Socio-political factors underlying the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects: the case of Ghana

Prosper Babon-Ayeng, Eric Oduro-Ofori, De-Graft Owusu-Manu, David James Edwards, Ernest Kissi, Augustine Senanu Komla Kukah

Journal of Capital Markets Studies

ISSN: 2514-4774

Open Access. Article publication date: 25 October 2022

Issue publication date: 5 December 2022




There is a pressing need to increase investments in sustainable infrastructure to promote low carbon economic growth and ensure environmental sustainability. Consequently, this study examines the socio-political factors underlying the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects.


Primary data was gathered from experts with advanced experience in, or knowledge of green bonds in the Kumasi Metropolis. To identify respondents with pertinent knowledge that is relevant to the study, purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used. One-sample t-test and relative importance index were used in this study's statistical analysis.


‘Training and experience with sustainable finance’ was seen as the most important social factor underlying the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects by the respondents and ‘Governmental tax-based incentives’ was rated as the leading political factor.


This pioneering research attempts to ascertain the socio-political factors affecting the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects. Emergent results of analysis and concomitant discussions add knowledge to fill a void in literature on the social and political factors affecting the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects in developing countries.



Babon-Ayeng, P., Oduro-Ofori, E., Owusu-Manu, D.-G., Edwards, D.J., Kissi, E. and Kukah, A.S.K. (2022), "Socio-political factors underlying the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects: the case of Ghana", Journal of Capital Markets Studies, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 304-319.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022, Prosper Babon-Ayeng, Eric Oduro-Ofori, De-Graft Owusu-Manu, David James Edwards, Ernest Kissi and Augustine Senanu Komla Kukah


Published in Journal of Capital Markets Studies. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at


Climate change is becoming more obvious and severe and more frequent weather extremes, such as wildfires, hurricanes and floods, have become more common over the last decade (). According to the authors (), this has increased the pressure on government officials to act quickly in order to accomplish climate goals and achieve long-term economic growth. Concerns about climate change and global warming have fuelled substantial interest in environmentally friendly investments (; ) geared to protect the natural environment and preserve human health (). posits that, this observed convergence of environmental and financial issues has engendered curiosity in how the two are connected and how they may be resolved simultaneously. From carbon markets to payments for ecosystem services, catastrophe bonds to biodiversity offsets, fossil fuel investment and clean infrastructure investment, the entanglements between finance and the environment are becoming increasingly diversified and entrenched (). Financial oligarchs' growing interest in the environment is indicative of the sector's meteoric rise in global economic prominence, as it seeks out new investment opportunities (). Recent debates have focused on how to accomplish economic development in a sustainable manner that resides in harmony with the natural environment (). Hence, fostering green projects is crucial for government policies that seek to embed long-term sustainable economic growth using environmentally friendly public or private investment (). Sustainable growth policies must be implemented by focussing on the potential benefits of climate-resilient financial instruments (). observed that green bonds have risen in prominence among the climate and sustainability finance schemes at the heart of the international capital mobilisation in recent years.

define green bond as any type of bond instrument where the proceeds will be exclusively applied to finance or refinance, in part or in full, new and/or existing eligible green projects. The Climate Bond Initiative (CBI) certifies many green bonds, ensuring that they are in congruence with the Paris Agreement's goals and that the proceeds support environmentally responsible initiatives (). Green bond issuers must invest in projects that fit into one of six categories: energy conservation, pollution prevention and control, resource conservation and recycling, clean transportation, clean energy, ecological preservation and climate change adaptation in a controlled environment (). indicated that to deploy financial resources to environmentally beneficial developments, countries must attract private funding and stimulate financial sector development. The author () further indicated that more financial resources can be allocated to critical green initiatives by developing green markets with appealing financial products. Green bonds, according to , are an excellent instrument for investors and companies to accomplish a range of objectives, including diversification and financial return, while being a small fraction of the global bond market.

Despite the increased interest in green bonds and their inherent capacity to accelerate the implementation of green projects, research focused on developing nations has received scant attention, particularly in terms of socio-political elements that guide the issuance of green bonds for financing infrastructure projects. Consequently, this study sought to fill this knowledge gap in the advancement of green bond financing of infrastructure projects by examining the socio-political factors that influence its issuance. Associated objectives are to: educate future investors in infrastructure projects in developing countries on the social and political factors that could affect the patronage of green bonds in the financing of infrastructure projects; and elicit wider and renewed polemic debate on this globally crucial alternative means of financing infrastructure projects. The rest of the paper is organised as follows: The following section contains a literature review on the concept of green bonds, the need for green financing and an overview of the socio-political factors affecting the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects; the study then discusses the research technique and details of the approach to data collecting and analysis before closing with a discussion of the theoretical and practical contributions, research limits and recommendations for future research.

Overview of green bonds: a literture review

The term “Green Bond” refers to an innovative financial mechanism used to fund investments that have a positive environmental impact and/or reduce vulnerability to environmental change (). The authors () stated that the concept also covers “climate bonds”, which are investments aimed at mitigating or adapting to climate change. Green Bonds are a novel type of debt financing that is highly supported by the worldwide capital market, with conditions and processes that differ from traditional debt financing (). The European Investment Bank issued the first green bond in 2007 with a five-year maturity and a value of 600 million Euros, and ever since its inception, Green Bonds’ market has steadily developed (). In comparison to the traditional bond market (which was around 2.42% in 2018), the market is still modest (). Pre-issuance assurance on the reported information on sustainability is frequently necessary for such new debt funding channels . The proceeds from these bonds are intended for green initiatives but the issuer's entire balance sheet is backed by them ().

presents a pictorial view of green bond financing milestones from 2007 to 2020. The first ever green bond was issued in 2007, by the European Investment Bank. From 2007 to 2020, there had been an increment in the value of green bonds issued from United States dollar (USD) 807.2 million to USD 1 trillion – thus illustrating market expansion.

The need for green finance

The approval of the United Nation's sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement were significant accomplishments for international organisations and national governments, demonstrating a stronger commitment to environmental sustainability (). Green financing has emerged as a critical pathway for industrialised countries to achieve long-term progress (). Similarly, argue that governments are progressively embracing green bond financing to fulfil SDGs.

posits that using revenues from green financing through the Global Financial Centre of China (GFCC) will allow large financial resources from the international capital market to be allocated to sustainable infrastructure development throughout a geographical region. used text analysis and panel data from 290 Chinese cities to examine the impact of green finance-related policies between 2011 and 2018, showing that green finance-related regulations have beneficial environmental consequences. Green finance initiatives appear to have resulted in a 38% reduction in SO2 emissions, a 28% reduction in industrial gas and smoke output, and a 20% reduction in SO2 produced in China's cities over the study period. sought to quantify green finance as “climate mitigation finance” and examine its impact on the ecological footprint across twenty-six Asian economies. The study found that environmentally responsive investment/financing improves environmental quality by lowering carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the ecological footprint.

looked into the importance of green finance in achieving the SDGs and guaranteeing energy security and discovered that global investment in renewables and energy efficiency declined by 3% in 2017, with the risk of further slowing. This, according to , could threaten the growth of green energy, which is required to provide energy security and meet climate and clean air goals. Climate change, ecological disaster and energy security are all issues that demand the development of green finance (which improves innovative capacity and economic green transformation). Green finance must, however, develop in a sustainable and balanced manner. created a game model that included governments, financial institutions, businesses and consumers. The impact of each participant on changes and development in the green financial market was investigated using analogue simulation. The study's findings demonstrated that the integrity of the green finance system has a favourable impact on long-term sustainability and cleaner output.

Green bond market in Africa

Africa is the world's most climate-vulnerable continent (). The author () observed that rising temperatures and sea levels, and more irregular rainfall are increasing the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, interrupting agricultural productivity, damaging infrastructure and jeopardising urban sustainability. were of the view that on-going economic expansion that is compatible with climate goals is therefore required. The authors () postulate that national governments and foreign donors are unlikely to meet these demands hence; the mobilisation of private capital is needed. The green bond market is one potential source of such private financing. Globally, the market has grown dramatically in the last decade, with the market being valued at $2 trillion with 40 countries involved (). This has been fuelled by complementary expansion in the supply of green assets, most notably green infrastructure predominantly funded by green investors. However, sub-Saharan Africa is not a part of these patterns with only 16 bond issuances, accounting for only 1.5% of total worldwide bonds and less than 0.3% in terms of value (). postulates that governments (sovereign and local) and financial institutions are the preeminent investors, with the majority of proceeds going into infrastructure (including energy, water and transport). shows the sub-Saharan Africa green bonds issues from 2014 to 2020.

Social factors underlying the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects

While argue that the socio-ecological benefits of green bonds have not been effectively communicated to industrial players; high green bond penetration combined with low SDG achievement may have a gradual negative transformational impact on environmental and social responsibility. Furthermore, the statistics suggest that this is a classic outcome-output trade-off, with strategic myopia about industrial participants' potential role in ensuring long-term growth being one of the key causes. To address this problem, the authors () proposed the creation of an effective supplementary policy tool for the green financing channel. As businesses use green bonds to save money on taxes, governments must ensure that the social effect of the financing approach is also accomplished.

Due to their lack of experience, financial intermediaries may be hesitant to see the promise of green financing, and they may also fail to adequately assess and underwrite the risk involved with these investments. As a result, the industry will have mismatched investor motivations, unbalanced risk-reward calculations and substantial inefficiencies, according to the paper (). According to , introducing an incentive scheme could improve the effectiveness of policymakers' promotional efforts to explain the socio-ecological benefits of green bonding to industrial participants. Due to local banks' lack of expertise and understanding of international banks, sustainable finance implementation is still sporadic, ad hoc, unregistered and unpublished (). According to the authors, this was owing to a lack of sustainable finance knowledge, training and experience among local institutions, who had “low awareness of international best practice and international principles of sustainable financing”.

investigated the institutional characteristics that drive India's green bond market using a mixed-method exploratory approach. The findings reveal that a variety of social actors, ranging from formal institutions like regulators and investors to informal ones like advocacy groups, are critical in determining the validity of the green bond market. According to the authors, institutional pressure from regulators, investors and advocacy groups will ultimately define the breadth and validity of the green bond finance market, as well as its ability to respond to climate change.

Political factors affecting the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects

states that regulatory organisations could tighten control of green bond funds and offer green bond issuers lower financing costs. claim that tax-based incentives are occasionally used to promote green lending. Green bond markets can flourish if central and local governments take steps to attract funding from investors. These rules can be beneficial, especially at first, when investors are acquiring confidence in new financial instruments and issuers are establishing a green credit history. Incentives for renewable energy and green construction bonds exist in the United States, whereas India has implemented financial benefits in the form of tax exemptions (). found that institutional drivers of traditional bond market growth, such as capital account openness, rule of law and regulatory quality, are also driving green bond market growth.

investigated the potential of green bonds in mobilising adaptation and mitigation finance for developing countries, the findings of the study revealed that the lack of appropriate institutional arrangements for green bond management acts as a barrier to green bond development in developing countries. To meet this challenge, put it that local governments must provide local green bond issuers with guarantees aimed at covering the transaction costs associated with green bond issuance. Furthermore, the world's political leaders pledged to “encourage the development of local green bond markets and promote international collaboration to facilitate cross-border investments in Green Bonds” during the 2016 G20 conference in Hangzhou ().

Institutional investor allocations to sustainable energy projects remain restricted (), particularly concerning direct investment that can assist reduce the financing gap. Institutional investors are hesitant for a variety of reasons, including a lack of knowledge and experience on the type of direct infrastructure investment required to finance renewable energy projects, as well as a potentially unfavourable regulatory environment (). The authors observed that the lack of adequate investment vehicles that provide the risk/return profile that institutional investors require to manage the risks associated with renewable energy projects exacerbates these issues. Regulatory risk stemming from a lack of transparency in terms of environmental and climate policy, and retroactive modifications to support mechanisms, are among the numerous types of risk (). suggests that while companies and local governments in developed and emerging countries are increasingly issuing green bonds to fund their adaptation and mitigation projects, developing countries are unable to reap the full benefits of green bonds due to: institutional and market barriers; a lack of understanding of how green bonds work and ineffective institutional arrangements for green bond administration.

found that local governments face a demanding, dynamic and potentially restricted policy environment as they investigated which alternative tools governments chose to use and the factors that influence those decisions. Traditional methods of satisfying the insatiable demand for infrastructure may be constrained by fiscal constraints, state government limitations and political considerations. Green bond growth, according to , is a viable option for sustainable finance, which is especially important for growing nations like China and India to overcome investment gaps in climate-friendly green projects. Nonetheless, because of inconsistent requirements and unsuitable government engagement linked with green bonds, the market's huge potential for development has not been completely fulfilled. state that the continuing development of the green bond market requires appropriate government regulation and marketing. Governments should provide guidelines or establish relevant rules or incentive-based policies and climate-related regulations (such as credit enhancement, fiscal and tax incentives, or capital requirements), according to the authors, in order to support the growth of the green bond market and promote the low-carbon transition. Regards green projects, it appears that significant funding is required from investors, whether private or public. The government may use several policies and measures to encourage the development of cleaner technology, such as financial subsidies, special investment allowances and low-interest loans. Despite rising demand for green bonds on the capital markets, predicts significant fund allocation transaction costs due to a lack of awareness and understanding of these products, as well as restrictive legislation in Indonesian financial intermediaries.

On both the issuer and investor sides of green bonds, the presence of supportive policies and the lack of restrictive regulations play a critical role in the development of a green bond market. Environmental laws and regulations that encourage demand and supply for green projects and assets are especially vital and successful (). Environmental standards and enforcement, environmental licences and permits, and environmental taxes (such as carbon, landfill, emissions and resource-use taxes) are examples of these ().

Research methodology

This study is underpinned by the positivist philosophical stance (; ). Positivism is an epistemological stance which is linked to the philosophical position of the natural scientist and includes dealing with observable social reality to develop law-like generalisations (). Positivists employ deductive, structured, large samples, measurement and typically adopt quantitative methods (). The objective of positivism is to use existing theory to develop hypotheses, test and draw conclusions for further development of the theory (; ).

An extensive literature review was conducted to identify the relevant social and political factors underlying the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects (). A pilot study was then undertaken using two academic experts and two investment analysts – both with considerable experience in green bonds. The respondents were asked to comment on the variables, suggest additional variables and rate their likelihood of being included in the study. If at least three experts agreed on a variable, it was considered for inclusion in the study. Following this exercise, 16 social factors (see ) and 11 political factors (see ) underlying the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects were proposed. Based on the anticipated social and political elements, a structured closed-ended questionnaire was constructed and disseminated to experts as part of a major survey sample. Each variable was graded on a five-point Likert scale with 1 representing strongly disagree and 5 representing strongly agree.

The study employed the use of the survey research design because it is considered one of the best likely choices of research instrument when collecting detailed information and meaningful data on populations too large to observe directly (). The study's population included investment analysts, financial analysts and Academics who have advanced experience in or study green of bonds. Respondents were chosen based on two criteria, namely: 1) understanding of green bonds and 2) sufficient knowledge of green bonds trend in Ghana. Respondents who met these criteria were chosen. For identifying respondents with rich information that is relevant to the study, purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used. Purposive sampling facilitated the selection of participants who can best fulfil the study's goals () whereas snowballing enabled a large sample to be gather from a small initial sample of known contacts. The sample size was based on the participants' knowledge and understanding of the subject and willingness to participate in the research who works at financial/investment institutions and/or educational institutions. Consequently, the sample size for this study was 50 experts with extensive experience in or knowledge of green bonds within Kumasi Metropolis. The survey questionnaire was distributed by e-mail and face-to-face to the targeted population. There was an intensive follow-up on the respondents to aid yield a significant response rate over a period of two months.

The statistical tools employed in the analysis of primary data collected from the field survey included: Reliability test; relative importance index (RII) and One-sample t-test. RII measures the relevance of awareness factors related to a phenomenon under study (). The indices are ranked to indicate the relevance level of each causal factor. In this study, RII was used to determine and rank the relevance of the social and political factors underlying the adoption of green bonds in the financing of infrastructure projects.

Out of the 50 targeted respondents, 36 questionnaires were returned, resulting in a 72% response rate. The high response rate of 72% was achieved due to a thorough follow-up with the respondents. Respondents were required to describe their profession in their own words. The various professions were categorised into three areas of expertise (investment analyst, financial analyst and academia) from the 36 responses retrieved. reports upon the demographic profile of respondents. It is evident that most of the respondents were investment analysts (frequency (f) = 18 or 50.0%), closely followed by were financial analysts (f = 16 or 44.4%), while the remaining two respondents representing (f = 2 or 5.6%) were academics who have advanced knowledge in green bonds. With respect to the years of work as a financial analyst, investment analyst or an academic, most recorded was <11–15 years with f = 14 or 38.9% followed by 6–10 years with f = 10 or 27.8%; 16–20 years with f = 7 or 19.4%; and >20 years with f = 3 or 8.3%. Respondents were required to specify their greatest degree of academic qualification as part of establishing their capacity to understand the survey and determining its legitimacy. Deducing from , all the respondents had attained a master's degree. This high academic qualification of the respondents shows the high inclination of the respondents to adequately give accurate responses for the study.

Data analysis and discussion of results

The co-efficient values for the social and political factors were >0.700, hence, it can be concluded from that there was good internal consistency among the variables.

Social factors underlying the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects in Ghana

From , training and experience with sustainable finance was rated as the most important social factor underlying the adoption of green bonds in the financing of infrastructure projects with [RII = 0.961; Standard Deviation (SD) = 0.401]. Social support was next with [RII = 0.900; SD = 0.507]. Level of human capital [RII = 0.878; and SD = 0.494]; increased investors' green awareness [RII = 0.872; and SD = 0.487] and green bonds experience [RII = 0.872; and SD = 0.683] ranked 2nd–5th, respectively. The least ranked social factors were: legitimacy seeking and the social licence to operate [RII = 0.767; and SD = 0.910]; communication of green bonds to the industrial players effectively [RII = 0.744; and SD = 1.111]; and knowledge and understanding of green bonds by local banks [RII = 0.728; and SD = 1.437]. Although these factors were ranked least, the factors recorded high mean score and RII values indicative of their contribution as social factors to the adoption of green bonds in the financing of infrastructure projects.

To determine the relative importance of the variables, one sample t-test was used similar to the study of . For the one-sample t-test, the study used a hypothesised mean of 3.5, indicating that a component with a mean score of 3.5 or above is a significant social factor underpinning the adoption of green bonds in infrastructure funding.

shows that all of the components' t-values (test strength) were positive, indicating that their mean values were significantly greater than the hypothesised mean. Furthermore, the social components recorded p-values not exceeding 0.05, indicating that their mean values do not deviate substantially from the hypothesised mean of 3.5.

Political factors affecting the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects in Ghana

From , governmental tax-based incentives was rated as the most significant political factor underpinning the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects with [RII = 0.967; and SD = 0.378]. Following next was political stability with [RII = 0.956, and SD = 0.422]. Governments' long-term economic growth policies [RII = 0.950; and a standard deviation = 0.439]; Government Regulations [RII = 0.944; and a standard deviation = 0.454]; and the oversight of green bond funds by regulatory bodies [RII = 0.933; and standard deviation = 0.478] ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th respectively. The lowest ranked political factors underpinning the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects were: international collaboration facilitating cross border investments in green bonds [RII = 0.844; and a standard deviation = 0.591]; appropriate institutional arrangements for green bond management [RII = 0.817; and a standard deviation = 0.770]; and provision of guarantees to local green bond issuers by local governments [RII = 0.706; and a standard deviation = 0.774]. Although these factors recorded the least RII scores, the factors are seen to contribute to the adoption of green bonds financing of infrastructure projects as the factors recorded relatively high RII values.


Training and experience in sustainable finance was the most important social factor encouraging the adoption of green bonds in infrastructure funding. Financial intermediaries may be hesitant to identify the promise of green finance due to a lack of experience, and they may also fail to properly assess and underwrite the risk involved with these investments. As a result, the study anticipates skewed investment incentives, uneven risk-reward calculations and an inefficient industry.

From , it can be concluded that all the variables had a mean >3.5 which shows a high importance of the variables as key political factors underpinning the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects. Hence, the respondents agreed that governmental tax-based incentives are the foremost political factor underpinning the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects. Tax-based incentives are occasionally used to promote green financing, according to , therefore green bond markets can flourish if central and local governments take measures to attract capital from investors. These tax breaks can be beneficial, especially at first, while investors develop confidence in new financial instruments and issuers establish a green sector credit history. For example, to boost domestic demand for green bonds, India implemented tax breaks in the form of tax exemptions. Similarly, posit that continuing development of the green bond market requires appropriate government regulation and marketing, such as financial subsidies, special investment allowances and low-interest loans. Consistent with the findings of this study, observed that environmental standards and enforcement, environmental licences and permits, and environmental taxes are some governmental tax-based incentives that affect the issuance of green bond.


This study examined the socio-political factors underlying the adoption of green bond in funding infrastructure projects. Training and experience with sustainable finance was deemed as the most significant social factor underlying the adoption. Social support, level of human capital, increased investors' green awareness and green bond experience were some of the significant social factors affecting the usage of green bond to fund infrastructure projects. With regards to the political factors affecting green bond usage to fund infrastructure projects, governmental tax-based incentives, political stability, governments' long-term economic growth policies and government regulations are some of the highly rated factors.

In theory, this research contributes to the expanding body of knowledge on sustainability, green development and sustainable finance, all of which are linked to the United Nations' SDGs. The research illuminates the socio-political elements that have influenced the acceptance of green bond financing of infrastructure projects. Based on the findings, the following four key recommendations are made: 1) Green infrastructure financing and sustainable project funding should be encouraged through legislative implementation; 2) Stakeholders, particularly financial institutions, should be educated and trained on the benefits of green bond financing of infrastructure projects on a regular basis; 3) Policy making should embrace the concept of putting up environmentally friendly infrastructure projects which will yield eco-friendly projects and 4) Given the present drive for sustainability in all parts of life, authorities should focus on new approaches to finance environmentally friendly and socially inclusive projects through the use of green bonds. Such projects must be cost-effective in order to meet the requirements of the current generation without endangering the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Due to the concept's novelty in Ghana and the small pool of professionals in this subject, the sample size was quite modest. Nonetheless, the respondents' level of knowledge and competence on the topic matter verify the study's validity for future reference. Further studies can be undertaken on a larger data set as the knowledge and experience of practitioners and academics expands. Future studies can also explore these issues in other developing nations to confirm, or otherwise, the study's findings.


Green bond milestones

Figure 1

Green bond milestones

Sub-Saharan green bonds issues (2014–2020)

IssuerValue (issue CCY)Issuing currencyUSD value (M)IssuerCountryYearUse of proceeds
Standard Bank Group200USD200Financial InstitutionSouth Africa2020Water, Energy, Buildings
Acorn Project Limited4300KES40.9CorporateKenya2019Buildings
Federal Government of Nigeria15,000NGN41.4SovereignNigeria2019Conservation, Energy, Transportation
Nedbank1,662ZAR116.7Financial InstitutionSouth Africa2019Energy
North South Power8,500NGN23.5CorporateNigeria2019Energy
Access Bank15,000NGN41.5Financial InstitutionNigeria2019Energy
Bank of Windhoek66NAD4.6Financial InstitutionNamibia2018Energy, Transportation
Republic of Seychelles15USD15SovereignSeychelles2018Conservation
Growthpoint1,100ZAR97.3CorporateSouth Africa2018Conservation
Federal Government of Nigeria10,690NGN29.7SovereignNigeria2017Energy
City of Cape Town1,000ZAR73.8MunicipalSouth Africa2017Conservation Urban Infrastructure
City of Johannesburg1,460ZAR137.8MunicipalSouth Africa2014Energy, Transportation

Social-Political factors underlying the adoption of Green Bond Financing of Infrastructure Projects

Social factorsReferences
Communication of green bonds to the industrial players effectively
Implementation of complementary policy mechanism for the green financing channel
Policymakers ensuring that the social outcome of financing mechanism is fulfilled
Level of human capital
Experience with novel financial instruments like green bonds
Presence of an incentivisation scheme
Knowledge and understanding of green bonds by local banks
Training and experience with sustainable finance
Local banks' understanding of international best practice and international standards of sustainable finance
Accountability to identifiable stakeholders
Legitimacy seeking and the social licence to operate
Social support,
Socio-environmental linkage
Institutional pressure from formal institutions like regulators and investors to informal ones like advocacy groups
Increased investors' green awareness
The existence of an efficient legal framework
Political factors
The oversight of green bond funds by regulatory bodies, ,
Promotion of green lending by government
Appropriate institutional arrangements for green bond management
Provision of guarantees to local green bond issuers by local governments
International collaboration facilitating cross border investments in green bonds
Incentive-based policies and climate-related regulations by government
Policies and measurements fostering the development of cleaner technologies by government
Political stability
Government regulations,
Governments' long-term economic growth policies
Governmental tax-based incentives

Demographic data of respondents

Financial Analyst1644.4
Investment Analyst1850.0
Years of Experience
1–5 years25.6
6–10 years1027.8
11–15 years1438.9
16–20 years719.4
Over 20 years38.3
Academic Qualification
Master's Degree (MSc/MPhil)36100

Reliability analysis

Socio-political factorsCronbach's Alpha Co-efficient
Social Factors (16) items0.980
Political Factors (11) items0.750

Relative importance index of social factors underlying the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects in Ghana

S/NSocial factorsMeanStd. Dev.RIIRank
1.Training and experience with sustainable finance4.810.4010.9611st
2.Social support4.500.5070.9002nd
3.Level of human capital4.390.4940.8783rd
4.Increased investors' green awareness4.360.4870.8724th
5.Experience with novel financial instruments like green bonds4.360.6830.8725th
6.Accountability to identifiable stakeholders4.280.7010.8566th
7.Institutional pressure from formal institutions like regulators and investors to informal ones like advocacy groups4.250.6040.8507th
8.Presence of an incentivisation scheme4.170.3780.8338th
9.Local banks' understanding of international best practice and international standards of sustainable finance4.110.6670.8229th
10.Policymakers ensuring that the social outcome of financing mechanism is fulfilled4.080.4390.81710th
11.The existence of an efficient legal framework3.940.9840.78911th
12.Socio-environmental linkage3.890.9500.77812th
13.Implementation of complementary policy mechanism for the green financing channel3.860.8670.77213th
14.Legitimacy seeking and the social licence to operate3.830.9100.76714th
15.Communication of green bonds to the industrial players effectively3.721.1110.74415th
16.Knowledge and understanding of green bonds by local banks3.641.4370.72816th

One-Sample t-test of Social Factors Underlying the adoption of Green Bond Financing of Infrastructure Projects

Test value = 3.5 (95% confidence level)
S/NSocial factorstDfpNull hypothesis
1.Communication of Green Bonds to the industrial players effectively1.200350.038Not rejected
2.Implementation of complementary policy mechanism for the green financing channel2.499350.017Not rejected
3.Policymakers ensuring that the social outcome of financing mechanism is fulfilled7.970350.000Not rejected
4.Level of human capital10.787350.000Not rejected
5.Experience with novel financial instruments like green bonds7.570350.000Not rejected
6.Presence of an incentivisation scheme10.583350.000Not rejected
7.Knowledge and understanding of green bonds by local banks0.580350.046Not rejected
8.Training and experience with sustainable finance19.516350.000Not rejected
9.Local banks' understanding of international best practice and international standards of sustainable finance5.500350.000Not rejected
10.Accountability to identifiable stakeholders6.653350.000Not rejected
11.Legitimacy seeking and the social licence to operate2.197350.035Not rejected
12.Social support11.832350.000Not rejected
13.Socio-environmental linkage2.457350.000Not rejected
14.Institutional pressure from formal institutions like regulators and investors to informal ones like advocacy groups7.456350.000Not rejected
15.Increased investors' green awareness10.606350.000Not rejected
16.The existence of an efficient legal framework2.710350.010Not rejected

Relative importance index of political factors affecting the adoption of green bonds in the financing of infrastructure projects in Ghana

S/NPolitical factorsMeanStd. Dev.RIIRank
1.Governmental tax-based incentives4.830.3780.9671st
2.Political stability4.780.4220.9562nd
3.Governments' long-term economic growth policies4.750.4390.9503rd
4.Government Regulations4.720.4540.9444th
5.The oversight of green bond funds by regulatory bodies4.670.4780.9335th
6.Promotion of green lending by government4.640.4870.9286th
7.Policies and measurements fostering the development of cleaner technologies by government4.420.5000.8837th
8.Incentive-based policies and climate-related regulations by government4.360.4870.8728th
9.International collaboration facilitating cross border investments in green bonds4.220.5910.8449th
10.Appropriate institutional arrangements for green bond management4.080.7700.81710th
11.Provision of guarantees to local green bond issuers by local governments3.530.7740.70611th

One-sample t-test analysis of political factors affecting the adoption of green bond financing of infrastructure projects in Ghana

Test value = 3.5 (95% confidence level)
S/NPolitical factorstDfpNull hypothesis
1.The oversight of green bond funds by regulatory bodies14.642350.000Not rejected
2.Promotion of green lending by government14.028350.000Not rejected
3.Appropriate institutional arrangements for green bond management4.546350.000Not rejected
4.Provision of guarantees to local green bond issuers by local governments0.215350.831Rejected
5.International collaboration facilitating cross border investments in green bonds7.333350.000Not rejected
6.Incentive-based policies and climate-related regulations by government10.606350.000Not rejected
7.Policies and measurements fostering the development of cleaner technologies by government11.000350.000Not rejected
8.Government regulations16.144350.000Not rejected
9.Political stability18.183350.000Not rejected
10.Governments' long-term economic growth policies17.078350.000Not rejected
11.Governmental tax-based incentives21.166350.000Not rejected


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Prosper Babon-Ayeng can be contacted at:

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