
Measuring Business Excellence

ISSN: 1368-3047

Article publication date: 20 November 2007



(2007), "Events", Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 11 No. 4.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


4th Workshop on Corporate GovernanceDates and location: 15-16 November 2007, Brussels

Chaired by Tomas Casas Klett (IFPM-CCG, Shangai, China); Hugh Grove (University of Denver, USA); Martin Hilb (University of St Gallen, Switzerland) and Tudor Maxwell (Gordon Institute of Business Science in Johannesburg, South Africa)

The Fourth Workshop on Corporate Governance will address situational, strategic, management and controlling dimensions of corporate governance.

Topics include:

  • Best and worst cases of corporate governance in different countries (situational dimension of corporate governance);

  • Strategic direction at the board level (strategic dimension);

  • Nomination, feedback, remuneration and development of supervisory and executive board members (board management dimension); and

  • Strategic control and risk management at board level (controlling dimension).

For further information visit:

Decision Sciences Institute – 38th Annual MeetingDates and location: 17-20 November 2007, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Theme – Service is Everything. The 2007 DSI Annual Meeting invites basic, applied, and case study research in the field of decision sciences, as well as proposals for panel discussion, symposia, workshops, and tutorials dealing with research or pedagogical issues. The conference will include invited sessions featuring highly-respected researchers, educators, and practitioners to share their knowledge and experience on decision making practices. These will be organized in 22 tracks including a separate track for DSI Fellows. The conference will also feature the curricular issues miniconference, technology in the classroom miniconference, doctoral student consortium, and faculty development programs.

DSI invites you to join them for the 2007 DSI Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, to present your most recent research and teaching innovations and attend a number of miniconferences and consortia scheduled for the first day of the conference. The meeting site in Phoenix provides all of us an opportunity to enjoy the company of our friends and colleagues in a scenic desert environment.

Available at:

Eden Doctoral Seminar on Quantitative Empirical Research In Management AccountingDates and locations: 10-14 December 2007, Brussels

This course will focus on quantitative research methods used in management accounting research and frequently used theoretical perspectives including the contingency theory of organizations, psychology theories of cognition and motivation, and economic theories of the value of information and complementarities in organization design. In addition, general concepts related to the design, conduct, and evaluation of valid empirical research will be presented. This course will consist of introductory lectures, discussions, participant-team work groups, and participant-team presentations

1st European Reward Management Conference (RMC, 2007)Dates and location: 17-18 December 2007, Brussels

Chaired by Matti Vartiainen (Helsinki University of Technology). The conference brings together both researchers and practitioners in the field of reward systems and will look for good practices to develop reward systems based on (applied) academic research and practical experiences. The papers presented in this conference are expected to fit broadly – but not exclusively – into one of the following categories:

  • Reward systems within the context of organizational strategies;

  • Developing reward strategies;

  • Strategic power of different reward instruments;

  • Implementing reward systems;

  • Aligning rewarding with the other HR instruments;

  • Roles, perspectives and interests of the different stakeholders;

  • Executive remuneration;

  • Total rewards in the public sector;

  • Challenges for small and medium-sized workplaces;

  • Rewarding knowledge creation and innovation;

  • Organizational innovations and rewarding;

  • Rewarding in global contexts;

  • Gainsharing systems;

  • Collective rewarding;

  • Upper management, professionals;

  • Rewarding groups, teams and projects;

  • Individual interpretation mechanisms of rewarding;

  • Challenges of work-oriented and performance-based pay;

  • Pay for performance and without performance;

  • Roles of middle- and upper management;

  • Roles of employees in reward system design and implementation;

  • Measuring and evaluating reward systems;

  • Total rewards in European context;

  • Evolving compensation models in unionised settings;

  • What makes a reward management work effective; and

  • Communication on reward systems.

For further information visit:

Practitioner Conferences

Developing Strategy with the Balanced Scorecard Formulating Strategy with the Balanced ScorecardDates and location: 20-21 November 2007, City Crowne Plaza Hotel, London

For more information visit:

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