Millennial announcements


ISSN: 0368-492X

Article publication date: 1 December 1999



(1999), "Millennial announcements", Kybernetes, Vol. 28 No. 9.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited

Millennial announcements

The World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC) will be participating in the following important Millennium Events.

1. World Congress of the Systems Sciences, Toronto, Canada, 17-19 July 2000

To help celebrate the new millennium, the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) and some 20 "co-host" organizations in the systems field will jointly present a three-day World Congress of the Systems Sciences in Toronto Canada during the summer of the year 2000. The purpose of the Congress will be to provide a scientific forum for addressing the many challenges that humankind will face in the next century. The theme will be: "Understanding Complexity: The Systems Sciences in the New Millennium. "Former ISSS Presidents Stafford Beer and Anatol Rapoport will serve as honorary co-chairpersons.

The program will include a number of full-length keynote addresses by some of the world's most distinguished scientists, as well as plenary presentations by leaders of each of the co-host organizations. There will also be a set of showcase panels with presentations by representatives from each co-host organization, along with more informal evening workshop/discussion sessions to allow for more personal interaction and dialogue.

In addition, there will be a welcoming reception/concert on the evening before the Congress begins, along with continental breakfasts and cafeteria lunches on-site, a wrap-up plenary "forum" and a final banquet. Participants will also be entitled to attend the 44th annual ISSS meeting during the two days immediately following the Congress.

Relatively low-cost accommodations of various types will be available on the Ryerson University campus, and conference rates will also be arranged at nearby hotels.

If you would like more information, please contact your co-host organization or the ISSS.

Co-host organizations (as of April 1, 1999): Action Research Group, American Society for Cybernetics, Center for Hyperincursion in Anticipatory Systems, Center for Intelligent Systems, Concordia Institute, Epic of Evolution Society, Global Futures Foundation, Holistic Science Program, Infodynamics Group, Institute for Law and Systems Research, International Federation for Systems Research, International Institute for Advanced Studies in Cybernetics and Systems, International Society for the Systems Sciences, International Systems Institute, Institute for the Study of Complex Systems, Semiotics Research Unit (U. Toronto), United Kingdom Cybernetics Society, United Kingdom Systems Society, Washington Evolutionary Systems Society, World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics.

Conference organizer: Dr Peter A. Corning (ISSS President-Elect), Institute for the Study of Complex Systems, 119 Bryant Street, Ste. 212, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA. Tel: (650) 325 5717; Fax: (650) 325 3775; E-mail:

Local organizer: Dr Helmut (Ken) Burkhardt, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto. Tel: (416) 979 5000 ext. 7246; Fax: (416) 979 5064; E-mail:

2. 8th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, IPMU 2000, 3-7 July 2000

The conference, IPMU 2000 is organised by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Details of the event are included on: and contact through: e-mail:

Officials of the conference:

Honorary President: Lotfi A. Zadeh (University of California at Berkeley, USA)

General Chairpersons Committee: Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier (LIP6. CNP, S. Univ. Paris VI, France) Julio Gutiérrez-Rios (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) Luis Magdalena (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) Enric Trillas (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) Ronald R. Yager (Iona College, NY, USA)

Int. Programme Committee (Tentative):

J. Aguilar-Martin, C. Alsina, J. Baldwin, S. Barro, J. Bezdek, P. Bonissone, P. Bosc, J.L. Castro, M. Delgado, D. Dubois, F. Esteva, M. Fedrizzi, L. Foulloy, M.A. Gil, F. Gomide, A. Gonzalez, S. Grossberg, S. Guiasu, P. Hajek, F. Herrera, K. Hirota, J. Jacas, F.V. Jensen, J. Kacprzyk, A. Kandel, E.P. Klement, G. Klir, J. Kohlas, R. Kruse, H.L. Larsen, R. Lopez de Mantaras, G. Mayor, R. Mesiar, C. Moraga, H. Nguyen, S. Ovchinnikov, H. Prade, A. Ralescu, D. Ralescu, A.F. Rocha, E. Ruspini, A. Sage, E. Sanchez, R. Scozzafava, G. Shafer, P. Shenoy, P. Smets, P. Sobrevilla, M. Sugeno, T. Terano, I.B. Turksen, R. Vallée, L. Valverde, A. Ventre, J.L. Verdegay, M.A. Vila, H. Zimmermann

Organizing Committee:

J. Botia, S. Cubillo, J.C. Crespo, F. Fernández, E. Frias, J.M. Goñi, R. Riaza, J.R. Velasco

WOSC is represented on the International Programme Committee by the Director-General, Professor Robert Vallée together with members of the Editorial Advisory Board of Kybernetes. The Federated organisations and institutions of WOSC will also be participating in this international event.

Details of the meeting are included in the Special Announcements Section of this issue.

The following contacts are also given: Conference Papers: Secretaria IPMU2000,

Dept. Matemática Aplicada ETSI Telecomunicación,

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid 28040, Spain. Information and Technical Secretariat: Ultramar Express, C/Enrique Jardiel Poncela, 6 28016 Madrid, Spain. Tel: (34) 91 540 15 70/71; Fax: (34) 91 542 95 19; E-mail:

3. 15th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research - EMCSR 2000

University of Vienna, Austria, 25-28 April 2000

Details of this meeting organised by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies in cooperation with the University of Vienna Department of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence and the International Federation for Systems Research are included on: URL: and contact through: e-mail:

Full details have also been included in previous issues of this journal, Volume 28, 1999 in the Special Announcements Section.

WOSC Directors and members of the Kybernetics Editorial Board together with members of WOSC's federated institutions and organisations, will be attending this important international meeting of cyberneticians and systemists.

4. Contacts and information

Information about the millennium events listed here should be obtained from Websites and e-mail contacts provided. Information about WOSC can be obtained from: By mail from: WOSC Secretariat, 2 rue de Vouille, 75015, Paris, France. Tel/Fax: +33 1 45 33 62 46.

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