Professor Yves Cherruault


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 11 April 2008



(2008), "Professor Yves Cherruault", Kybernetes, Vol. 37 No. 3/4.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Professor Yves Cherruault

Article Type: Cyber profile From: Kybernetes, Volume 37, Issue 3/4.

Professor Yves Cherruault

Professor Cherruault has been associated with Kybernetes The International Journal of Systems Cybernetics and the Management Sciences since its fledgling days in the 1970s. He was one of the scientists the Founder Editor, Dr John Rose, encouraged to publish and participate in the conferences of the newly formed World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC). Dr Cherruault has subsequently become a leading researcher who has distinguished himself in developing mathematical solutions to some of the most challenging problems that arise in biology, medicine and many other areas, which we often term biocybernetics. His endeavours have resulted in the publication of numerous research papers and books that introduced new methodologies which have pioneered research in many of these application areas.

He was born in Bondy, Seine Saint Denis, France on the 6 February 1937 and his studies and career successes resulted in:

  • PhD, University of Paris (1963).

  • Doctorat d'ETAT: University of Paris (October 1966): Directors: Professor J. Arsac, Professor J.L. Lions.

  • Professor at the University of Lille 1 (1966-1969).

  • Professor at the University Paris VI from 1969 to 2005.

  • Director of MEDIMAT Laboratory (University Paris 6) from 1969 to 2006.

MEDIMAT specialized in mathematics applied to biology and medicine: methods for the identification, optimisation, optimal control were developed under his directorship, as well as methods for solving non-linear functional equations. Since, 1966 (to 2006) he has directed 82 PhD theses and 82 of these have been obtained with distinction. At present two PhDs are being supervised by Dr Cherruault. In this time, he has organised many international congresses. A report of a recent conference where he was president of the scientific committee appears in the news, conferences and technical reports section of the journal issue. He is a scientific consultant to many organisations and societies.

Research interests and contributions

Professor Cherruault's main contributions include:

  • Mathematical modelling of biomedical systems.

  • Mathematical and numerical resolution of involved problems (identification, resolution of functional equations, and optimal control problems).

  • Adomian decomposition method (ADM). First to prove the mathematical convergence of this technique. Furthermore, new formulae for calculating Adomian polynomials have been proposed. Several researchers of his laboratory have improved this method (K. Abbaoui...), and suggested new formulae for ADM. Recently, a generalization of the ADM have been developed.

  • Global optimazation methods. Developed a new original method for solving global optimization problems (Alienor method). This method is based on a-denses curves allowing to approximate any compact of Rn with the desired accuracy a. Optimization of a function of n variables is brought back to the optimization of a single variable function. More generally, the a-dense curves allow us to solve quickly and simply any problem (linear or no) of operational research. They can also solve optimization problems with integer or mixed variables.

  • Optimal conrol problems. The coupling of ADM with Alienor allows us to tranform any control problem into a classical optimization problem where the functional is explicitly dependent on the control variables.

His researches have resulted in the publication of more than 200 papers in leading international journals. Readers of Kybernetes will recall the publication of a special double issue of this journal (Rudall, 2005) “Biocybernetes: methodology and applications” which was devoted to the researches of Professor Cherruault and his colleagues at MEDIMAT Universite Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI, France. It contained 26 main papers and summaries of eight others.

Dr Cherruault has been the author of seven published books. The most recent (Cherruault, 1998, 1999, 2005) were concerned with mathematical methods and optimisation.


Cherruault, Y. (1998), Modèles Méthodes mathématiques pour les Sciences du Vivant, Presses Universitaires de France PUF, Paris.Cherruault, Y. (1999), Optimisation: méthodes locales et globales, Presses Universitaires de France PUF, Paris.Cherruault, Y. (2005), “Optimisation globale: Theorie des combes alpha-denses”, Economica, January.Rudall, B.H. (2005), “Biocybernetics: methodology and applications”, Kybernetes The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics, Vol. 34 Nos 7/8, pp. 921-1299.

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