Eriksson, C. (2009), "Editorial", Journal of Corporate Real Estate, Vol. 11 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Article Type: Editorial From: Journal of Corporate Real Estate, Volume 11, Issue 4
Two of the highest costs incurred by corporate businesses on an ongoing basis are personnel and property related costs. It is not surprising therefore that the importance of Corporate Real Estate Research and the drivers of this important property sector have come to the fore once again as corporates and tenants all over the world reviewed their business costs as they struggled to survive the global economic downturn in 2009.
2009 has been another positive year for the evolution of the Journal of Corporate Real Estate with readership and usage of the Journal (through downloads) increasing by 75 per cent during the year. CRE research themes as published by the Journal during 2009 have broadly focused on three main areas; the creation of value for corporate real estate, performance measurement, and also the important linkages between CRE and the general wellbeing and performance of employees. All of these areas of research are very valuable to our readers in this most challenging and unstable economic era we are currently experiencing of tightening credit conditions, rising unemployment, and falling consumer confidence.
The Journal has continued to attract and publish research from all around the world and we have continued to strive to improve the CRE research links between academia and the private sector; this is shown through the mix of key individuals from both of these sectors on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Corporate Real Estate and also through the varied selection of research papers published by the Journal. Going forward JCRE will continue to aim to provide a source of corporate real estate knowledge which highlights and discusses current topics and issues facing the industry, a publication which provides the readership with a practical message while also maintaining the rigour we all expect to encounter in an academic journal.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the supporters of the Journal of Corporate Real Estate for their assistance and time during 2009 – the JCRE team at Emerald and the board of the Journal, both long serving and new members.
Clare Eriksson