(2000), "Announcing the 3rd Annual IMAPS-UK/IEEE-CPMT/ASME/SPE/SPIE/MRS Workshop (POLY 2000)", Microelectronics International, Vol. 17 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Announcing the 3rd Annual IMAPS-UK/IEEE-CPMT/ASME/SPE/SPIE/MRS Workshop (POLY 2000)
"Polymeric materials for microelectronics & photonics applications: mechanics, physics, reliability, processing"
London, UK - 3-6 December 2000
Sponsored by the UK Chapter of the International Microelectronics Packaging Society (IMAPS-UK), IEEE Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Society (IEEE-CPMT); American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME International), in cooperation with the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE); Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE); Materials Research Society (MRS); Lucent Technologies-UK
Call for papers
Polymeric materials are widely used in engineering, including the areas of microelectronics and photonics. Examples are: plastic packages of integrated circuit (IC) devces, adhesives, various enclosures and plastic parts, polymeric coatings of optical silica fibers, and even polymeric lightguides. There are numerous and rapidly growing opportunities for the application of polymers for diverse functions in the "high-technology" field. Polymeric materials are inexpensive and lend themselves easily to processing and mass production techniques. The reliability of these materials, however, is usually not as high as the reliability of inorganic materials and is often insufficient for particular applications, thereby limiting the area of the technical use of polymers. We intend to bring together mechanical, electrical, optical, reliability, industrial and manufacturing engineers; materials scientists, applied physicists and chemists, to discuss and advance experimental and theoretical methods, techniques and approaches aimed at the prediction and improvement of the short/long-term performance of polymeric materials for different applications, and particularly those used in plastic packages of IC devices.
The objective of the workshop is to address the state-of-the-art knowledge in the fields of mechanics, physics, reliability and processing of:
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polymers for application in harsh environments;
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polymers employed in microelectronics and photonics engineering;
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other microelectronics and photonics materials interacting with, or alternative to, polymers.
In addition, we are planning to address new, emerging and disruptive technologies in microelectronics and photonics, and the role of polymers.
The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to, the following major topics:
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mechanical behavior and short and long-term performance of polymeric materials;
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polymeric materials characterization;
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thermal, mechanical, electrical, optical and other properties of polymers;
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fracture mechanics of polymeric materials;
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moisture sensitivity of polymeric materials and plastic packages of IC devices;
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organic microelectronics;
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polymer lightguides;
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polymers for wireless applications;
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aging and its effects on the long-term reliability of polymeric materials;
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thermal and electric field effects on damage and fracture of polymeric materials;
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accelerated testing of polymeric materials and plastic electronic packages - approaches and techniques;
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mechanics, physics and chemistry of adhesion, adhesives and adhesively bonded joints;
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stress concentration effects in polymeric materials and plastic electronic packages;
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performance of polymeric materials at high/low temperatures and in harsh environments;
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role of fillers in the mechanical behavior and performance of polymeric materials;
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thermal management of systems employing polymeric materials (including electronic components and photonic devices);
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interfacial phenomena affecting the polymeric materials' reliability;
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response of polymeric materials to dynamic and thermal loading;
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manufacturing processes in plastics engineering;
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reliability problems associated with manufacturing, testing, surface-mounting and operation of plastic electronic packages;
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new and emerging technologies for future electronic and photonic systems.
Workshop organizers
E. Suhir, Bell Laboratories, USA; D. Lowrie, Multicore Solders, UK; J. Morris, SUNY-Binghamton, USA; B. Michel, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany; Y. Koike, Keio University, Japan.
Technical Committee, international liaisons, keynote and invited speakers (preliminary and partial list)
D. Agonafer, IBM, USA; A. Chudnovsky, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA; L. Dhar, Lucent Technologies, USA; R. Dudek, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany; H.R. Falaki, Lucent, UK; C. Feger, IBM, USA; G. Harman, NIST, USA; Z. Illyefalvi-Vitez, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary; K. Kishimoto, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; D. Ingman, Technion, Israel; T. Ishigure, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan; L. Keer, Northwestern University, USA; J. Kivilahti, Helsinki University, Finland; Y. Koike, Keio University, Japan; A. Lin, PackTech, Taiwan; P.B Littlewood, Cambridge University, UK; J. Liu, Institute for Production Engineering Research, Sweden; D. Lowrie, J. Lu, Universite de Technologie de Troyes, France; B-J. Lwo, Chung-Cheng Institute of Technology, Taiwan; P. Mach, S. Matsuoka, Brooklyn Polytechnic University, USA; J. Morris, Binghamton University, USA; B. Michel, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany; O. Nalamasu, Lucent Technologies; M. Pecht, University of Maryland, USA; X. Quan, Lucent Technologies, USA; E.E. Rohlfs, Lucent Technologies, Germany; J. Stafford, Motorola, USA; E. Suhir, Lucent Technologies, USA; A. Tay, National University of Singapore, Singapore; M. Taya, Washington University, USA; B. Thakkar, Lucent, USA; P. Wiltzius, Lucent Technologies, USA; C.P. Wong, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; R. Wool, University of Delaware, USA; R. Wyndrum , AT&T Laboratories, USA, S. Yi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; G. Zaikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.
The program of the workshop will include tutorials (short courses) on various aspects of the reliability of polymeric materials for microelectronics and photonics applications. The (partial) list of tutorials includes:
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Failures in Plastic Packages of IC Devices: Understanding, Prediction and Prevention - Instructor: Ephraim Suhir, Lucent Technologies, USA.
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Polymers for Electronic Packaging: Materials, Processes and Reliability - Instructors: C.P. Wong, Georgia Tech, E.Suhir, Lucent Technologies, USA.
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Adhesives in Electronic Packaging - Instructors: J. Morris, SUNY-Binghamton, USA, J. Liu, IVF, Sweden.
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Application of Computational Heat Transfer to Thermal Management of Plastic Packages of IC Devices - Instructor: Dereje Agonafer, IBM, USA.
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Reliability and Lifetime Assessments for Polymeric Materials - Instructor: A. Chudnovsky, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
Engineers and scientists dealing with, and/or interested in the mechanical reliability of polymeric materials, especially those used in the "high-technology" field.
Submission of abstracts
Prospective authors should submit a 300-word abstract (with complete business/e-mail addresses, and phone/fax numbers) by 15 July 2000 to E. Suhir, Lucent, 600 Mountain Ave, Room 1D-443, Murray Hill, NJ 07974; Fax 908-582-5106;
Electronic and hard copy submission of paper abstract - 15 July 2000. Author notifications of abstract scceptance - 1 August 2000. Full paper submission - September, 2000.