: Telerobotics & telematics, Robotics, Applications, Computer vision, SensingContact: Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg. Tel: +49 931 888 6647; Fax: +49 931 888 6679; E-mail: ra07@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de; web sites: www.iasted.org/conferences/home-563.html and www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

Automan Global Conference 2007 (C)

SeptemberUSAGlobal automotive manufacturing and engineering congressKeywords: Automotive engineering, Industrial controllers, Machines-tools – tools, Energy production, Metal working industries, Electronic design & components, Robotics, Assembly and handling technologyContact: Ultima Media. Tel: +44 208 987 0902; Fax: +44 208 987 0948; E-mail: Alex.campos@ultimamedia.org; web sites: www.amsconferences.com/europe/ and www.eventseye.com

AIM 2007: 2007 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (C)

4-7 SeptemberNeuchatel, SwitzerlandAdvanced Intelligent mechatronicsContact: Web sites: http://aim2007.epfl.ch and www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

SICE 2007: International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology (C)

17-20 SeptemberKagawa, JapanThe conference covers a wide range of fields from measurement and control to system analysis and design, from theory to application and from software to hardware. Newly developed interdisciplinary ideas and concepts transferable from one field to another are especially welcome.Keywords: Sensors and transducers, Measurement, Computer aided design, Intelligent control, Neural networks, Mechatronics systems, Robotic systems, Human interfaces, Virtual reality, Automation, Micro and nano devicesContact: Kagawa University. Tel: +81 878 642 328; Fax: +81 878 642 460; E-mail: sice2007@eng.kagawa-u.ac.jp; web site: www.sice.or.jp/~sice2007/

ECMR 2007: European Conference on Mobile Robots (C)

19-21 SeptemberFreiburg, GermanyThe primary aim of ECMR is to establish a biannual European forum, internationally open, allowing researchers through Europe to become acquainted with the latest accomplishments and innovations in advanced mobile robotics and mobile human-robot systems.Keywords: Multi-sensor fusion, Navigation, Active perception, Behaviour and appearance-based robotics, Path and task planning, Multi- robot systems, Learning and adaptation, Vision-based navigation, Multimodal human-robot interactionContact: University of Freiburg/ Autonomous Intelligent Systems. Tel: +49 761 203 8026; Fax: +49 761 203 8007; E-mail: burgard@informatik.uni-freiburg.de; web sites: http://ecmr07.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/ and www.science.uva.nl/research/ias/events/euron_calendar/list.html

CASE 2007: IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (C)

22-25 SeptemberArizona, USAThis conference provides a forum for researchers, academicians, and industry practitioners to discuss, provide broad coverage, and disseminate foundational research on automation.Keywords: Human-robot interaction & coordination, Multi-sensor fusion and integration, Nano-scale automation and assembly, System modeling, analysis, and performance evaluation, Virtual reality in robotics and automationContact: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. E-mail: dmeldrum@asu.edu; web site: www.science.uva.nl/research/ias/events/euron_calendar/list.html

International Robots & Vision Show and Conference (C)

2-4 OctoberIllinois, USAThis event is co-located with the Assembly Technology Expo.Contact: Robotic Industries Association. Tel: +1 734 994 6088; Fax: +1 734 994 3338; E-mail: jburnstein@robotics.org; web site: www.roboticsonline.com/public/calendar/

PA 2007: Automation from Sensor to Web (E)

9-11 OctoberLillestrom, NorwayExhibition of SensorsKeywords: Industrial, Manufacturing, Sensors, RoboticsContact: Norges Varemesse. Tel: +47 669 391 00; Fax: +47 669 391 01; E-mail: post@pa-messen.no; web sites: www.pa-messen.no/ and www.eventseye.com/

Scanautomatic 2007 (C) (E)

9-12 OctoberGoteborg, SwedenIndustrial controllers, and automation exhibtionKeywords: Automation, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Transmissions, Meausuring, Electronics, Industrial computer technology, Robotics, Materials handling.Contact: Svenska Massan. Tel: +46 317 088 000; Fax: +46 311 603 30; E-mail: scanauto@swefair.se; web sites: www.swefair.se/scanautomatic/eng/ and www.eventseye.com

BVAI 2007: 2nd International Symposium on Brain, Vision and Artificial Intelligence (S)

10-12 OctoberNaples, ItalyKeywords: Pattern recognition, Computer vision, Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Human computer interactionContact: Fax: +39 081 867 5158; E-mail: bvai2007@bvai.cib.na.cnr.it; web sites: http://bvai.cib.na.cnr.it/BVAI2007 and www.allconferences.com

IROS: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (C)

29 October-2 NovemberCalifornia, USAThe conference will highlight and discuss techologies concerning robots, sensor networks and micro/nano roboticsKeywords: Evolutionary robotics, Biorobotics, Rehabilitation robotics, Distributed sensor networks, Humanoid robotics, Micro/nano robotics, Robot surgery, Autonomous vehicles, Underwater robots, Search and rescue robots, Entertainment robotsContact: Tel: +1 919 515 7016; Fax: +1 919 515 7452; E-mail: egrant@ncsu.edu; web sites: www.crim.ncsu.edu/iros2007 and www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

MHS2007: International Symposium on Micro- NanoMechatronics and Human Science (C)

11-14 NovemberNagoya, JapanIEEE International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science(MHS) has been held from 1990 as the symposium on Micro Machine and Human Science, and organized by Nagoya University and The City of Nagoya.Keywords: Micromechatronics, Microrobotics, Microsensors and microactuators, Micromachining and microfabrication technology, Intelligent control, Human interface, Human science, Artificial life, Virtual realityContact: Nagoya University. Tel: +81 522 652 008; Fax: +81 522 652 044; E-mail: mhs2007@u-net.city.nagoya.jp; web site: www.mein.nagoya-u.ac.jp/mhs/

3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (C)

17-19 DecemberPune, IndiaThe primary goal of the Conference is to promote research and development activities in AI and related fields in India and the rest of the world. Another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between AI researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working in India and abroad.The conference will be held every two years to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in AI and related areas.Keywords: Adaptive systems, AI and creativity, Cognitive modeling, Computer vision, Fuzzy logic, Image processing, Intelligent networks and sensors, Knowledge-based systems, Machine learning, Multisource and multisensor data fusion, Pattern recognition, Remote sensing, Speech processing, Soft computing, AI applicationsContact: Saint Mary's University. Tel: +1 850 412 7350; Fax: +1 850 599 3221; E-mail: bhanu.prasad@famu.edu; web sites: www.iiconference.org/ and www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

IICAI-07: 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (C)

17-19 DecemberPune, IndiaThe scope of the conference includes all areas of AI and related technologies.Keywords: Intelligent systems, Robotics, Artificial intelligence, Fuzzy logic, Image processing, Machine learning, Neural networksContact: Tel: +1 850 412 7350;Fax: +1 850 599 3221;E-mail: bhanu.praasd@famu.edu; web sites: www.iiconference.org and www.allconferences.com


EUROS 2008: European Robotics Symposium (C)

12-15 MarchPrague, Czech RepublicEUROS was started in 2006 as a reponse to demands for a high quality scientific event to present the best research on robotics across applications and topics. The EURON annual meeting serves to bring the European Robotics community together, but it has primarily been a networking event to discuss community issues rather than a scientific event.

Keyword: Advanced roboticsContact: Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Tel: +46 879 067 27; E-mail: jeanna@nada.kth.se; web sites: www.euron.org/activities/EUROS/index.html and www.science.uva.nl/research/ias/events/euron_calendar/list.html

ICRA2008: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (C)

19-23 MayCalifornia, USAKeywords: Robotics, AutomationContact: USC. E-mail: sschaal@usc.edu; web sites: www.icra2008.org/; www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php and www.allconferences.com

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