(2002), "Sponsorship", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 58 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2002, MCB UP Limited
Emerald is delighted to be the regular sponsor of the following awards:
ALA LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for Outstanding Communication for Continuing Education in Library and Information Science
The award may be given to an individual or institution for a single seminal work, or a body of work, taking place within (or continuing into) the five years preceding the award. The purpose of the award is to recognize outstanding achievement in communication in continuing education within the field of library and information technology. Past winners have been:
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Charles W. Bailey, Jr, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX.
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Ching-chih Chen, Simmons College, Boston, MA.
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Walt Crawford, The Research Libraries Group, Mountain View, CA.
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Continuing Education Services School of Library and Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
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Larry L. Learn, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., Dublin, OH.
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Michael Kaplan, Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington, IN.
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Ann S. Okerson, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
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Mark Hinnebusch, Florida Center for Library Automation, Gainesville, FL.
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The Digital Imaging and Preservation Research Unit of Cornell University Library.
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Illinois OCLC Users Group.
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Library History Group Award
The award is made annually for the best essay on library history published in the UK within the previous calendar year. It aims to improve the quality and increase the quantity of writing on library history. Any member of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals may nominate a published essay for consideration. Previous winners are:
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Martin Hewitt, "Confronting the modern city: the Manchester free public library, 1850-80", Urban History, Vol. 27 No. 1, 2000, pp. 62-88.
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Dr Christopher Skelton-Foord, "Surveying the circulating-library scene: popular British fiction, 1770-1830", Bibliotheken in der literarischen Darstellung/Libraries in Literature, edited by Peter Vodosek and Graham Jefcoate, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1999.
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Mr Mark Purcell, "Useful weapons for the defence of that cause: Richard Allestree, John Fell and the foundation of the Allestree Library", The Library, Vol. 21 No. 2.
Public Relations and Publicity Awards
These awards aim to recognise and reward the valuable work of librarians and information managers in promoting library services through the production of publicity material and running of innovative promotional campaigns with limited resources.
Six categories of library PR and publicity activity are celebrated:
- 1.
Promotional campaign with a budget under £500.
- 2.
Promotional campaign with a budget over £500.
- 3.
Printed publicity material.
- 4.
Multimedia and Web.
- 5.
Sponsorship and partnership.
- 6.
Tom Farries Award for personal PR achievement.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
Emerald also supports the work of the professional associations as an ongoing Gold Corporate Sponsor of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. In 2002 it also sponsored the official IFLA satellite preconference "Statistics in practice: measuring and managing", held in Loughboroughm 13-15 August. Hosted by the IFLA Section on Statistics and the Library and Information Statistics Unit at Loughborough University, the conference focused on the use of statistics in library management.
With effect from Vol. 30 No. 3, 2002, Mike McGrath took over as Editor of Interlending & Document Supply. Mike worked at the British Library for 32 years, in the last 12 years being heavily involved in marketing the remote services in Europe and latterly in the UK. He trained first as a mathematician and in later life as an historian and also has marketing qualifications. He lives in Leeds, UK, with his wife and son.
Nick Joint has been appointed Editor of Library Review, with effect from Vol.52 No. 1, 2003. Nick is Head of Reference and Information at the Andersonian Library, and Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Digital Library Research, University of Strathclyde, UK. He began his career in the Central Public Health Laboratory Library, before leaving to join the British Library team that converted the printed GK catalogue to online format. He went on to work at the University of Glasgow and then Strathclyde as a subject librarian, latterly combining this with role of Library web manager. He was the Strathclyde manager of the GAELS (Glasgow Allied Electronically with Strathclyde) project, a SHEFC-funded investigation of electronic library collaboration in the West of Scotland. He is a founder member of the steering committee of the International Conference on Information Technology and Information Literacy and is a visiting lecturer at the Strathclyde Department of Computing and Information Science. He is an active researcher with the Digital Libraries in Networked Environments group at Strathclyde, and his work on courseware applications in information literacy has been published in Aslib Proceedings and the Association of Learning Technology Journal.
With effect from Vol. 17 No. 1, 2003, Anthony Chalcraft has been appointed Editor of Reference Reviews. Anthony is College Librarian at York St John College, York, UK. He is Editor of Walford's Guide to Reference Material.
Emerald is sponsoring the fieldwork phase of some research which is already in progress, on information in the Namibian liberation struggle. The project is being conducted by Dr Paul Sturges, Reader in Libraries and Social Development, Department of Information Science, Loughborough University, UK. It has the co-operation of Professor Kingo Mchombu of the Department of Information and Communications Studies, University of Namibia. It aims to obtain an outline assessment of the ways in which information, broadly defined to includes facts and ideas in the whole range of relevant forms, figured in the Namibian liberation struggle. It aims to develop and test a model which will accommodate all the various aspects of information management in the liberation struggle, with a view to both understanding the struggle itself and for general insights into the handling of information in the newly independent state. The researchers aim to publish articles reporting the findings in major international refereed journals.