Harrison, D. (2010), "Network strategizing trajectories within a planned strategy process", Strategic Direction, Vol. 26 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Network strategizing trajectories within a planned strategy process
Article Type: Abstracts From: Strategic Direction, Volume 26, Issue 4
Harrison D., Prenkert F.Industrial Marketing Management (USA), August/September 2009, Vol. 38 No. 6, Start page: 662, No. of pages: 9
Purpose – Investigates how the effects of network connections are considered when strategists conduct a planned strategy process. Design/methodology/approach – Discusses how strategy and strategizing are considered in industrial marketing and purchasing (IMP) research. Proposes three categories of network strategizing – cognitive strategizing, positioning strategizing, and adaptations as strategizing; links IMP to the formal, planned development of strategy within an organization embedded in a network context; and introduces the concept of network strategizing trajectories as a way to utilize the actors-resources-activities model to investigate how the effects of network connections are considered by strategists in a planned process. Describes a case study of how strategists at Norwegian red meat and poultry production and processing firm GPN considered the effects of network connections while undergoing a deliberate process to select a new strategy. Gives a detailed account of the planned strategizing process over six phases: initiation; model foundation; gap analysis; modelling possible strategic options; scenario development and assessment; and evaluation and a strategy plan. Expands on the formation of the strategy project; actor, resource and activity network strategizing trajectories; and the building of support between the project group and the corporate management group.Article type: Research paperISSN: 0019-8501Reference: 38AZ245
Keywords: Business development, Corporate strategy, Industrial marketing, Strategic objectives