Rigelsford, J. (2001), "Nanotechnology: Molecularly Designed Materials ACS Symposium Series 622", Sensor Review, Vol. 21 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
Nanotechnology: Molecularly Designed Materials ACS Symposium Series 622
Gan-Moog Chow and K.E. Gonsalves (Editors)American Chemical Society1996413 pp.ISBN 0-8412-3392-6Hardback
Keyword: Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology: Molecularly Designed Materials was developed from a symposium held at the 210th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Chicago, Illinois,20-24 August, 1995.
Chapter 1, "Nanoscience and nanotechnology", provides an introduction and a perspective with chemistry examples. The remaining 25 chapters are divided into four sections: vapour-phase synthesis; metal colloids in polymers and membranes; semiconductors, metals, and nanocomposites, and ceramics and sol-gels.
Section 1 includes papers discussing "Online sizing of colloidal nanoparticles via electrospray and aerosol techniques", "In situ characterisation and modelling of the vapor-phase formation of a magnetic nanocomposite" and the "Synthesis of nanostructured materials using a laser vaporization-condensation technique".
Section 2 includes papers discussing "Nanodispersed metal particles in polymeric matrices", the "Spontaneous formation of gold particles in aqueous polymeric solutions", "Polymer-protected platinum catalysts in the nanometer size range", and "Nanopartical synthesis at membrane interfaces".
Section 3 includes papers addressing "Synthesis, characterization and immobilazation of nanocrystalline binary and tertiary III-V (13-15) compound semiconductors", "Preparation and characterization of nanophase iron and ferrous alloys", and "New polyphosphazene-clay, and cryptand-clay intercalates".
The final section contains papers discussing "Particle nanostructured silicon nitride and titanium nitride", "Biomolecular delivery using coated nanocrystalline ceramics (aquasomes)" and "Sol-gel materials with controlled nanoheterogeneity".
This informative book is suitable for scientists, engineers and technologists who are interested in nanoscience and nanaotechnology.
Jonathan Rigelsford