
Management of Environmental Quality

ISSN: 1477-7835

Article publication date: 2 October 2007



(2007), "Diary", Management of Environmental Quality, Vol. 18 No. 6. https://doi.org/10.1108/meq.2007.08318fac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


7-10 February 2008, Verona, Italy

Bioenergy World Europe 2008 gathers together leading actors from across the bioenergy industry spectrum and is being staged again in conjunction with Fieragricola, a major international agricultural exhibition and a highly relevant context for bioenergy. Bioenergy World Europe 2008 comprises around 150.000 visitors from more than 70 countries attending Bioenergy World Europe and Fieragricola, an international bioenergy exhibition covering:

  • liquid: biodiesel and ethanol for transport;

  • solid: wood and agri-residues for heat and power; and

  • gaseous: biogas for heat and power, transport.

Further information on Bioenergy World is available at: www.bioenergy-world.com

ASCE GeoCongress 2008-New Orleans Session on Assessment of Variability and Risk by Geophysical Methods

9-12 March 2008, New Orleans, USA

The ASCE risk assessment and management committee and geophysical engineering committee invite for the submissions of abstracts on the application of geophysical tools (including but not limited to seismic, electromagnetic electrical, GPR, LiDAR, remote sensing, etc.) to quantity the variability and risks. Examples include surveying the subsurface conditions, infrastructure health conditions and assessment of risks prior or after major natural hazards. The technical content of papers can include either theoretical model development or practical applications to account for the measured variability’s in the design, performance assessment and risk evaluation. Case studies describing the incorporation of measured variability’s by geophysical tools in the design and condition/risk assessment of infrastructure system are welcomed. Examples of application areas include but not limited to:

  • geotechnical and environmental sit evaluation;

  • earthquake damage assessment;

  • levee damage assessment;

  • foundation design;

  • slope stability assessment; and

  • pavement and bridges condition assessment, etc.

Further details are available at: http://content.asce.org/conferences/geocongress2008/index.html5

GLOBE 2008

12-14 March 2008, Vancouver, Canada

GLOBE 2008 will be the tenth event in the GLOBE series and will serve as an ideal venue for interested people to meet and exchange ideas, build partnerships and conduct business on a wide range of global environmental issues. The GLOBE 2008 conference will focus on three major thematic areas: corporate sustainability and finance; energy and the environment; and building better cities. The GLOBE 2008 conference themes are:

  • Enhancing corporate sustainability. Leading experts will explore policies, systems and tools for corporations to maximize the benefits of environmental responsibility.

  • Setting new priorities for energy and environment. Visionaries will discuss how to identify and seize business opportunities accompanying the new energy era and explore climate change issues.

  • Finance and sustainability. An exploration of the relationship between sustainability and finance, with a focus on clean technology investment, capital markets, and responsible investment strategies.

  • Building better cities. Addressing the challenges of incorporating sustainability principles into the design, development, financing, construction, operation and governance of cities.

Further information on the GLOBE 2008 conference and trade fair can be seen at: www.globe2008.ca

 7th International Conference on “Environmental Engineering”

22-23 May 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania

The 7th International Conference on “Environmental Engineering” will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 22-23 May 2008. The main topics of the meeting are:

  • Environmental Protection.

  • Environmental Engineering.

  • Urban Transport Systems.

  • Roads and Railways.

  • Geodesy and Cadastre Technology.

  • Energy for Buildings.

Further details are available at: Organizing Committee of Conference, “Environmental Engineering”, Environmental Engineering Faculty, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio ave 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania. Phone: +370 5 2745090; Fax: +370 5 2744731; E-mail: ap2008@ap.vgtu.lt

9th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development

1-4 June 2008, Hong Kong

This biennial symposium will be hosted and organized by the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with support from the International Society for Environmental Geotechnology (ISEG). The themes of the event are:

  • Soil contamination assessments and monitoring.

  • Groundwater contamination assessments and monitoring.

  • Environmental site assessment: practices and standards.

  • Site investigation and field sampling.

  • Techniques of contaminated site remediation.

  • Waste containment and attenuation.

  • Pollutant fate and transport in soil and groundwater.

  • Soil-waste interaction.

  • Design and operation of landfills.

  • Landfill aftercare and restoration.

  • Use of construction and demolition wastes.

  • Re-use and recycling of materials.

  • Natural resources exploration.

  • Hazard mitigation.

  • Mitigation of construction noise and vibration.

  • Urban renewal.

  • Sustainable environmental policies, strategies and management.

  • Drought and desertification.

  • Landslides.

  • Mining subsidence.

  • Geothermal energy.

  • Radioactive waste disposal.

Further details can be obtained from: yeungat@hku.hk

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