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Assessment for Learning in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education

ISBN: 978-1-78635-068-8, eISBN: 978-1-78635-067-1

Publication date: 9 December 2016



This chapter exemplifies how assessment is performed in innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) at the university education and how educators apply and view formative assessment as an important tool in enhancing students’ learning outcomes.


A case study methodology was applied to characterize the diversity of assessment and evaluation in I&E-education. Covering major scholarly disciplines 10 cases were selected based on mapping of course outlines obtained from university databases across 7 Danish universities. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with course responsible educators focusing on alignment between learning goals, assessment forms and criteria, and feedback.


The analysis shows that educators emphasize the importance of formative and learner-centered assessment forms alongside summative, credit-giving assessment. Educators experience that logbooks, learning journals, prototypes, informal feedback session with stakeholders have a crucial potential for enhancing students’ transformative learning.

Research limitations

This study is descriptive and solely based on the educators’ perspectives. To provide more scientifically sound knowledge on the relationship between assessment types and I&E learning outcomes, future research should include students’ perspective and preferably apply both quantitative experimental and qualitative research designs.

Practical implications

The study provides inspiration to educators, researchers, and policy-makers on how to conduct assessment that stimulates students learning in I&E-education.


Considering that the research on how assessment in I&E-education impacts students learning is limited, this study provides important contribution by identifying links between formative assessment types and enhancement of student learning.




The author would like to express gratitude to the educators from the Danish Universities who participated in interviews thereby contributing to this study. Furthermore, the author wishes to recognize the contribution of Associate Professor Carsten Nico Hjortsø who has given constructive feedback on this chapter. In particular, the author wishes to thank Associate Professor Pantelis M. Papadopoulos for profound support in making this chapter possible.


Rasmussen, R.M. (2016), "Assessment for Learning in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education", Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education (Advances in Digital Education and Lifelong Learning, Vol. 2), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 3-29.



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