(1999), "New training session packages", Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 23 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
New training session packages
New training session packages
Keywords Computer packages, Training
Daedal Training is releasing a new series of short training session packages. These give the trainer off-the-shelf material for a session designed to last up to half a day on a specific subject. Each package comes with comprehensive Trainer's Notes for the preparation and presentation of the training session. All the new packages will be based around Daedal's proven course-running material.
The packages are provided with electronic masters for participants' material, in MS Word 97, so that trainers can amend the material to suit their own organization's needs. Overhead transparencies are provided in the form of PowerPoint 97 presentation slides that can also be printed out in black and white or in colour.
The first three packages are Giving and Receiving Feedback, Influencing and Negotiating Skills and Customer Relations on the Telephone.
The packages are available direct from Daedal Training at £125.00 plus VAT each. The price includes the right to copy from the electronic masters for training the organization's own staff. There is also a free on-approval service for in-house trainers.
For further details contact Daedal Training Ltd, 309 High Street, Orpington, Kent BR6 ONN. Tel: 01689 873637. Fax: 01689 874183.