(2006), "From P2P to Web Services and Grids - Peers in a Client/server World", Kybernetes, Vol. 35 No. 1/2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
From P2P to Web Services and Grids - Peers in a Client/server World
SpringerHeidelberg20051-85233-869-5p. 275 (Softcover)$64.95
Published in the Series: Computer Communications and Networks, we are told that it provides a “comprehensive overview” of emerging distributed-systems technologies. In systems and cybernetics we cannot ignore developments in this area and it aims to cover a wide range of middleware and application-based technologies such as: OGSA: WSRF: SOAP: WSDL: NAPSTER and GNUTELLA. Although we may use some of these we are given the opportunity of updating and, indeed, being introduced to new ones. Emphasis is given to the architecture being employed and the security model chosen. The author aims to analyse each technology described with particular reference to the degree of centralisation or, indeed, decentralisation they include. May be too specialised for some, but of interest to readers who wish to keep up with new developments and to update their own systems.