(1999), "Survey points way for new European quality labelling scheme in electronics training", Microelectronics International, Vol. 16 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
Survey points way for new European quality labelling scheme in electronics training
Survey points way for new European quality labelling scheme in electronics training
Keywords EUROPRACTICE, Microeletronics, Training
Europractice, the European programme to enhance and promote training in electronics, has just completed the first vital steps to creating an EU approved scheme for certification of microelectronics training courses and institutions. The Europractice Training and Best Practice Service aims to launch the scheme before the year 2000 when all companies offering such training will be able to seek quality approval.
A recent Europractice survey led by CNFM, France, backs up the need for the new Europe-wide scheme. The targeted survey was directed at training providers, those involved in finding training (course buyers), and course delegates across Europe and has provided valuable information on the meaning of quality in this particular training environment.
The sample response from the three areas was 92 in total. Specific to the questions about training quality, results show that the majority of training providers (76 percent) have a definite interest in the new quality labelling initiative. Similarly, 77 percent of course buyers believe that there is a need for a recognised quality label other than the existing ISO 9000 for training courses and establishments particularly with the fast growing popularity of customised training courses. Of the course delegates questioned, 80 percent were unable to quote any recognised existing quality label.
In summary, analysis of the results indicate that the new scheme should focus on the following:
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capabilities of trainer: educational, industrial expertise and experience;
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quality of training material;
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needs of delegates/objectives of training programme.
Training needs, particularly those of the course delegate, are under continuous assessment as this proposed system to further enhance the quality of electronics technology training is established.
For further information on the Europractice quality labelling scheme please contact Christophe Alfandari on +33 1 45 92 66 01; Fax: +33 1 45 92 66 99; E-mail: