(2000), "NPL to generate data on underfills", Microelectronics International, Vol. 17 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
NPL to generate data on underfills
Keywords NPL, Underfill
One concern in employing underfills in new packaging technologies such as flip chip processing is the acknowledged lack of materials data for the resins. This lack hinders materials choice, processing optimisation, and achieving the required mechanical robustness. If industry is to take full advantage of underfills, it must have a knowledge of their thermal expansion coefficient, surface tension and viscosity, and how these parameters are influenced by surface separation and coating technology. NPL, in collaboration with industry, is seeking to develop appropriate test methods to generate these data. The new methods will focus on the measurement of bond integrity, the influence of the underfill on the environmental and mechanical reliability, and on in-line monitoring of the cure cycle.
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