(2007), "10th International Conference on Corporate Governance and Board Leadership", Managerial Law, Vol. 49 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
10th International Conference on Corporate Governance and Board Leadership
2-4 October 2007, Centre for Board Effectiveness, Henley Management College
The main world-wide event in the corporate governance calendar – Sir Adrian Cadbury
How should investors and boards drive company growth through the corporate life-cycle?
Active shareholders and proactive boards
Recent years have seen a boom in mergers and acquisitions, and an unprecedented increase in shareholder activism by hedge funds, private equity firms and corporate raiders from home and overseas.
The corporate governance life-cycle
In response to this challenge, boards of directors have become more concerned with creating value for shareholders: becoming involved in acquisitions, buy-outs, and initial public offerings.
The focus on growth
The public debate on Corporate Governance generally focuses on the needs of large publicly listed companies. This Conference takes a more dynamic approach, examining the stages of company growth, the changing roles of investors and boards and how they respond to the various "thresholds" or turning points, for example:
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Raising venture capital for start-ups.
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Arranging initial public offerings on middle markets.
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Launching growing companies on to the main stock market.
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Restructuring and turning around major companies, which have problems arising from poor leadership, scandals or unwise diversification.
The Conference will address the vital question "How should investors and boards drive company growth through the corporate life-cycle?"
The programme assumes that ownership structures and Boards of Directors should be designed to equip companies to deal with the next stages of growth.
The agenda
The programme is in five parts:
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Part I. The Future of Corporate Governance
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Part II. The Corporate Governance Life-Cycle
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Part III. Developing Strategies for Growth and Innovation
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Part IV. Corporate Governance and Board Leadership In Complex International Companies
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Part V. Growing the Business: Tough Questions for the Board
A unique opportunity
Henley's International Conference is a leading international forum for the presentation and discussion of new thinking and new practice in the field of Corporate Governance and Board Leadership. The Conference provides a unique opportunity for company directors, board advisers and academics to meet international experts, leading thinkers and business leaders face-to-face and to exchange ideas and experience with people from other countries and industries. In 2006 the Conference attracted 80 participants from 20 countries and 42 original papers were presented, many of which are already scheduled for publication in the four sponsoring journals. Over 90 per cent of participants rated the conference Excellent or Very Good, for enjoyment, interest and overall satisfaction.
Special interest groups
These groups form an integral part of the Conference. They enable participants to present and discuss the latest developments in a more informal atmosphere. Six groups will each meet in four one-hour sessions.
Participants should become a member of one group where they can present their ideas, and comment on other people's presentations.
Papers are requested on the general theme: "How should investors and boards of directors drive company growth?"
Six groups will be formed covering the following topics:
- 1.
Effective Board Leadership: Organising and Running the Board.
- 2.
Selecting, Developing and Evaluating Boards of Directors.
- 3.
Corporate Governance in the International Context.
- 4.
Boards and the Governance of Stakeholder Relationships: Employees, Customers, Partners and the Community.
- 5.
The Board's Role in Control and Accountability: Building Relationships with Investors and Shareholders.
- 6.
Corporate Governance and Board Leadership in the Non-Profit and Public Sectors.
Sponsoring journals
Papers will be considered for publication in one of the four sponsoring journals: Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of General Management, International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics and Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.
Submission of papers
Abstracts (200 words) should be sent immediately. Please submit your abstract via e-mail to, indicating in which Special Interest Group you would like to present it. Full papers should be sent by Friday, 10 August 2007.
Conference fees
The conference fee is £2,200VAT (total £2,585). A discounted rate of £800VAT (total £940) is available to participants from academic, public service and non-profit organisations and delegates who present papers to Special Interest Groups.
Accommodation for the nights of 2 and 3 October 2007, together with all meals and materials, is included in the fees.
If you would like more information, please contact Lesley Quelch, Conference Administrator, by e-mail at Tel: 44 (0)1491 418877 or fax 44 (0)1491 571574. Alternatively, visit the web site at