(2007), "Food Ethics Council discussion paper available online", Management of Environmental Quality, Vol. 18 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Food Ethics Council discussion paper available online
Launched in 2006 and constantly up-dated, the UK Food Ethics Council’s Road Pricing and Sustainable Food project is an 18-month project aimed at harnessing any potential of road pricing to promote sustainable food systems. It intends to do so by ensuring that impacts on food distribution are fully considered in transport policy.
Comments are now sought in response to the Discussion Paper “Road Pricing…Could it promote sustainable food systems?”. The paper outlines what are seen as some of the key challenges for road pricing in the context of sustainable food systems, and asks how the advent of road pricing could affect how and where we shop, and what the knock-on effects for the food industry will be. The paper concludes by asking what UK food distribution systems are likely to look like in the future, as a prelude to the next phase of the project’s work. The paper is available to download from, where further information about the project is also available. Please send all comments to