(2007), "Diary", Management of Environmental Quality, Vol. 18 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
16-17 April 2007, Opole, Poland
Sustainable development has become an integrated part of European Union policy and has, as a consequence, gained importance for national and regional authorities, as well as for business. In practice, sustainable development often implies that economic growth has to be reconciled with social and environmental goals. An interesting issue is whether sustainable growth is feasible – growth without negative social and environmental consequences. The concept of growth can be analysed at different levels: economic growth, growth and expansion of urban areas, growth of small and medium size enterprises (SME), growth of production in particular sectors, etc. This conference invites papers from scholars from disciplines involved in issues of sustainable development, e.g. economics, geography, environmental sciences, natural sciences, legal sciences, social sciences. Topics to be discussed are:
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The application of economic theories, in particular theories of property rights, institutions and governance, etc., to issues of sustainable development.
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The application of scientific theories to issues of sustainable development, preferably from an interdisciplinary point of view.
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Sustainable enterprise –, e.g. tools for companies, in particular SME, such as resource or life cycle management and corporate foresight.
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Unsustainable trends at different levels of scale (local, national, EU, global).
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Issues of governance at different levels of scale (local, national, EU, global).
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Policy making for Sustainable Development: policy coherence, the importance of prices and incentives for sustainable development, investment in science and technology, stakeholder involvement (citizens, business, NGOs).
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Priorities in the sustainable development of urban areas; Priorities in the sustainable development of rural areas.
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Competing priorities in sustainable development and issues of competence at local, national, EU and global level.
Further details are available at:
International Ecological Footprint Conference
8-10 May 2007, Cardiff, UK
The conference, titled “Stepping up the Pace: New Developments in Ecological Footprinting Methodology, Policy and Practice” is organised by the ESRC BRASS Research Centre at Cardiff University.
Since the ecological footprint was developed in the early 1990s the concept has gained increased interest amongst academics, practitioners, governments and businesses internationally. The footprint has witnessed numerous applications, and more recently there have been developments in the methodology to calculate ecological footprints. This Conference will bring together an international audience of researchers, practitioners, governments and businesses with an interest in ecological footprinting to debate, discuss and share experiences on ecological footprinting methodologies, policies and practices.
Suggested topics for conference papers include, but need not be limited to: ecological footprint methodologies; applications and case studies; policy and practice. Details are available via the BRASS web site:
“Waste to energy”
9-10 May 2007, Bremen, Germany
This conference and trade show will present the latest technologies and solutions for energy recovery from waste and biomass. The internationally-oriented conference will inform about current developments and offers insight into practical experience in the seminars and workshops. The panel discussions will offer an opportunity to network with experts from around the globe and enourage critical discourse on burning issues, whilst the open seminar forum in the exhibit hall will further provide first-hand information on new products and systems.
The state-of-the-art fairgrounds will ensure short distances between the exhibition and conference. Visitors and conference delegates find everything under one roof. Further information is available at:
International Conference on Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment (SUE-MoT Conference 2007)
27-29 June 2007, Glasgow, Scotland
The International Conference on Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment will bring together international leading researchers, professionals, tool developers, policy makers and other stakeholders who are involved in the field of urban sustainability assessment to exchange ideas and knowledge on how to meet the assessment needs of urban decision makers.
The SUE-MOT conference theme is ‘Sustainable Urban Development: Meeting the Challenges of Whole Life Assessments’. Papers relating to this theme are welcome, especially on and around the following areas:
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Integrated approaches to assessing urban sustainability;
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Design tools for sustainable buildings;
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Economics of urban sustainability;
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Environmental appraisal;
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Environmental justice;
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Full cost accounting;
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Impact assessment;
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Knowledge management for sustainability assessment;
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Life cycle assessment;
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Multi-criteria decision-making tools;
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Social appraisal;
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Social capital and community sustainability assessment;
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Stakeholder participation and values;
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Sustainability appraisal of buildings;
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Urban sustainability and design for sustainability;
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Sustainability and the different approaches to urban planning; and
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Urban sustainability barriers, enablers and drivers as well as urban sustainability metrics and indicators.
Further details are available at:
31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2008)
5.1 Hamburg, Germany
The 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering will be held in Hamburg, Germany from 31 August 2008 to 5 September 2008 at the Hamburg Congress Centre CCH. The ICCE 2008 is organised by the German Society of Port Engineering and the German Coastal Engineering Research Council under the auspices of the Coastal Engineering Research Council (CERC) of Coasts, Ocean, Ports and Rivers Institute (COPRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Papers are invited on theory, measurement, analysis, modelling and practice for the following conference topics:
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Coastal processes.
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Coastal, shore and estuarine structures.
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Ports, harbours and waterways.
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Coastal environment.
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Coastal risks.
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Coastal development.
Practical papers detailling the design, construction and performance of case study coastal projects are encouraged. Further details concerning the conference are available on the conference web site: