(2001), "Emerald, the new name and vision for MCB UP Ltd", Qualitative Market Research, Vol. 4 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
Emerald, the new name and vision for MCB UP Ltd
Emerald, the new name and vision for MCB UP Ltd
For 2002 the publishers of this journal will be changing their trading name from MCB UP Ltd to Emerald. This is to reflect the success of the Emerald Fulltext database – our electronic database which, along with much other material, contains current and archival content of this journal. Electronic usage of the material contained in our journals has doubled every year since 1996 and the trend continues with nearly one million user sessions in 2000 and over 5.5 million articles delivered to users in that year. As part of this initiative we will be introducing a new logo and giving all our titles a new cover design for 2002 to reflect the Emerald brand. If you're thinking of submitting an article for an Emerald journal in 2002 please be assured that you'll have the full reach of the Emerald Fulltext database on your side to ensure that your work reaches the widest, global audience.
QMR included in Emerald reviews
In 2001 QMR joined the list of accredited journals for Emerald Reviews (formerly the Anbar International Management Database). This list covers the world's top 400 management journals. The Accrediation Board for Emerald Reviews carries out an annual independent assessment to ensure that the journals in this database are the most important management publications on the international scene. Philip Kotler serves on this board and his assessment of QMR as worthy of inclusion was praise indeed. QMR is on the coverage list for 2002. This adds to the reputation and standing of the journal and there is accessibility of the material to the widest possible readership.
The Business Intelligence and E-Marketing Workshop
This one day workshop will take place at IBM, Warwick on 6 December 2001. This is a free event. There are also opportunities for publications. Abstracts of the papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings, ISBN numbered. Delegates who submit papers will have them published on the IBM Web site after the event. There will be a special issue for QMR of the best papers from this event – Guest Edited by Julie Abbott of IBM and Professor Merlin Stone of UWE and an IBM consultant.
The workshop will provide an excellent opportunity for those wishing to meet Professor Len Tiu Wright – Editor of this journal – who plays a key role in organising this event. Those wishing to present papers at the workshop should send abstracts for consideration to Professor Wright at
Review board
This journal has an Editorial Advisory Board and employs a rigorous process of double-blind peer review. From time to time there are other reviewers who have contributed to the review process because of their expertise in their respective fields. During 2002 QMR will also be establishing an Editorial Review Board (ERB) as a means of formally recognising the efforts of these reviewers.
To ensure the relevance of material for QMR it is essential that contributors pay careful attention to the Notes for Contributors for the journal. These are published on the inside back cover of each issue and also on the journal homepage The editorial objectives and scope give a clear indication of the ground this journal seeks to cover. To ensure that time and effort of all concerned is not wasted authors must ensure that their material fits within the parameters outlined in these sections of the notes for contributors.
Material which fits the editorial scope of the Journal should be sent to Professor Len Tiu Wright, Department of Marketing, Graduate Business School, Bede Island, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, UK. Please send three copies of the paper and a 3.5" disk in MSWord for Windows.
Material for the special sections of the Journal should be submitted to the following: Book Reviews and Dissertations Editor, Miriam Catterall (; Internet Section Editor, Rehan ul-Haq (; Practitioner Perspectives Editor, Clive Nancarrow, (