(2005), "Professional Literature", Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 22 No. 9.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Professional Literature
New Books
Ali, Amjad, Digital Libraries in the Making, Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi, 2005. ISBN: 8170004284.
Arora, Ashok and Bansal, Shelfali, A Book on Information Technology, Cyber Tech Publications, New Dehli, 2005. ISBN: 8178841193.
Association of College & Research Libraries Distance Learning Section Instruction Committee, Collaboration for Distance Learning Information Literacy Instruction, Association of Research Libraries, Washington, DC, 2005. Spec Kit 286. ISBN: 1594076936.
Azad, R.R., Global Trade in Information Technology: World Markets, WTO, IT Development, Export Strategies, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2005. ISBN: 8176296309.
Bakardjieva, Maria, Internet Society: The Internet in Everyday Life, Sage Publications, London, 2005. ISBN: 0761943390.
Battelle, John, The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture, Penguin Books, 2005. ISBN: 1591840880.
Bhatt, R.K., Unesco: Development of Libraries and Documentation Centres in Developing Countries, K.K. Publications, New Delhi, 2004. ISBN: 8178440253.
Braman, Sandra, Information Technology, National Identity and Social Cohesion: A Report of the Project on Technology, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC. ISBN: 0892064587.
Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents, issued by Reporters without Borders, available at:
Hanson, Terry (Ed.), Managing Academic Support Services in Universities: The Convergence Experience, Facet Publishing, London, 2004. ISBN: 1856045250.
Hard, Mikael, Hubris and Hybrids: ACultural History of Technology and Science, Routledge, New York, NY, 2005. ISBN: 0415949394.
Hillstrom, Kevin, Defining Moments: The Internet Revolution, Omnigraphics, Detroit, 2005. ISBN: 0780807677.
Jairam, Sulabh, Dangers of Information Technology: Emerging Threats to Individual Privacy, Dominant Publishers, Delhi, 2005. ISBN: 8178880075.
Joshi, Uma, Information Communication Technologies and Development, Dominant Publishers, Delhi, 2005. ISBN: 8178882183.
Lakshmi, Vijay and Jindal, S.C. (Eds), Digital Libraries, 3 volumes: Digital Library: Principles and Practices; Digital Library and Archives; Issues of Digital Library Environment, Isha Books, Delhi, 2004. ISBN: 8182051096.
Latham, Robert (Ed.), Digital Formations: IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2005. ISBN: 0691119872.
Marshall, Stewart, Taylor, Wal and Yu, Xinghuo, Encyclopedia of Developing Regional Communities with Information and Communication Technology, Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA, 2005. ISBN: 1591405750; ISBN for eBook: 1591407915.
Mulgan, Geoff, Wide Open: Open Source Methods and Their Future Potential, Demos, London, 2005. ISBN: 1841801429.
Shapiro, Debra (Ed.), E-scholarship: ALITA Guide, American Library Association, Chicago, IL, 2005. ISBN: 0838983480.
Sharma, Jitendra Kummar, Print Media and Electronic Media: Implications for the Future, Authorspress, Delhi, 2005. ISBN: 8172732104.
Signposts in Cyberspace: The Domain Name System and Internet Navigation, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2005. ISBN: 0309096405.
Singh, S.P. and Kumar, Krishan (Eds), Special Libraries in the Electronic Environment, Bookwell, Delhi, 2005. ISBN: 8185040893
Spink, Amanda and Cole, Charles (Eds), New Directions in Human Information Behavior, Springer, New York, NY, 2005. ISBN: 1402036671.
Verma, Kusum (Ed.), ICTs in Library, Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004. ISBN: 8187606711.
Verma, Kusum (Ed.), Digital Library Preservation Policies, Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005. ISBN: 8187606770.
Verma, Romesh (Ed.), Distance Education in Technological Age, Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2005. ISBN: 8126122102.
Walter, Scott and Hinchliffe, Lisa Janicke, Instructional Improvement Programs, Association of Research Libraries, Washington, DC, 2005. Spec Kit # 287. ISBN: 1594076944.