(2000), "Study reveals the future of bare die", Microelectronics International, Vol. 17 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Study reveals the future of bare die
Keywords Semi Dice, Surveys, Dies, Semiconductors
Semiconductor and circuit manufacturers agree that aerospace/military is still the leading end-use market for bare die, according to the Third Annual Semi Dice Inc. Bare Die Survey. Over 30 percent of semiconductor manufacturers and 25 percent of circuit manufacturers surveyed indicated that aerospace/military remains the leading end-use market for bare die. But this could change in the future.
Of semiconductor manufacturers, 19 percent said that communications could emerge as the primary end-use market for future bare die usage. Circuit manufacturers, however, predict the medical (18 percent), communications (18 percent), and aerospace/military (18 percent) markets present the greatest future opportunities for bare die.
In an effort to evaluate, monitor and educate the electronics industry about bare die, Semi Dice Inc. conducted the Third Annual Semi Dice Inc. Bare Die Survey during the spring. The survey is designed to serve as a barometer of the bare die industry, enabling semiconductor and circuit manufacturers to predict trends and better manage the curves of this dynamic market.
The Third Annual Semi Dice Bare Die Survey was distributed to 52 representatives of all major semiconductor manufacturers and 54 major circuit manufacturers. Approximately 35 percent of the semiconductor manufacturer surveys, and 43 percent of the circuit manufacturer surveys, were completed, returned and analyzed.
The semiconductor manufacturer survey consisted of 16 multiple choice questions and the circuit manufacturer survey consisted of 17 multiple choice questions. Both surveys address issues such as the technical and market factors that effect bare die use, the importance of known good die (KGD), and current and future opportunities for bare die use.
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