(2000), "VisionSpy reads 2D data matrix and 1D barcodes", Sensor Review, Vol. 20 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
VisionSpy reads 2D data matrix and 1D barcodes
VisionSpy reads 2D data matrix and 1D barcodes
Keyword Barcodes
The VisionSpy 100 Compact is a newly released code-reader capable of reading both 2D data matrix codes and traditional 1D barcodes. (Because of the large amount of data that can be stored in a small area data matrix codes are being used to replace barcodes in a wide variety of industries including electronics, automotive and pharmaceutical.)
Key features are its high speed, ability to read low contrast codes and its low price.
Up to 16 laser or inkjet marked 2D matrix codes can be read per second. The codes can be presented in any orientation travelling at up to 3 metres/sec. Very low contrasts and damaged codes are taken care of with the GaviSync patented algorithm. Even reflecting or dirty surfaces do not present a problem to VisionSpy.
With the integrated camera and the real-time image display on the LCD, VisionSpy is a real plug-and-play system. The VisionSpy does not require a PC and is easy to configure via its integrated keypad with mobile phone-like menu, or by downloading from a network.
Optionally an external camera and lighting can be added for more complex applications.
VisionSpy communicates in the same way as most of the major laser scanners so that no new connections need to be made. Even the serial trigger protocols of the major laser-scanner manufacturers are incorporated. An external camera (e.g. Sony XC75CE) and lighting can be connected for more complex applications.
The VisionSpy is a winner of the Applied Image Processing Prize at the Stuttgart Vision '99 show, the fourth award that Gavitec has received for its innovative products.
Data matrix codes
Because they can store much more information in a smaller space than barcodes, cannot be misread and are far more tolerant to damage, 2D-codes are replacing barcodes in many industries and applications. The market research company Venture Development Corporation sees the worldwide market for 2D code readers at US$233 million in 2000, and in 2002 at US$657 million. This growth is being driven by the need for traceability especially in the automotive and mobile phones industries. The product is available in quantities now.
For further information contact the UK distributors – Simac Masic & TSS, 2-12 Whitchurch Road, Pangbourne, Reading RG8 7BP. Tel: +44 (0)118 983 3347; Fax: +44 (0)118 983 1440; E-mail: