New & Noteworthy

Library Hi Tech News

ISSN: 0741-9058

Article publication date: 1 August 2002



(2002), "New & Noteworthy", Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 19 No. 8.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2002, MCB UP Limited

New & Noteworthy


Launches New E-mail Security Tests

GFI's E-mail Security Testing Zone has launched three new e-mail tests. These tests enable administrators to find out free of charge if their network is protected against e-mails using the Iframe Remote and Object Codebase exploits, and to check whether their anti-virus software is working properly.

The Iframe Remote vulnerability test checks whether a mail server blocks e-mails containing an Iframe that points to a file residing on an HTTP server. This e-mail exploit can bypass a PC's security settings. It disarmingly contains no attachment but invites the recipient to open a file that seems both harmless and interesting but is actually an HTA file in disguise. HTA files contain commands that, when executed, can do virtually anything on the recipient's PC. This includes running malicious code such as viruses and worms.

The Object Codebase vulnerability test reveals whether a mail server detects and blocks e-mails that use the Object Codebase exploit. This exploit allows local files to be automatically executed, regardless of the security settings on the target machine. An e-mail using this method can run on any computer that has an unpatched version of Internet Explorer 6.

The Eicar anti-virus software test is a safe and easy way for users to check if they have anti-virus protection and/or if their anti-virus software is working.



Unveils New E-mail Alerting Services

Ingenta has unveiled a new suite of e-mail alerting services for library and individual use. Chris Beckett, VP of Library Services at Ingenta, commented: "Now librarians will be able to choose how much control over the alerting process they want to have, whether alerting services are managed centrally, or devolved to the end user."

Currently undergoing extensive beta testing, the suite of alerting products has been designed to satisfy the level of flexibility, technical stability and comprehensive content administrators and researchers seek. The products enable customized notification on the most comprehensive collection of scholarly full text available online – including millions of articles, from over 26,000 publications, together with 5,400 full-text online journals from over 200 scholarly and professional publishers.

The product suite's flexibility empowers library administrators and patrons to highly customize the types of e-mail alerts they receive. Customizable characteristics include preferred delivery format, search strategies and journal title selection. Additionally, custom solutions will be available, such as the bulk delivery of table of contents (TOC) information to libraries wanting to enhance their catalogues and other Web resources, with direct links back to the electronic full text.

Library administrators can choose any combination of solutions that best suits their patrons' research needs. Services available include:

  • TOC Alerting: notification of selected tables of contents as soon as the journals are available at

  • TOC Redistribution: receipts of table of contents alerts for specific titles for administrators to re-distribute to select groups or individual patrons.

  • Saved Search Alerting: the option to receive notification of current articles as requested in individuals' or administrators' self-managed search accounts.

  • Custom Solutions (in development): custom table of contents redistribution services, including tagged bulk delivery of journal tables of contents for inclusion in library OPACs or catalogues.

Alerts relating to paper content are delivered by e-mail in plain text, while alerts for electronic content are delivered by e-mail in plain text, HTML, and Procite or Endnote compatible formats.

Ingenta –


Launches UK Subsidiary

Zarealye, the Moscow-based offshore software development company, announced the launch of its London-based company Mirror Beyond Ltd at OutsourceWorld, which took place on 24-25 April 2002. The new company represents a consolidation of Zarealye's presence in the UK market, using the resources of Zarealye to bring clients the benefits of Russian-based software development.

Mirror Beyond will provide Zarealye with a marketing, sales and support office covering the UK and Western Europe.

Mirror Beyond –


Launches Enhanced Version of Talk'n'View

Centacom launched a much-enhanced version of its Internet-based talk'n'view service during Internet World 2002 in London on 11-13 June.

The new service enables customers or visitors to a Web site to make a high-quality IP voice connection to an agent, support desk or business contact. Both can then simultaneously view either Web pages on the site or any PC-based application such as word processing documents, presentations and spread-sheet software.

The ability to guide or be taken to any page or application can be assigned to either caller or agent and the system also has the ability to co-browse other Web sites during a continuous single session.

Centacom talk'n'view has "chatbox" and "video-box" facilities which can be undocked and moved to any part of the screen. The chatbox can be used by those without a microphone or those who require special assistance. The video box can be used for static or live pictures, subject to bandwidth, for a quality user experience.

Collaborative viewing by both user and agent delivers the ability to carry out interactive form-filling, thus enabling data entry to be made whilst talking at the same time – overcoming one of the recognized disadvantages of Internet-based transactions, the absence of direct human contact.

This technology is expected to be a great boon for the services sectors where customers, clients and colleagues need assistance in completing details or reviewing documents online and will significantly speed up existing processes and generate improvements in business efficiency and stimulate Internet commerce.

Centacom regards talk'n'view as a major step forward in business technology as it can negate the need in many instances for someone to visit clients and colleagues in order to review documentation or to make presentations. The company considers it to be ideal for support desks when the ability to take control of a caller's PC, once permission has been granted, enables a remote technical specialist to assist the caller in problem resolution.

Centacom talk'n'view is already being used in educational and library environments for the provision of online tutorial assistance to students and for help and support in locating research and publication material.

The launch of the talk'n'view version 2 service coincides with the launch of two other new managed services provided by Centacom. A low entry cost Video-Conferencing over IP service and an Internet Call Waiting (ICW) service have also been launched.

Centacom –


Partners with Bravenet to Provide a Branded Web Page Builder

The ZyWeb online Web page builder has been chosen by Bravenet as its online Web site editor. With over 2 million registered members, Bravenet is one of the largest Web master resource services in the world and ZyWeb's simple to use all-in-one Web publisher will allow Bravenet's customers to create graphically impressive Web sites in minutes, without the need for graphics or authoring skills.

The service, to be known as BraveBuilder, runs on ZyWeb servers but publishes the finished Web pages to Bravenet's hosting servers in the USA.

ZyWeb will be provided as a free service allowing up to five pages to be created per member and versions are available for both the home user and the business user which allow additional Web pages and a wider choice of page and graphic templates. The business version also benefits from a new Web Site Creator feature that enables an entire Web site to be created in seconds.

ZyWeb –


Launches New Web Site

The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN), established 30 years ago to help museums automate, launched its new Web site on 1 May. Of special interest is the section titled "Creating and Managing Digital Content".

Canadian Heritage Information Network –

Digital Preservation Coalition

Launches Web Site and Online Digital Preservation Handbook

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has launched a Web site that provides a platform for the dissemination of DPC research and writing and makes available an online version of the Preservation Management of Digital Materials: A Handbook. This handbook is a practical guide to managing digital resources over time and the issues in sustaining access to them.

As digital information becomes increasingly important to our culture, knowledge base and economy the DPC Web site will provide a resource for all those involved in the creation and management of digital materials.

The DPC officially launched at the House of Commons in February 2002. Its aim is to secure the preservation of digital resources in the UK and to work with others internationally to ensure that access to the global digital memory and knowledge base is not lost.

The launch of the Web site, and online version of the Preservation Management of Digital Materials, marks the next phase in the DPC's development and is a significant step towards addressing one of the Coalition's main goals: the commitment to disseminating information and sharing outcomes.

The handbook was originally published by The British Library in October 2001 and developed through funding from Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, and the British Library Co-operation and Partnership Programme. It is based on research by staff from the Joint Information Systems Committee of the UK Higher and Further Education Funding Councils (JISC) and the Arts and Humanities Data Service. Aimed at a broad audience, it is intended to provide guidance to institutions at national, regional and local levels who are involved in or contemplating creation and/or acquisition of digital materials. In a rapidly changing environment the Web version of the handbook can be updated on a regular basis to ensure currency of Web references and cited projects. Development of the online edition has been funded by the Digital Preservation Coalition and completed by Neil Beagrie and Brett Scillitoe on behalf of the DPC.

Digital Preservation Coalition –


Sets Global Standard for Metro Networks

The ITU has set a global standard for Metro "Optical Fibre" Networks that will expand the use of Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) in metropolitan networks. This standard is necessary to meet the increasing demand of voice, data and multimedia services for low-cost short-haul optical transport solutions in urban centres. It is expected to produce savings for telecommunications operators, which it is hoped will be passed on to consumers.


David Rumsey Collection

Web Site Wins Webby Award

The David Rumsey Collection Web site has received a Best of the Web (Webby) Award in the technical achievement category. The award was presented at a ceremony in San Francisco on 18 June by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. Other nominees in this category, who "exemplify the very best that the Internet has to offer" were Google, Memorystick, REBOL Internet Operating System and Volantis System Ltd.

Webby Awards – awards/nominees.html#tech

Oxford Chemistry Web Site

Wins Scientific American Award has selected Oxford University's Virtual Chemistry Laboratory Web site as a winner of the 2002 Sci/Tech Web Awards, in recognition of its quality of information as well as engaging presentation of scientific content.

The site is a research project led by Dr Karl Harrison, IT Coordinator and Training Officer at the Department of Chemistry, where final-year chemistry students have been developing education material to enhance the learning of chemistry. It contains interactive virtual chemistry experiments using video, animations and 3D visualizations of molecules, online tutorials, and chemistry films.

One section, the online chemistry textbook, is aimed in particular at those who are preparing to study chemistry at university. Core knowledge of chemistry is presented making full use of the Web's interactive features with each chapter containing a set of questions and problems for students to work on.

Dr Karl Harrison, the founder of the site, said: "Chemistry on the molecular level has always been a bit abstract but the Web now offers amazing possibilities to bring molecules and their interactions to life. By encouraging students to use the Web, they work through scientific problems from a different angle and learn a lot more than they could from a textbook alone. I found that students are very enthusiastic when it comes to designing Web sites, so I thought why not use this energy and encourage them to design teaching material themselves."

Virtual Chemistry Laboratory Web site –


Brings Data Analysis Capability Online

SPSS, the data mining specialist, has launched a solution for any organization wishing to quickly conduct surveys over the Web. Survey nSight enables project coordinators to run tailored surveys directly online. Using daily response summary reports, organizations can monitor progress and response rates and learn from the survey in real time.

The service is managed entirely by SPSS, allowing companies to obtain detailed and accurate information about their audience, without the costs involved in running such a programme in-house.

"Survey nSight provides the benefits of a managed service without losing control of the survey process", said Chi Tang, marketing manager at SPSS UK. "Spending on online research is expected to grow exponentially over the next three years. This shows the growing awareness of the value of the Internet as a marketing and opinion gathering tool".

"As the pressures for organizations to maintain a focus on core issues increase, they are looking at more and more ways to outsource business processes while reducing the risk", he added.

In addition to hosting and data analysis, SPSS offers customers a variety of add-on options. These range from survey review consulting and additional security to sophisticated online analytical reports.



Supports OpenURL Standard

ScienceDirect has announced that it now supports the OpenURL standard. This addresses the growing need for bi-directional interaction between ScienceDirect and other services via link resolvers and significantly expands access to the world's scientific literature via the ScienceDirect platform.

ScienceDirect's implementation of the OpenURL standard means that libraries can now link directly from abstracts in ScienceDirect to the content and services from many other resources. Equally so, links can easily be enabled from other library resources directly to ScienceDirect.

To facilitate easy customer implementation of link resolvers, ScienceDirect is partnering with Endeavor Information Systems and Ex Libris. ScienceDirect's use of the OpenURL protocol enables direct linking through LinkFinderPlus and SFX to its full-text articles.

ScienceDirect – http://info.

Serials Solutions and Endeavor

Establish Working Relationship

Serials Solutions and Endeavor Information Systems have announced a working relationship that will allow mutual clients to easily transfer and integrate data between their respective content management systems.

Libraries utilizing the OPAC of Endeavor's Voyager integrated library management system and Serials Solutions' electronic serials reports may now easily include data from their Voyager system into their Serials Solutions reports that display all the full-text serials available at their institution, regardless of format, including content from database aggregators, publishers and subscription agents.

Endeavor Information Systems –


Redesigns Web Site

Endeavor Information Systems has launched a completely redesigned customer Web site. The site (SupportWeb) has been enriched for specific customers of the Voyager integrated library management system, the ENCompass digital management system and the LinkFinderPlus open linking system.

SupportWeb provides: full, downl-oadable documentation; implementation details; new service offerings; online incident submission; FAQs on processes and techniques; current software patches; planning structures for new releases; and technical upgrade specifications.

Endeavor Information Systems –

ISI and WebFeat

Announce Partnership

ISI has announced a partnership agreement with WebFeat, Inc., developers of the WebFeat PrismTM. The WebFeat Prism enables users to simultaneously search their entire collection of disparate databases through a single intuitive interface. Whether it's the library's catalogue holdings, proprietary databases, or subscription resources, WebFeat can simultaneously search each resource to deliver a completely integrated research solution for the scientific community.

Under the agreement, ISI will distribute a specially enhanced version of the WebFeat Prism that integrates smoothly with ISI Web of KnowledgeSM – the single environment from which researchers can access, analyse, and manage information. With WebFeat, researchers and information professionals will be able to search the information resources within the ISI Web of Knowledge platform while simultaneously searching the other databases within the library, delivering true cross-collection discovery. Users can access the Prism search environment through ISI Web of Knowledge or through the library's own homepage. In addition, a variety of search criteria are available, including Boolean and date constraint. Once a search is conducted, the information retrieved can be organized and presented on the WebFeat Interface as the client chooses.

WebFeat also offers a unique level of service. WebFeat custom configures the Prism and maintains access to all searched resources. Library personnel do not have to toil with set-up details or struggle with sustaining the software's functionality. The user-friendly environment saves researchers valuable time during the initial discovery process, and allows them to navigate easily to the richness of specific collections.

WebFeat also offers the WebFeat Usage Tracker to track and report usage of any database plugged into the WebFeat system, and the WebFeat Authentication Manager (WAM) that enables institutions to use WebFeat with multiple passwords/IP authentication to the same database. WAM can track authentication for libraries, companies, departments and individuals.

WebFeat –


Develops #Primer

The Center for Intellectual Property and Copyright (CIP), University of Maryland University College, has announced the development of an online, interactive tutorial on copyright basics called the #Primer. The Primer is a free interactive online tool to assist educating faculty, staff and students about copyright principles and compliance.

#Primer –


Announces New Official Discussion List

The International Society of Scientometrics & Informetrics (ISSI), has announced the new official ISSI Discussion List. Write to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.REDIRIS.ES and, in the text of your message (not the subject line), write: SUBSCRIBE ISSI <name>

The language of the list is English. The main purpose of the list is the interchange of information and so, subscribers who are not English-speakers are encouraged to participate and should not worry about writing "grammatically perfect" English. The purpose is communication with each other to create a lively research community.


Launches Consultancy Service

As part of the continuing development of its range of professional services, CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals has launched a library and information consultancy headed by David Haynes.

CILIP Consultancy Services (CSS) will provide expertise in all aspects of library and information management, including knowledge management and records management. Services on offer range from short-term assignments lasting a few days to full-scale information audits, research projects and consultation exercises for larger library and information clients.



Offers Authority Records on the Web

The Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) is offering a new service on its Web site that allows people to search its authority records and RAMEAU subject headings. This tool will be useful to librarians for easier cataloguing – as well as to researchers wanting more efficient bibliographic searches The service is on free access in the "Informations pour les professionnels" section and on the RAMEAU site.

The new service allows direct access, without searching the catalogue, to all of the BnF authority records files: personal and corporate names, and uniform titles records (created when cataloguing printed documents that have entered the library collections since 1970) and also records of the national RAMEAU subject authority list. Records can be displayed in public, UNIMARC or INTERMARC format.

Bibliothèque nationale de France –

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Resource

Celebrate People's Network

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation joined forces with Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, to celebrate the enormous achievement of the People's Network, at a Conference held at The Royal Society in London on 30 May 2002. The People's Network project, the UK's biggest ever public sector investment in an ICT initiative and the public libraries sector, will have connected 4,300 public libraries to the Internet by the end of 2002, and will have trained all public library staff in ICT skills by 2004. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Gift has provided £2.6 million in support of the project, which has helped develop the People's Network in public libraries in the most deprived areas of the UK by providing funding for extra ICT facilities.

Giving the keynote address at the conference, Arts Minister, Baroness Blackstone, said: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for its generous gift of £2.6 million which has been used to complement the infrastructure strand of the People's Network programme through the purchase of additional hardware, a total of 1,903 Internet terminals, in 413 learning centres, in libraries, in the most deprived wards across the country. This will make a tremendous difference to the lives of many people who, without this support, are at most risk of being on the wrong side of the digital divide.

"Thanks to the People's Network programme all libraries will now have the means to provide rapid access to a vastly increased amount of knowledge and information, and ordinary people of all ages and skill levels can access it, supported by trained staff, thereby allowing them to improve their knowledge and skills and broaden their horizons. This has put libraries at the forefront of the Department's social inclusion strategy and I would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate all those who have been involved in this work including the New Opportunities Fund and Resource for the role they have played in designing and managing the programme."

Lord Evans, Chairman of Resource, commented: "It's almost impossible to over-estimate the importance of the People's Network. The project, which is managed by Resource and has been lottery-funded by the New Opportunities Fund, will benefit communities throughout the UK, by allowing anyone and everyone in the country to have access to a computer and the Internet, simply by visiting their local library. This will enable people, for example, to find new jobs, keep in touch with friends and family and get support for their studies."

Other speakers at the conference included Carol Erickson, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Luis Herrera, City of Pasadena Information Services Department. Case studies were presented by Brian Gambles, Birmingham City, Ken McKinlay, East Renfrewshire Council, Stephen Walters, Gateshead Council, and Linda Tomos, Wales Information Network.

Resource –

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