The purpose of this paper is to investigate the design method of partial observer canonical form (POCF), which is one of the important research tools for industrial plants.
Motivated by the two-steps method proposed in Xu et al. (2020), this paper extends this method to the case of Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) nonlinear system. It decomposes the original system into two subsystems by observable decomposition theorem first and then transforms the observable subsystem into OCF. Furthermore, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existing of POCF are proved.
The proposed method has a wide range of applications including completely observable nonlinear system, noncompletely observable nonlinear system, autonomous nonlinear system and forced nonlinear system. Besides, comparing to the existing results (Saadi et al., 2016), the method requires less verified conditions.
The new method concerning design POCF has better plants compatibility and less validation conditions.
Xu, H., Wang, J., Wang, H., Brahmia, I. and Zhao, S. (2020), "Partial observer canonical form for multi-output nonlinear forced system: a new method", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 121-134. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIMSE-05-2020-0001
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020, Haotian Xu, Jingcheng Wang, Hongyuan Wang, Ibrahim Brahmia and Shangwei Zhao
Published in Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode
1. Introduction
The development of modern manufacturing industry guided by intelligent manufacturing is inseparable from the basic manufacturing equipment and integrated manufacturing system. For example, complex sensor networks are widely used in power grid, transportation system and industrial objects (Estrin et al., 1999; Akyildiz et al., 2002; Deng et al., 2015, 2017; Hao et al., 2012; Li and Tong, 2016); and permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) technology is widely used in modern power electronics technology, microchip technology and advanced control theory (Bae et al., 2001; Altaey and Kulaksiz, 2017; Schoonhoven and Uddin, 2016). However, the control system in the industrial plants, whether it is the sensor network or the servo system represented by the PMSM, is inseparable from the accurate measurement and estimation of the state in the system. Generally speaking, the actual industrial plants, especially the major equipment used in basic manufacturing, such as Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) (Yang et al., 2019; Li et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2015) and PMSM, often have strong nonlinear characteristics. Therefore, the study of nonlinear system state estimation has been a hot topic during the past several decades (Elbuluk and Li, 2003; Hicham et al., 2004; Gan and Wang, 2015; Liu, 2018).
The nonlinear observer is mainly concentrated in two aspects: one is about high-gain observer and another one is about observer error linearization. The latter is beginning with a group of necessary and sufficient conditions for observer canonical form (OCF) of single output system proposed by Krener and Isidori (1983). Then many scholars popularized this theory (See in Krener and Respondek (1985), Xia and Gao (1989) and Hou and Pugh (1999) for the multi-outputs system, in Lee (2017) for verifiable conditions, in Lee et al. (2015) for restricted dynamic observer error linearizability and the reference herein).
Besides, Boutat et al. (2009) give the conditions of OCF in dual version comparing to Krener and Isidori (1983). However, the conditions proposed by Krener and Isidori (1983) and Boutat et al. (2009) are too strict to be suitable for some nonlinear systems. To this end, many articles focus on relaxing their conditions by using some specific skills, such as output diffeomorphism (Boutat and Busawon, 2011; Krener and Respondek, 1985), time scaling (Respondek et al., 2004, Wang et al., 2010), auxiliary output (Back et al., 2006), dynamic compensation (Califano and Moog, 2014), virtual output (Noh et al., 2004) and approximately linear error dynamics (Lynch and Bortoff, 2001; Deutscher and Bauml, 2010; Nam, 1997).
As for the forced nonlinear system, there are also lots of achievements, such as Krener and Respondek (1985), Jo and Seo (2002) and Tami et al. (2016). They take into account the nonlinear system in the form of
However, OCF requires the nonlinear system to be completely observable, which is not satisfied and does not need to be satisfied for many practical systems. To this end, some scholars proposed Partial Observer Canonical Form (POCF) for noncompletely observable system (See in Jo and Seo (2002), Tami et al. (2016), Saadi et al. (2016), Roebenack and Lynch (2006) and some reference therein). POCF is a quasi-linearization system which decomposes the system into an observable subsystem and an unobservable subsystem, and the observable subsystem takes the form of OCF. Both of OCF and POCF are widely used in industrial plant, not only in PMSM (Elbuluk and Li, 2003; Gan and Wang, 2015) but also in sensor networks (Xu and Wang, 2019; Xu and Wang, 2020, Xu et al., 2020a, c). But up to now, the POCF of multi-outputs forced system has not been documented. In this paper, a new method for calculating POCF is proposed from the perspective of observable decomposition.
The main contributions of this paper mainly consist of: (1) Motivated by the idea of Xu et al. (2020b), the POCF of multi-outputs forced nonlinear system
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives some previous work and formulates the problem. The main result of this paper, i.e. the two steps method and the corresponding conditions are proved in Section 3. Section 4 gives an example to show the effectiveness of our main result and we provide concluding remarks in Section 5.
At the end of the introduction, some notations of this paper should be declared. We denote the symbol
2. Problem formulation and preliminaries
Taking into account a multi-output nonlinear system as
Following the definition of Krener and Respondek (1985), we define a group of codistributions
Then the codimension at some point
Both Krener and Respondek (1985) and Xia and Gao (1989) proposed the sufficient and necessary conditions for transforming (1), (2) into OCF. Before introducing the OCF conditions, some definitions and notations should be introduced. They will be used throughout the rest of this paper. We firstly give some codistributions defined in Xia and Gao (1989) for
Note that there exists a nonzero orthogonal distribution
It is worth to be pointed out that
We denote the solution space of
Moreover, there is
Now, one states the following Lemma.
Considering a nonlinear system (1), (2) and a point in state space
The dimension of distribution
is , , for all , and .
However, it is difficult for a multi-output system whose observable relative degree
Conditions (1)–(3) of Lemma 1 are the sufficient and necessary conditions proposed in Xia and Gao (1989) that are used for transforming the autonomous system into OCF
Conditions (2) in Lemma 1 proposed in (Xia and Gao, 1989) take the place of the requirement of Krener and Respondek (1985) that the system must be in special observable form. See the structure of
3. Main result
At the beginning of this section, we first introduce the basic idea of the new method concerning POCF. Firstly, calculate a diffeomorphism
A distribution
Proof. According to Frobenius theorem and Lemma in (Li, 2014, Lemma 7.1), we can obtain a diffeomorphism
Next, some basic properties of codistribution
Considering a nonlinear system (1), (2). Then its codistribution
and are involutive; and are invariant under vector fields ;Distribution
is invariant under for arbitrary .
For any
For all
and corresponding to , there exists a vector field with such that ;There is
for arbitrary . In specially, there exists vector fields satisfying for all , where
(Li (2014) Lemma 10.1). Suppose
Furthermore, one can conclude the following two equations are equivalent:
Suppose two nonlinear system
Proof. Might as well let
According to Lemma 5, the left half side (LHS) of the above formula is equivalent to the LHS of linear equations
Considering a nonlinear system (1), (2), and assume
and , , are fulfilled for all and arbitrary , , , for arbitrary .
Proof. Since
Given the following two groups of codistribution for all
Moreover, divide the corresponding regions of the above codistributions according to the definition in Figure 3. It is supposed to prove that condition
Next, we will prove that
Noticing that both
It is apparent to show that
It can be directly deduced by the definition of observable relative degree that
.Considering linear equations
and , where . Assume , and let , and , . What need to be proved in this step is that there exists a family of proper solutions and such that for all and if and only if .
By comparing linear equations
As a result,
is equivalent to for arbitrary .
It is known according to Lemma 3 that
Prove conditions (1)–(3) are necessary and sufficient.
It is noted that Theorem 1 is very similar to Lemma 1 since a distribution can be spanned by a vector field
Consider a nonlinear system (1), (2). Suppose
, are satisfied for all and arbitrary , , .
There is no doubt that it is amount to Theorem 1 when
4. Example
In this section, an example will be used to demonstrate the effect of Theorem 1 and Corollary 1. Consider the following double outputs nonlinear system
It can be checked by definition of observable relative degree that
Note that
5. Conclusion
To investigate the design method of POCF for a class of MIMO nonlinear system, this paper, motivated by the two steps methods of Single-output nonlinear system (Xu et al., 2020b), has generated the corresponding new methods for MIMO system. In this regard, the underlying system is divided into observable subsystem and unobservable subsystem first and then the former is transformed as OCF. Furthermore, a corollary at the end of this paper has been developed as a uniform theorem for the existing of POCF for a large class of nonlinear system, such as single-output system, multi-output system, observable system and noncompletely observable system that is considered in this paper and so on.

Figure 3
Diagrammatic drawing of conditions (2) in Lemma 1
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This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.61533013, 61633019), Shaanxi Provincial Key Project (2018ZDXMGY-168).