Managerial Auditing Journal

Managerial Auditing Journal

ISSN: 0268-6902

Article publication date: 1 February 2006



(2006), "Managerial Auditing Journal", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 21 No. 2.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Managerial Auditing Journal

Philomena LeungDeakin University, Australia

Barry J.CooperRMIT University, Australia

The Editors would like to invite submissions for the twenty-first volume of Managerial Auditing Journal (MAJ).

The journal provides: a forum for those with a broad managerial and professional interest in auditing and accounting, to explore current practices, ideas and experience; a framework for explanation and guidance on developments and research; and perspectives on professional and career development. Papers accepted for publication are double blind-refereed to ensure academic rigour and integrity.

An innovation in MAJ is that provision is also made for a Practice Forum section on an occasional basis, to provide an opportunity for practitioner papers to be widely published. In this way, MAJ seeks to uniquely attempt to bring together thought leaders in both academia and practice, in their areas of common interest.


Auditors, once employed for the express purpose of checking the accounts for fraudulent practice, have now developed a more supportive role, guiding and maintaining continual improvement. This new approach is reflected in MAJ, which takes its readers beyond traditional conventions and looks at the ways in which contemporary auditors are improving both managerial and organizational performance.

Key benefits

Managerial Auditing Journal presents a wide range of material with an emphasis on practical examples from expert researchers and practitioners, making it relevant to a broad readership. Its concentration on modern practice creates a useful forum for the development of new thinking and practice within the profession.

Key journal audiences

Issues of audit services market competitiveness, which can be addressed at a global, national and firm level, include but are not limited to:

  • academics and researchers in the field;

  • finance directors and accountants in commerce, industry and the government sector;

  • accountants in public practice;

  • general managers;

  • internal and external auditors; and

  • management consultants.

The journal's wide coverage includes

  • career and professional issues;

  • communicating the results of audits;

  • financial reporting and analyses;

  • environmental auditing;

  • ethical considerations;

  • management theory and auditing practice;

  • performance measurement; and

  • social reporting and auditing processes.


Submissions should be e-mailed to the Editors with the manuscript attached to the e-mail as a MS Word file. Papers should be between 3,000 and 8,000 words in length and contain a structured abstract of up to 250 words and up to six keywords that encapsulate the principal subjects covered by the paper.

All papers will first be considered by the Editors for general relevance and significance. If accepted for review, papers will then be subject to double blind peer review.

Full author guidelines are available from

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