(2012), "Appreciation to JCHRM 2(2) and 3(1) reviewers", Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management, Vol. 3 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2012, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Appreciation to JCHRM 2(2) and 3(1) reviewers
Article Type: Acknowledgement From: Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management, Volume 3, Issue 1
The Editor wishes to acknowledge the following reviewers for their contributions to reviewing articles published in Issue 2, Volume 2 and Issue 1, Volume 3 of JCHRM. Their time and expertise are greatly appreciated.
Kenneth BrownUniversity of Iowa, USA
Brigitte Charles-PauversUniversity of Nantes, France
Yi-fu ChenUniversity of Dundee, United Kingdom
Xugang (Steve) GuoUniversity of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Meltem InceAfyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
Charbel JabbourUniversity of Sao Paulo Business School, BrazilUnited Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies, Japan
Guangrong DaiKorn/Ferry Leadership & Talent Consulting, USA
I-Pang FuPennsylvania State University, USA
Qinxuan Vera GuShanghai Jiaotong University, China
Wei HuangRenmin University of China, China
Ya-Hui LingI-Shou University, Taiwan
Tonette RoccoFlorida International University, USA
Judy Y. SunThe University of Texas at Tyler, USA
Xiao (Sunshine) SunYangzhou Human Resources and Social Security Administration, China
Hui-Ling TungDa-Yeh University, Taiwan
Julia Storberg-Walker,North Carolina State University, USA
Jiaying ZhangRMIT University, Australia
Yichi ZhangPeking University, China