Mach, P. (2000), "IMAPS Europe", Microelectronics International, Vol. 17 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
IMAPS Europe
IMAPS Europe
Keywords IMAPS, Conferences
Prague 2000
On 18-20 June, IMAPS Czech and Slovak Chapter hosted IMAPS Europe Prague 2000, the European Microelectronics Packaging and Interconnection Symposium with a Table Top Exhibition (Plates 1 and 2). The Symposium was held at the Holiday Inn in the historic city of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The IMAPS Europe Conferences are organized by appointed European Chapters in odd years. These biennial events are held alongside full sized exhibitions of new materials, technologies and products. However, it was decided that two years is too long a time span in the dynamically changing field of microelectronics packaging and interconnection. Therefore, the ELC decided that the biennial cycle of these Conferences will be complemented with a new type of Conference – Symposiums with an adjoining table top exhibition. Elected East European Chapters will organize these events, to be held in even years. IMAPS Europe 2000 in Prague was the first of these meetings.
Plate 1 IMAPS
Prague provided many opportunities for networking
Plate 2 Hinge
& Brackett (alias Muckett and Hodges) in search of absolution
A total of 186 authors and delegates attended the Symposium; the number of exhibitors was 36 and included eight exhibitors from the Czech Republic (Plate 3).
Plate 3 Attendance
at the conference exceeded all expectations
The Symposium was officially opened by the vice-minister of the Ministry for Education of the Czech Republic, Prof. Ing. Josef Prusa, CSc. The first invited paper, "Foreign direct investment in the Czech electronics sector" was presented by René Samek, the Director of the Czech Company CzechInvest. The purpose of this company is to organize investment for foreign investors in the Czech Republic and it has been awarded the title of "Best Company" of this type in Europe in 1999. The second invited paper, "Flip-chip and chip-scale packaging technologies: a reliability perspective", was presented by Horatio Quinones from Asymtek. Both invited papers gripped the attention of the audience.
Oral presentations (total number 54) were held in parallel, in two lecture halls. The papers were categorized into the following sessions: S1 – Processing & Fabrication & Reliability 1; S2 Flip-chip & Packaging 1; S3 – Processing & Fabrication & Reliability 2; S4 – Flip-chip & Packaging 2; S5 – Thick films & Ceramics; S6 – Optoelectronics & RF/HF & Wireless 1; S7 – Microsystems & Sensors Technologies; S8 – Optoelectronics & RF/HF & Wireless 2; S9 – Reliability & Design & Advanced Packaging; S10 – MCM & Interconnections; S11 – PCB & Passives & Soldering; S12 – New Materials & Thermal & Power.
Display Session and Session of Exhibitors were also included in the programme. Poster boards were located the Congress Hall, which was also used for oral presentations. The table top exhibition (Plate 4) was located in three halls close to the lecture halls. During display sessions every author of a poster (total number 20) presented his poster. During the Session of Exhibitors every exhibitor had the opportunity to address the audience with a short presentation regarding their products or services. The organizers felt that these short presentations would serve to better inform the attendees about the posters and exhibits.
Plate 4 The
table top exhibition was well supported
The general sponsor of the Symposium was Asymtek (USA, The Netherlands). Other sponsors were AVX Czech Republic, s.r.o., Molex (USA), MCI (France), Steinel (Germany), TESLA Sezam, a.s. (Czech Rep.), Pbt (Czech Rep.) and ASICentrum (Czech Rep.).
The Symposium was completed with posters of IMAPS chapters. Every chapter had one poster board at their disposal where they could present their activities. Seven IMAPS chapters made use of this opportunity.
The Symposium programme was completed with the Welcome reception, which was held at the Mayakovski hall of the National House. This historical building is located in the middle of the city and therefore many participants have slowly strolled through the evening air in Prague following the reception, before returning to their hotel. The Gala dinner was held at the Brevnov Monastery, which has been reconstructed in recent years (Plate 5).
Plate 5 Delegates
enjoying the excellent Czech cuisine at the Brevnov Monastery
The IMAPS Europe Symposium, Prague 2000 was the first symposium to be held under the new format. It was held on a highly scientific and social level and has formed a good precedent for organising these events in the future.
Pavel Mach