World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC)


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 1 August 2004



(2004), "World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC)", Kybernetes, Vol. 33 No. 7.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC)

Official journal of WOSC

The WOSC Directorate has announced that Kybernetes is to continue as its official journal. They have once again expressed their appreciation of the cooperation they have received from its publishers Emerald and in particular, the Editor-in-Chief, Professor B.H. Rudall, the Section Editors Drs Alex M. Andrew, Andrew Adamatzky, and C.J.H. Mann. They would also like to express their thanks to Vicky Williams, the Managing Editor of Kybernetes, for her much-valued assistance.

New Structure at WOSC

It has been announced that WOSC is to have a new president and director-general as well as other changes in its structure. Professor Robert Vallée has announced after his extensive consultations with the Honorary Director Founder Professor J. Rose, the Directors and representatives from the federated institutions and organisations.

Whilst Norbert Wiener is the president in memoriam, a new president has to be appointed to replace the distinguished former holder of the office, the late Professor Stafford Beer (see Special Announcements).

Plans for the next Congress

Plans are being made for the next World Congress of WOSC which is held as part of the well-established triennial series. Currently, negotitations are taking place with the University of Maribor, Slovenia.

Representatives for Literati Awards – judging panel

The Literati Club Awards for Excellence 2004 for outstanding and highly commended contributions to Kybernetes will again be presented this year at various venues worldwide.

The nominations made for the Norbert Wiener Award for an Outstanding paper and three “Highly Commended” awards were submitted to the Literati Club by the chairman of the Kybernetes panel of judges. WOSC was represented by Dr Alex M. Andrew.

Full details of the awards will be communicated to the WOSC director-general and published in this journal. It is hoped that the presentations will be made at a WOSC event, possibly the World Congress of the organisation.

Norbert Wiener Institute of Systems and Cybernetics

The Institute continues its work in encouraging research and development in systems and cybernetics and contributions are frequently published in the various sections of Kybernetes.

Researchers working in various projects worldwide are asked to send their reports to the Institute secretariat with copies, where relevant, to the Editors of this journal for possible publication and/or circulation. Papers sent with a view to publication will be considered by the Editorial team and if considered suitable will be refereed in the usual manner. Reports of work in hand and interim progress communications can be published without review if approved by the Editors or two members of the journals's EAB. It should be noted that the authors of all full papers published in Kybernetes become Literati Club members. The attention of Institute Researchers is made to the Online access that is available to journal subscribers. Details are given in the Contents pages. In particular, researchers have extensive facilities which includes reference linking, e-mailing an article, research register as well as a choice of electronic access. The publishers Emerald offer a support service and technical help, which should assist Institute research groups in choosing the features they may wish to use (e-mail:

WOSC representation at congresses/conferences/meetings

During 2003, WOSC representatives attended the major international events of importance to cyberneticians and systemists. The Director-General in 2003 travelled extensively to fullfil invitations to attend conferences which received support from WOSC or were sponsored by the organisation. Reports of these events and those attended by other WOSC representatives have been published throughout the year in this section of Kybernetes.

Dr A.M. Andrew, in particular represented the organisation at meetings in London, Moscow, Vienna and made personal contact with many well-known cyberneticians and systemists during his tour of the United States. Professor Rudall and his colleagues and members of the EAB of this journal have also been able to represent WOSC at numerous meetings and academic events whilst promoting our official journal.

WOSC members who attend events in the systems and cybernetics communities are invited to send reports to the Editor-in-Chief of this journal for inclusion in this section – details are given on the inside rear cover of this copy.

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