(2006), "New door sensor offers four times the safety", Sensor Review, Vol. 26 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
New door sensor offers four times the safety
New door sensor offers four times the safety
Keywords: Safety, Sensors
A new type of safety sensor, specifically designed to prevent anyone from being trapped or injured in automatic revolving or swing doors, has been launched by door-safety specialist BEA. The fail-safe and monitored 4Safe is an active infrared detector that measures distance by triangulation and conforms to BS 7036 (safety at powered doors for pedestrian use). Measuring distance by triangulation, rather than by reflectivity, ensures that the sensor remains unaffected by changes in the state of the ground; for example, the sensor will not be disturbed by pools of water or sunlight reflecting off the ground (Plate 3).
Plate 3
BEA's new sensor will not be disturbed by pools of water or sunlight
reflecting off the ground
The 4Safe is unique among comparable sensors in possessing four separate detection spots, which can be switched on or off independently, allowing it to monitor a greater area than that covered by the traditional single spot. Depending on which version of the product is selected, these spots are configured in either a straight line or a square, making the sensor far more adaptable to an individual application and its immediate environment.
The 4Safe monitors both the full height and leading edge of the door. Typically, the uncovered area between the ground and the end of the infrared beams is reduced to 15 cm or less, meaning, for example, that a child lying on the ground will be detected.
When configured in a square, each pair of spots can be linked to one of two pairs of relay outputs, so that the door is slowed down by a first detection and stopped by a second. This avoids alarming any approaching pedestrian who might be startled by the door stopping suddenly.
If required, up to three slave units can be used in conjunction with a master unit to increase the area being monitored; connection is simplified by pre-configurations that group each sensor's detection signals. Each unit is set up through either a remote control or push buttons.
The 4Safe has been certified by the strict German body TÜV.
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