Mytum-Smithson, J. (2006), "Web sites", Sensor Review, Vol. 26 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Web sites
Keywords: Internet, Transport engineering, Buildings, Sensors
The Foresight Vehicle web site is now administered by The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited (SMMT); it is the UK's prime knowledge transfer network for the automotive industry. From this site you can navigate to the automotive sector that you are interested in. When you type “sensor” into the search box the results are projects relating to vehicles and sensors. The Advanced Software Sensors Electronics and Telematics thematic group is concerned with automotive software, sensors, electronics and telematics. That is, the use of information and communication technologies for controlling vehicles and for supporting the driving task. The projects are interesting and give details of industrial partners. This is an interesting site for looking at sensors within the automotive industry.
This is the link to the Department of Trade and Industry's sensor technology web site. Here you can read about details of sensor related research projects. Each project details industrial partners and a description of its aims. For example, Aircraft Tyre Examination Using Optical Strain Testing (AIRTEST) and Optical Sensor Systems for Aero-engine Control (OSSAC).
A UK web site selling today's technology encompassing sensors for use in the home. Worth a visit to see what is already in the market place.
This is the site of The Aware Home Research Initiative (AHRI) is an interdisciplinary research endeavor at Georgia Institute of Technology aimed at addressing the fundamental technical, design, and social challenges facing the future of domestic technologies. The house is equipped with sensing devices monitoring lots of aspects of everyday living. This is an interesting site to visit for a glimpse into the future. is an internet portal with focus on smart homes, buildings, broadband and wireless technology. This is a very busy but professional site giving links to “smart home” projects and the latest news, articles, press releases, interviews, surveys and information about technologies, the market and products. There is also a weekly newsletter covering news, interviews, surveys, upcoming events, etc.
If you do not get too distracted by the large quantity of advertising it contains lots of useful information.
Jessica Mytum-Smithson