Travis, L.F. (2008), "Editorial", Policing: An International Journal, Vol. 31 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Article Type: Editorial From: Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Volume 31, Issue 1.
Welcome to Volume 31, Issue 1 of the journal. This issue contains several articles which explore important topics related to police recruitment, selection, and training. Our authors examine personnel turnover, the relevance of personality traits to police performance, the prediction of police officer performance in motor vehicle stops, and police training curricula. In addition to these papers, we include four other papers that examine bicycle patrols, media coverage on TASER use, citizen perceptions of police uniforms, and attempts to implement organizational change to adopt intelligence-led policing.
In addition to these papers, this issue contains our feature sections of “Perspectives,” “Policing on the web,” and a book review. It is an issue of which we are quite proud. We are grateful for the contributions of our authors and encourage our readers to submit articles for consideration.
As always, we will continue to strive to present the most recent thinking and research on policing topics, and to reflect the global perspective that has characterized the journal for so many years. We want to encourage our readers to participate in the journal through the submission of articles and book reviews and through service as manuscript reviewers. We ask anyone with comments or suggestions to feel free to contact us and look forward to hearing from you all.
Lawrence F. TravisEditor