(2008), "Whats on the web", Strategic Direction, Vol. 24 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Whats on the web
Produced in broadsheet newspaper style, this web site is focused on “Career, IT and business issues for the 21st century”. The site is largely comprised of a compilation of articles centred on topical concerns. Many of these well-written articles are informative, interesting and definitely worth a read. Statistical data and surveys are also featured on the site, covering matters such as literacy, economy and environmental sustainability. Each of the four major Western regions (America, Canada, Australia and Europe) has a page of articles directly related to them, providing a good worldwide overview. In addition one can do an advanced archive search for specific information and can request to be emailed with new articles. Books related to issues dealt with on the site are also reviewed. This site piques one’s interest and is easy to use.
Ever thus
Thus is a telecommunications company specializing in products for business customers. Appearance-wise the site is attractively modern, with an aesthetically pleasing layout and colour scheme. Somewhat disappointingly the content of much of the site is not as satisfying. Whilst the language may be acceptable to those with an intricate knowledge of communication systems and technology, to the average person much of it is likely to go straight over the head. For example, “the core optical network uses DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technology to provide scalability to many hundreds of gigabytes of bandwidth”. Are we the only ones to go “eh”? Jargon aside, this site could be worth a look at; the business issues page is quite informative with examples of the products on offer and the ways they could benefit one’s business.
The small stuff
This is the web site of Chris Pearse, an independent management consultant who offers troubleshooting and improvement advice to small and medium-sized businesses. It is similar to many others and thus is included as a “typical” review. A tidy and concise site seemingly more for advertisement purposes than to encourage people to buy the product online, it provides an overview of the service on offer along with contact details for more information. Details are provided of work done in the past, which includes consultation with several large corporations. The site is easy to navigate and very professionally presented, though it is obviously that of a freelance operator rather than a company. The key questions page is essential reading if one is going to consider using his services, as it provides an outline of the areas which will be covered. However, for any substantial idea of what his service provides contacting him is the only option. Perhaps that is deliberate.
Global reach
An extensive web site covering the worldwide business sector, this site contains so much information one does not know where to begin. The only continent not covered by the site is Africa; each of the other continents are further split into countries so one can research specific issues within specific places. Particulars of the services the company provides are listed and range from data services to health care to administrative services. Articles related to business issues around the globe are heavily featured throughout the site, providing plenty of news coverage. Newsletters and magazines can be sent to ones email address, and the company seems to be very journalist friendly offering contacts and data sources for reports. An ideas and research section is included containing current surveys and research reports amongst other items. The site layout is particularly user-friendly; considering the quantity of information contained it does a very good job of appearing uncluttered. Overall this is a great find and a site well worth browsing through.
Developing trend
“SustainAbility advises clients on the risks and opportunities associated with corporate responsibility and sustainable development.” First impressions of the SustainAbility web site are excellent; a highly visual layout creates a very welcoming homepage. Going further into the site this impression is strengthened. The attention to detail on each page is commendable as are the points made within the content of the text regarding sustainable development of business. Each page provides information about the company’s aims and objectives, building up a picture of what they do and how they operate. Several reports and press releases are featured as well as forums centred on topical issues such as globalisation. The only criticism we could make of this site is that the photographs and aesthetics detract attention from the points made in the writing itself. But if one is concerned about the impact of business on society and the environment (and shouldn’t we all be?) this company’s web site could be a good starting point for research.
And finally
Here is a reminder from George Bernard Shaw which is well worth thinking about (hard). He once said that “The problem with communication … is the illusion that it has been accomplished.”
Best of all
For a particularly interesting and useful site you could always try the Emerald one!
If you have any favourite (or otherwise) sites that you would like us to review on these pages, or wish us to consider your own site, please drop us an e-mail and we will ask our reviewers to check them out.