Travis III, L.F. (2006), "Editorial", Policing: An International Journal, Vol. 29 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
In this issue we publish the first of what we hope will become a regular feature of book reviews. Our book review editor, Dr Stanley Shernock of Norwich University in the State of Vermont here in the USA has secured a review by Dr Larry T. Hoover. Dr Shernock has been hard at work developing reviews for future issues of the journal. I encourage any of our readers who have an interest in preparing a book review to contact Dr Shernock.
Volume 29, Number 3 of the journal contains ten articles on important topics in policing and police operations based on research in a half-dozen different countries. The articles discuss issues the enforcement of cyber-crime through public confidence in the police. One theme that emerges in this issue is a focus on the characteristics and challenges of individual officers. Six of the articles specifically address officer stress or the correlation between individual officer characteristics and aspects of the practice of policing. As usual, we believe this issue will be valuable to police administrators and scholars who are seeking improved understandings of the police and police practice.
The issue also contains the “Perspectives on policing” feature which reviews and summarizes much of the latest published research on policing. We also include a “Policing on the web” review. We encourage you to consider contributing to the journal as well through preparing reviews, submitting articles, or even simply suggesting topics for future issues. While we cannot always include these additional features we try to present relevant reviews of information sources. As always, we welcome your suggestions and opinions about how we can improve the journal. Please feel free to contact us, should you have questions, comments, or concerns. We also volunteering to serve as a manuscript referee. For the journal to continue its tradition of high standards requires the participation of police practitioners and scholars in the important roles of author and reviewer.
Lawrence F. Travis III