15th International Conference on Systems Science, Wroclaw University of Technology 7-10 September 2004 – WOSC president’s address


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 1 January 2006



Vallée, P.R. (2006), "15th International Conference on Systems Science, Wroclaw University of Technology 7-10 September 2004 – WOSC president’s address", Kybernetes, Vol. 35 No. 1/2. https://doi.org/10.1108/k.2006.06735aab.008



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

15th International Conference on Systems Science, Wroclaw University of Technology 7-10 September 2004 – WOSC president’s address

15th International Conference on Systems Science, Wroclaw University of Technology 7-10 September 2004 – WOSC president’s address

Mr Rector, Mr Chairman of the Congress, Mr Chairman of the Organizing Committee, dear colleagues.

It is a great honour and pleasure for me to welcome, at this opening ceremony, the participants to the 15th International Congress on Systems Science organized by the Institute of Control and Systems Engineering of Wroclaw University of Technology, directed by Professor Zdzislaw Bubnicki, President of the Polish Committee of Automation of Polish Academy of Sciences.

I wish a great success to the Congress on behalf of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, in short WOSC, also known as Organisation Mondiale de Systémique et de Cybernétique, co-sponsor of this Conference with the Committee of Automation and Robotics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The links between WOSC and the Institute of Control and Systems Engineering have already been started, particularly with the presentation to Professor Bubnicki of an Honorary Fellowship in 2001 at the occasion of the WOSC Congress in Pittsburgh. Moreover, Kybernetes, the official journal of WOSC, will be allowed to publish, as well as Systems Science, some communications to this congress.

In the name of Prof. J. Rose Founder, Dr Alex Andrew Director-General, Prof. Brian Rudall Vice-President of WOSC and myself, I renew my wishes. Remembering the contributions of Poland to systems science in fields such as cybernetics with a precursor like Trentowski (1843), praxiology, economics, cybernetics, automation and the great diversity of nations represented at this Congress I am sure that this manifestation, 15th of a long list of conferences to which I participated many times, will be as successful as usual.

Prof. Robert ValléePresident of WOSC

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