
Sensor Review

ISSN: 0260-2288

Article publication date: 1 September 2001



(2001), "Diary", Sensor Review, Vol. 21 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/sr.2001.08721cac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited


If you would like further information about any of the conferences or exhibitions featured in the Diary Section, please contact the organisers for that particular event.

Editorial note: if you are aware of any local, national or international seminars, exhibitions or conferences, the Editor would be pleased to receive this information as early as possible in order to include it in this section of the journal.


Telematics Applications in Automation and Robotics (TA 2001) (C)

24-26 July

Weingarten (Germany)

Professor Dr Klaus Schilling, University of Applied Sciences FH Ravensburg-Weingarten, Postfach 1261, D-88250 Weingarten, Germany. Tel: +49 751 48542; Fax: +49 751 48523; E-mail: ta2001@ars.fh-weingarten.de; Web site: http://www.ars.fh-weingarten.de/ta2001

CIRA 2001 (C) Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation

29 July-1 August

Banff, Alberta, Canada

CIRA 2001, Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2G7. Tel: +1 (708) 492 5917; Fax: +1 (708) 492 1811; E-mail: cira2001@icra-iros.com; Web site: www.icra-iros.com/cira2001

10th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR) (C)

22-25 August

Budapest, HungaryWeb site: www.bmf.hu/icar2001

IEEE Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (C)

27-29 August

Hong KongWeb site: http://www.m2vip.com/

Automation-Optimation Europe 2001 (C + E)

18-20 September

Paris, France

Bruno Fillon. Tel: +33 (0)1 49 68 52 86; Fax: +33 (0)1 49 68 54 66; E-mail: bfillion@exposium.fr

3rd World Manufacturing Congress (WMC'2001) Manufacturing Systems/Technology/Management

24-27 September

New York, USA

International Computer Science Conventions (ICSC), Natural & Artificial Intelligence Systems Organization (NAISO), 5101C, 50 Street, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, T9A 1K1, Canada. Tel: +1 780 352 1912; Fax: +1 780 352 1913; E-mail: operating@icsc.ab.ca; Web site: http://www.icsc.ab.ca

Interkama 2001 (E)

24-28 September

Düsseldorf, Germany

Interkama 2001, Messe Düsseldorf, Postfach 101006, 40001 Düsseldorf, Germany. Tel: +49 (0)211 4560 01; Fax: +49 (0)211 4560 668; E-mail: info@messe-dusseldorf.de; Web site: www.messe-dusseldorf.de

Detroit 2001 (C+E)

25-27 September

Cobo Center, Detroit, USA

SME Customer Service, One SME Drive, PO Box 930, Dearborn, MI 48121-0930, USA. Tel: +1 313 271 1500; Fax: +1 313 271 2861; Web site: www.sme.org/detroit

IROS 2001 (C) Intelligent Robots and Systems

29 October-3 November


Professor J.W. Burdick, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Mail Code 104044, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. Tel: +1 (626) 395 4139; Fax: +1 (626) 583 4963; E-mail: jwb@robby.caltech.edu

National Measurement Conference 2001 (C)

6-8 November

Harrogate, UK

Hannah Edmunds, National Physical Laboratory, UK. Tel: 020 8943 6260; Fax: 020 8943 7160; E-mail: hannah.edmunds@npl.co.uk; Web site: www.nmpuk.co.uk


ICAIS 2002 (C) Autonomous Intelligent Systems

12-15 February

Deaking University, AustraliaWeb site: http://www.icsc.ab.ca/icais2002/icais2002.html

Mechatronics 2002 (C)

24-26 June

University of Twente, The NetherlandsWeb site: http://iee.org.uk/Manufacturing/Mechatronics/

ISR 2002 (C + E) International Symposium on Robotics

8-11 October

Stockholm, Sweden

ISR 2002 Secretariat, c/o Swedish Industrial Robot Association, PO Box 5510, SE-114 85, Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 782 08 00; Fax: +46 8 660 33 78; E-mail: swira@vi.se; Web site: www.vibab.se/swira

IFAC Mechatronic Systems (C)

9-11 December

Berkeley, California, USA

ISA 2002 (C) Intelligent Systems and Applications

15-18 December

Shanghai, ChinaWeb site: http://www.icsc.ab.ca/isa'2002.htm

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