Vardi, N. (2008), "Curious George (DryShips)", Strategic Direction, Vol. 24 No. 9.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Curious George (DryShips)
Article Type: Abstracts From: Strategic Direction, Volume 24, Issue 9
Vardi N.Forbes, 25 February 2008, Vol. 181 No. 4, Start page: 95, No. of pages: 2
Purpose – puts forward how Economou, chief executive of DryShips, has not let the fact that DryShips is a public company stand in the way of how he runs the business. Design/methodology/approach – reports how many investors have sold their stock in DryShips, unhappy about how the lines have been blurred between DryShips and his privately held company, Cardiff Marine and about the way he took the decision to carry out deepwater oil drilling activities. Looks at how the company’s market value has been reduced by half; describes how George Economou, chief executive, remains unperturbed by the criticisms that he runs DryShips as his own private fiefdom, rather than as a public company. Profiles Economou; features his past business dealings and how he developed DryShips; refers to his families holdings in the companies and records his responses to the accusations made about conflicts of interest. Originality/value – features some of the accusations being levelled against George Economou of DryShips. ISSN: 0015-6914 Reference: 37AH059
Keywords: Business performance, Corporate governance, Corporate strategy, Investors, Leadership, Public companies, Ships