
Industrial Robot

ISSN: 0143-991X

Article publication date: 8 March 2010



(2010), "Diary", Industrial Robot, Vol. 37 No. 2. https://doi.org/10.1108/ir.2010.04937bac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Article Type: Diary From: Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Volume 37, Issue 2

2010 SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing

5-9 April

Orlando, FL, USAThe largest unclassified international symposium related to sensors, systems, and platforms.Contact: web site: http://spie.org/x6765.xml


6-8 April

Las Vegas, NV, USAJoin thousands of colleagues from more than 50 countries at the electronics industry’s premier event. APEX showcases advanced and emerging technologies for printed circuit board design and manufacturing, as well as electronics assembly and test.

Contact: web site: www.ipcapexexpo.org

CCCT 2010 Computing, Communications and Control Technologies

6-9 April

Orlando, FL, USACCCT 2010 is an International Conference that will bring together researchers, developers, practitioners, consultants, and users of Computer, Communications and Control Technologies, with the aim to serve as a forum to present current and future work, solutions and problems in these fields, as well as in the relationships among them.

Contact: web site: www.2010iiisconferences.org/CCCT

SPIE Europe Photonics Europe

12-16 April

Brussels, BelgiumContact: web site: http://spie.org/x12290.xml

SIMTOS 2010 Seoul International Machine Tool Show

13-18 April

Kintex, KoreaExhibits: metal cutting machines, metal-forming machines, cutting tools, measuring instrument, industrial robots, and factory automation machines.

20th CIRP Design Conference

19-21 April

Nantes, FranceThis year’s 20th CIRP Design Conference will be on “Global product development” and will exchange several aspects of global product development, including concepts, methods, methodologies, tools, and applications.Contact: web site: http://cirpdesign 2010.irccyn.ec-nantes.fr/

NA2010 North American Material Handling & Logistics Show

26-29 April

Cleveland, OH, USANA2010 will feature 500 material handling and logistics providers exhibiting the latest in manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, assembly, logistics, and IT solutions for the supply chain.Contact: web site: www.nashow.com


27-28 April

Birmingham, UKFor 15 years the MEDTEC exhibition and conference series has been addressing the technical needs of medical device manufacturing companies, providing them with an annual showcase of materials and manufacturing technology and expertise.Contact: web site: www.medtecuk.co.uk

Advanced Manufacturing UK

27-28 April

Birmingham, UKAdvanced Manufacturing UK will incorporate: MEDTEC UK Medical Device Manufacturing; Mtec Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation; Machine Building and Automation; VTX Vision Technology Exhibition; 3C Contamination Control and Cleanroom Products; Practical Vacuum and Surfacts UK; and the Green Manufacturing Zone and Conference.Contact: web site: www.devicelink.com/expo/advuk09/

ATX SouthAdvanced Manufacturing Exposition and Conference

28-29 April

Charlotte, NC, USASee the world’s leading suppliers showcase the newest products and technologies for lean manufacturing, cost reduction, enhanced productivity and Six-Sigma process control. Featuring custom automation systems, assembly, robotics, control software, motors, drives, and motion control.Contact: web site: www.devicelink.com/expo/atxsamx10

ICRA2010 Robotics for Energy

3-8 May

Anchorage, AK, USAThe theme of the conference is “Robotics in the environment,” reflecting the ever-growing interests in research, development and applications in the dynamic and exciting areas of robotics and automation.Contact: web site: http://icra2010.grasp.upenn.edu/∼graspweb/dynamic/icra2010/?q=overview

Nano-GlobeFirst On-line International Conference & Exhibition

5-8 May

All major nanotechnology topics from materials to life science.Contact: Global Web Expo Centre. Web site: www.nano-globe.com

LAMLaser Additive Manufacturing Workshop

11-12 May

Houston, TX, USALIA’s Laser Additive Manufacturing Workshop (LAM) will bring together industry specialists from around the world with the goal of applying this state-of-the-art process (cladding, sintering, and rapid manufacturing) to today’s manufacturing challenges.Contact: web site: http://optics.org/cws/m/1565/32049/event/14993

National Electrical Wire Processing Technology Expo

12-13 May

Milwaukee, WI, USAThe National Electrical Wire Processing Technology Expo features new products and services for electronic cable assemblies, cord sets, wiring harnesses, and other products within the wire-processing industry.Contact: web site: www.electricalwireshow.com

RAPID 2010 Conference & Exposition

18-20 May

Anaheim, CA, USARAPID is North America’s Definitive Additive Manufacturing Event and is co-located with the 3D IMAGING Conference and Tradeshow. It attracts innovative leaders that are advancing manufacturing processes and providing tools to bring product to market faster.Contact: web site: www.sme.org/cgi-bin/get-event.pl?–001887-000007-home–SME-

The Vision Show

25-27 May

Boston, MA, USAContact: web site: www.machinevisiononline.org/public/calendar/details.cfm?id=79

Biosensors 2010

26-28 May

Glasgow, UKContact: web site: www.biosensors-congress.elsevier.com/

JISSO PROTEC 2010 12th Jisso Process Technology Exhibition

2-4 June

Tokyo, Japan

ISR International Symposium on Robotics 2010

7-9 June

Munich, GermanyThe purpose of ISR is to provide opportunities for researchers and engineers worldwide to present their pioneering works and to share ideas in the fields of robotics.

Sensors Expo & Conference 2010

7-9 June

Chicago, IL, USAContact: web site: www.sensorsexpo.com/

ATX EastAutomation Technology Expo East

8-10 June

New York, NY, USASee the world’s leading suppliers showcase the newest products and technologies for lean manufacturing, cost reduction, enhanced productivity, and Six-Sigma process control. Featuring custom automation systems, assembly, robotics, control software, motors, drives, and motion control.Contact: web site: www.devicelink.com/expo/atxe09

Automatica 2010 4th International Trade Fair for Automation Assembly, Robotics and Vision

8-11 June

Munich, GermanyAUTOMATICA presents an international product range covering assembly and handling technology, robotics, machine vision, and associated technologies.Contact: web site: www.teknikogviden.dk/messer/automatica-2010.aspx

RDPM11th National Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping and Manufacturing

11 June

Lancaster, UKContact: web site: www.rpnationalconference.com/

SIAS 2010 Safety of Industrial Automated Systems Conference

14-15 June

Tampere, FinlandThis conference is designed to take a close look at research and developments in industrial safety from a global perspective essential to understanding the interaction between the worker and automated machinery.Contact: web site: http://sias.automaatioseura.com/

ICIA 2010 International Conference on Information and Automation

20-24 June

Harbin, ChinaContact: web site: www.icia.org

NSTI Nanotech 2010 Nanotech Conference & Expo 2010

21-25 June

Anaheim, CA, USAThe world’s largest and most anticipated annual nanotechnology conference and expo. For this 13th year, over 5,000 attendees and 350 exhibitors are expected.Contact: web site: www.nanowerk.com/events/2359.html

MED’10The 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation

23-26 June

Marrakech, MoroccoContact: web site: www.med10.org

RSSRobotics: Science and Systems

27 June-1 July

Zaragoza, SpainThe 2010 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference will bring together researchers working on algorithmic or mathematical foundations of robotics, robotics applications, and analysis of robotic systems.Contact: web site: www.roboticsconference.org/

CITSA 2010 The 7th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications

29 June-2 July

Orlando, FL, USACITSA 2010 is an international multi-conference being organized with the purpose of providing researchers, practitioners, developers, consultants, and end-users of computerized, communications and/or control systems and technologies, as well as their industrial and social applications in the private and the public sectors, an opportunity to join in a common place sharing experience and knowledge.Contact: web site: www.2010iiisconferences.org/CITSA

IMETI 2010 The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation

29 June-2 July

Orlando, FL, USAContact: web site: www.2010iiisconferences.org/IMETI

AIM 2010IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics

6-9 July

Montreal, CanadaThe AIM brings together an international community of experts to discuss the state-of-the-art, new research results, perspectives of future developments, and innovative applications relevant to mechatronics, robotics, control, automation, and related areas.

Contact: web site: https://engineering.purdue.edu/AIM2010/

WCICA 2010 World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation

7-10 July

Jinan, ChinaContact: web site: www.wcica.info/

ISFA 2010 2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation

12-14 July

Tokyo, JapanThe purpose of this biennial symposium is to promote research activities in various areas of flexible automation by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, presentation of technological achievements, and discussion of future directions.Contact: web site: www.nml.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ISFA2010/

SSRR 2010 2010 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security & Rescue Robotics

26-30 July

Bremen, GermanyContact: web site: http://robotics.jacobs-university.de/SSRR2010/

SPIE Optics+Photonics

1-5 August

San Diego, CA, USAContact: web site: http://spie.org/x30491.xml

International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications

4-6 August

Ottawa, CanadaThe aim of the International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications is to gather scholars and researchers from all over the world to present advances in the field of nanotechnology and to foster an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information. This conference will also provide a golden opportunity to develop new collaborations and meet world experts on the fundamentals, applications, and products of nanotechnology.Contact: web site: www.international-aset.com/2010_nanotechnology_conference/about_conference.htm

ICMA 2010International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation

4-8 August

Xi’an, China

ICMA has grown into the largest gathering of its kind in the world for researchers and practitioners in the fields of mechatronics and automation.Contact: web site: www.icma2010.org

IPPRIE 2010 International Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition in Industrial Engineering

7-8 August

Xi’an, ChinaContact: web site: www.itie-center.com/ipprie

ICAL 2010IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics

16-21 August

Macau, Hong KongIEEE ICAL 2010 promises to be a great conference, bringing together electrical, mechanical, industrial, systems, logistics, and computer engineers, and offering a rich technical program emphasizing effective use of the synergy in the areas of IT automation and logistics.Contact: web site: http://2010.ieee-ical.org

CASE 2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering

22-25 August

Toronto, CanadaCASE is the flagship automation conference of the IEEE RAS and it constitutes the primary forum for cross-industry, multidisciplinary research in automation. The goal of the conference is to provide a broad coverage and dissemination of foundational research in automation among researchers, academicians, and industry practitioners.Contact: web site: http://case2010.org

AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2010

24-27 August

Denver, CO, USA

AME 2010 2010 International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering

4-5 September

Luoyang, ChinaThe forum aims to bring together researchers, developers, and users from around the world in both industry and academia, for sharing state-of-art results and for exploring emerging trends and new challenges in advanced mechanical engineering.Contact: web site: www.itie-center.com/ame/

MFI 2010 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems

5-7 September

Snowbird, UT, USA

IAV 2010 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles

6-8 September

Lecce, ItalyThe symposium will consider generic methodologies and techniques applicable to intelligent autonomous vehicles. These include mobile robots on land, at sea, in air or in space, multi vehicle systems and networks of autonomous vehicles.Contact: web site: http://iav2010.unile.it/

2010 RO-MAN18th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication

12-16 September

Viareggio, ItalyContact: web site: www.ro-man2010.org/indexin.php

Automation 2010

21-24 September

Mumbai, IndiaAutomation 2010 will highlight products trends, services, and solutions in the field of factory automation, process automation and control system, field instrumentation, robotics, drives, and various bus technology, building automation an hydraulics and pneumatics.

BioRob 20103rd IEEE RAS &EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics

26-30 September

Tokyo, Japan

ICALEOInternational Congress on Applications of Laser & Electro-Optics

27-30 September

Anaheim, CA, USAThe International Congress on Applications of Laser & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) has a 28-year history as the conference where researchers and end-users meet to review the state-of-the-art in laser materials processing and predict where the future will lead.Contact: web site: http://optics.org/cws/m/1565/32049/event/14991

ICAM 2010 2010 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics

4-7 October

Osaka, Japan

IROS 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

18-22 October

Taipei, Taiwan

Contact: web site: www.iros.org

Nanosafe 2010

16-18 November

Grenoble, FranceThe objectives of the conference will be to make available the major progresses and future trends in the domain of the safe production and use of nanomaterials.Contact: web site: www.nanosafe.org/scripts/home/publigen/content/templates/show.asp?P=100&L=EN

Humanoids 2010 2010 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots

6-9 December

Nashville, TN, USAContact: web site: www.humanoids2010.org

ROBIOIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics

18-23 December

Trieste, Italy

2011SPIE Photonics West

22-27 January

San Francisco, CA, USA

SPIE Medical Imaging

12-17 February

Lake Buena Vista, FL, USAThis multidisciplinary forum seeks to advance these technologies: image acquisition, image segmentation, image registration, molecular imaging, medical image analysis, image-guided procedures, CAD, and PACS.Contact: web site: http://spie.org/x12166.xml

HRI 2011 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

1-5 March

Lausanne, SwitzerlandContact: web site: http://hri2011.net/

SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring

6-10 March

San Diego, CA, USA

ProMat 2011

21-24 March

Chicago, IL, USAProMat exhibits will represent all segments of the material handling and logistics industry, from traditional, manual equipment to computerized, and automated systems.Contact: web site: www.promatshow.com/

SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing

25-29 April

Orlando, FL, USA

ICRA 2011 International Conference on Robotics and Automation

30 April

Shanghai, China

MEMS 2011IEEE 24th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems

14-20 May

Cancun, Mexico

ICAR 2011 International Conference on Advanced Robotics

20-25 June

Tallinn, Estonia

Contact: web site: www.icar2011.org

ICORR2011 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics

29 June-2 July

Zurich, Switzerland

SPIE Optics+Photonics

21-25 August

San Diego, CA, USA

AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2011


IROS 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

24 September-1 October

San Francisco, CA, USA

Assembly Technology Expo

28-30 September

Rosemont, IL, USAATExpo features assembly machines and systems, printed circuit board assembly equipment, power and hand tools, parts and material handling equipment, adhesives, fasteners, robots and accessories, machine vision, and software. This annual event is for design and manufacturing engineers, manufacturing managers, and purchasing executives. A concurrent conference program includes technical sessions on lean manufacturing, assembly methods, and planning and operations.Contact: web site: www.atexpo.com

2012ICRA 2012 International Conference on Robotics and Automation

1-6 May

Minneapolis, MN, USA

AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2012

7-10 August

Las Vegas, NV, USA

2013ICRA 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

27 April

Karlsruhe, Germany

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