Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration: Liveable Places from Problem Spaces

Management of Environmental Quality

ISSN: 1477-7835

Article publication date: 13 June 2008



(2008), "Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration: Liveable Places from Problem Spaces", Management of Environmental Quality, Vol. 19 No. 4.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration: Liveable Places from Problem Spaces

Article Type: Books and resources From: Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Volume 19, Issue 4

Edited by Tim Dixon, Mike Raco, Philip Catney and David Lerner,Wiley-Blackwell,Oxford,October 2007,400 pp.,ISBN: 978-1405144032,£49.50

Sustainable Brownfield regeneration presents a comprehensive account of UK policies, processes and practices in brownfield regeneration and takes an integrated and theoretically-grounded approach to highlight best practice.

Brownfield regeneration has become a major policy driver in developed countries. It is estimated that there are 64,000 hectares of brownfield land in England, much of which presents severe environmental challenges and lies alongside some of the most deprived communities in the country. Bringing such land back into active use has taken on a new urgency among policymakers, developers and other stakeholders in the development process. Frequently, however, policy thinking and practice has been underpinned by “silo” mentalities, in which integrated and multidisciplinary approaches to problem-solving have been limited.

The book has two principal aims. The first is to examine the ways in which science and social science research disciplines can be brought together to help solve important brownfield regeneration issues, with a focus on the UK. The second is to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of different types of regeneration policy and practice, and to show how “liveable spaces” can be produced from “problem places.” The Thames Gateway in the South of England and Greater Manchester in the North of England are shown as examples of how brownfield regeneration projects are developing in an era where sustainability is high on the policy agenda.

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