XVI International Conference on Systems Science


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 15 February 2008



Vallée, R. (2008), "XVI International Conference on Systems Science", Kybernetes, Vol. 37 No. 2. https://doi.org/10.1108/k.2008.06737bab.002



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

XVI International Conference on Systems Science

XVI International Conference on Systems Science

The XVI International Conference on Systems Science was held, from 4 to 6 September 2007, at the Wroclaw University of Technology (Politechnika Wroctawska) Poland. It was organized by the Institute of Information Science and Engineering of the Wroclaw University of Technology (Chairman Professor Jerzy Jozefczyk) and co-sponsored by the WOSC, the Committee of Automation and Robotics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and partly by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The Chairman of the International Program Committee (Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Poland, Russia, Spain, UK and the USA) was Professor Adam Grzech. This event, attended by around 180 participants organized on a rotational basis among three institutions: Wroclaw University of Technology, Coventry University and University of Nevada.

The conference topics were: general systems theory and control; systems identification, modelling and simulation; systems optimization; large-scale control systems; manufacturing systems; distributed computer systems and computer networks; knowledge-based and intelligent systems; decision support systems and expert systems; applications of systems analysis to technical, management, communication, transport and biomedical systems. A printed version of the Conference Proceedings (three volumes, more than 300 communications) was available at the Conference. Selected papers will be published in Systems Science or Kybernetes (official journal of the WOSC).

The first session of, Wednesday 5 was devoted to the memory of Professor Zdzisfew Bubnicki (1938-2006), Founder of the Institute of Information Science and Engineering, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Systems Science, Initiator and Chairman of the International Conferences on Systems Science (starting from 1973), author of more than 250 articles, nine books (among which Analysis and Decision Making in Uncertain Systems, doctor honoris causa of several universities, senior member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Honorary Fellow of the WOSC. This session was made of two parts. For the first one, after the allocutions of the Rector of the University, of Professor Jerzy Jozefczyk and Professor Jerzy Swiatek, there were four communications concerning Professor Z. Bubnicki and topics of systems theory: “Realisation problem for positive multivariable continuous-time systems with delays” (Tadeus Kaczorek), “Dead-time compensation on discrete-time control” (Pedro Albertos, Pedro Garcia), “On the H2, L2 and L1 optimally of some of two-degree of freedom control systems” (Laszlo Keviczky, Cs Banyasz), “On some aspects of systems theory” (Robert Vallée). In the second part were presented five communications: “Professor Zdislaw Bubnicki-Memories of an intellectually inspired friend” (Ganti Prasada Rao), “Integration of knowledge systems: the needs, challenges and opportunities” (Ganti Prasada Rao), “Multicriteria scheduling on the grid” (Jan Weglarz), “Non-model-based decision support systems for solving real world problems” (Janusz Kadprzyk), “Maintainability of positive linear discrete-time systems” (Glyn James, Ventsi Rumchev).

The official banquet of the conference (an excellent buffet) took place at “Spitz” a traditional restaurant on the market place, near the town hall, in the historic part of the city, on Wednesday 5. During the closing ceremony, on Thursday 6, were presented the best papers awards.

Robert Vallée

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