
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management

ISSN: 1741-038X

Article publication date: 1 January 2008



(2008), "Dairy", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 19 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/jmtm.2008.06819aac.002



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited




International Precision Assembly Seminar10-13 FebruaryChamonix, France

Contact: web site: www.ipas2008.org

Manufacturing 200825-27 FebruaryOrlando, Florida, USA

Contact: web site: www.sapmanufacturing2008.com

2008 China International Logistics Technology & Services Expo19-21 MarchSuzhou, China

Contact: web site: www.adsale.com.hk

Advanced Manufacturing Expo26-27 MarchMississauga, Ontario, Canada

Contact: web site: www.sme.org

WESTEC 2008 Exposition & Conference31 March-3 AprilLos Angeles, California, USA

Contact: web site: www.sme.org

Six Sigma Leadership Conference3-4 AprilChicago, Illinois, USA

Contact: web site: www.conference-board.org

17th International Conference on Management of Technology6-10 AprilDubai, United Arab Emirates

Contact: web site: www.iamot.org

2008 SAE World Congress14-17 AprilDetroit, Michigan, USA

Contact: web site: www.sae.org

Plastic Design and Moulding (PDM)15-17 AprilTelford, UK

Contact: web site: www.pdmevent.com/

Seventh International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2008)21-25 AprilKusadasi, Turkey

Contact: web site: www.tmce.org

NanoManufacturing Conference & Exhibits22-23 AprilFramingham, Massachusetts, USA

Contact: web site: www.sme.org

World Conference on Quality and Improvement5-8 MayHouston, Texas, USA

Contact: web site: http://wcqi.asq.org

19th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society9-12 MaySan Diego, California, USA

Contact: web site: www.poms.org

IIE Annual Conference and Expo 200817-21 MayVancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Contact: web site: www.iienet.org

2008 Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering18-22 MayLong Beach, California, USA

Contact: web site: www.sampe.org/events/2008LongBeach.aspx

RAPID 2008 Conference & Exposition20-22 MayLake Buena Vista, Florida, USA

Contact: web site: www.sme.org

15th International Conference of the European Operations Management Association (Tradition and Innovation in Operations Management: Connecting Past and Future)15-18 JuneGroningen, The Netherlands

Contact: web site: www.euroma-online.org

American Society for Engineering Education 115th Annual Conference22-25 JunePittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Contact: web site: www.asee.org/conferences/annual/2008/index.cfm

19th Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Expo/Conference 200825-28 JuneTokyo, Japan

Contact: web site: www.dms-tokyo.jp/english/

PICMET'08 – Technology Management for Sustaining Economies27-31 JulyCape Town, South Africa

Contact: web site: www.picmet.org

FISITA 2008 World Automotive Congress14-19 SeptemberMunich, Germany

Contact: web site: www.fisita.com

Lean and Quality Conference and Expo24-27 SeptemberAtlanta, Georgia, USA

Contact: web site: www.iienet.org

International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC)7-10 OctoberChicago, Illinois, USA

Contact: web site: http://msec2008.northwestern.edu/

INFORMS Annual Meeting (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)12-15 OctoberWashington, District of Columbia, USA

Contact: web site: http://meetings.informs.org/

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