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Using immersive technologies to enhance the student learning experience

Gavin Baxter (Department of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Paisley Campus, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK)
Thomas Hainey (Department of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Paisley Campus, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK)

Interactive Technology and Smart Education

ISSN: 1741-5659

Article publication date: 26 September 2023

Issue publication date: 24 July 2024




The purpose of this paper is to evaluate undergraduate student perceptions about the application of immersive technologies for enhancing the student learning experience. This study assesses the viewpoints of students from varying multidisciplinary backgrounds about whether immersive technologies can enhance their learning experience and increase their level of engagement in the context of higher educational delivery.


The research used a case study methodology adopting a questionnaire-based research mixed methods approach. In total, 83 participants completed the questionnaire. The purpose of the research was to evaluate and interpret students’ perspectives at higher educational level about the use of immersive technologies towards enhancing their learning experience. There was also a focus on remote educational delivery due to the legacy of COVID-19.


The findings suggest that there is still more empirical work to be undertaken regarding the application of immersive technologies in higher education. The study revealed that there are immersive benefits though preference for face-to-face teaching remains popular. The negative connotations associated with immersive technology use in higher education, (e.g. virtual reality), such as cost of equipment and motion sickness, substantiates the themes identified in the academic literature.


The study explores a diversity of immersive technologies and their application in higher education (HE) contexts. Findings indicate that although there are acknowledged pedagogical benefits of immersive technology use in HE prevalent barriers remain that require further empirical research if immersive technology use is to be universally used in the sector.



Baxter, G. and Hainey, T. (2024), "Using immersive technologies to enhance the student learning experience", Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol. 21 No. 3, pp. 403-425.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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