Copyright Made Easier, 3rd ed.

Ina Fourie

Online Information Review

ISSN: 1468-4527

Article publication date: 1 August 2002




Fourie, I. (2002), "Copyright Made Easier, 3rd ed.", Online Information Review, Vol. 26 No. 4, pp. 278-279.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright Made Easier should find a place on the bookshelves of every library and information service, as well as in the curricula of schools of library and information science. It is essential reading for anybody aiming to keep within the legal limits of copyright issues. It is especially important for librarians and information professionals who need to formulate their policies and advise users and authors on copyright issues. Although librarians are aware of the fair use of photocopying, copyright ownership, etc., these are issues they often wish to avoid in the light of cost increases and shrinking budgets. The publication helps the reader to ease into the minefield of copyright issues. It addresses aspects such as photocopying for private studies, options available for copying, copying for education and training, moral rights and the duration of copyright, e‐commerce and document delivery. Different media are covered such as photographs, databases, plays, Internet resources and e‐mail.

Copyright Made Easier includes 15 chapters, four appendices, a glossary and a detailed quick reference chart. It deals in considerable detail with broad themes such as copyright and database rights, electronic copyright, rights of ownerships, copying by libraries and archives, licensed copying, public playing, showing and performing, moral rights, design rights, copyright administration, international copyright and the issue of “out of copyright”. A useful chapter is also included on problematic issues on which the author has been approached. The quick reference section offers information on the limits of the permissible use of copyright materials.

The rationale behind Copyright Made Easier seems to be to offer a deeper understanding of copyright issues to help collaboration for a balanced law, responsible behaviour and mutual benefits for everybody. Finding this balance between the needs of publishers and authors for income, and the function of libraries and information services, as well as the role of researchers and educationalists, is, however, a tricky matter. With copyright issues the term “easier” therefore takes on a new meaning; as the back cover explains, “made easier” means explaining legal jargon in lay language. The issues, unfortunately, are still complicated – something for which the authors cannot be blamed. Although this 548‐page publication certainly does not over‐simplify the issues surrounding copyright, it does offer a comprehensible point of reference.

The publication includes a fairly detailed index and a very useful glossary. A bibliography, referring to other useful resources such as Staying Legal: A Guide to Issues and Practice for Users and Publishers of Electronic Resources (a new edition of which will be published in 2003 by Facet Publishing) would have been useful. Since this would only add to an already lengthy publication, perhaps a supporting Web site should be considered.

The author, collaborators and Aslib must be congratulated on an extremely well‐edited publication – hardly any typographical errors were spotted. My overall impression is that this is a publication on which much time and effort have been expended. It clearly enables the reader to come to terms with the complexities of copyright, and encourages all key players to keep to the legal requirements. It also offers an interesting point of departure for discussions between the different players, namely libraries, information services, publishers, educationalists, researchers and general readers. Copyright Made Easier is highly recommended for all libraries and information services, as well as faculty members teaching copyright issues. At £42.00 it is excellent value for money.

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