
Industrial Robot

ISSN: 0143-991X

Article publication date: 1 May 2009



(2009), "Diary", Industrial Robot, Vol. 36 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/ir.2009.04936cac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Article Type: Diary From: Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Volume 36, Issue 3

Key: C = Conference, E = Exhibition, S = Seminar, W = Workshop

2009RAPIDRAPID 2009 Conference & Exposition

12-14 May

Chicago, IL, USA

RAPID is North America’s largest annual rapid manufacturing conference and exposition and brings buyers, sellers and end-users of design, prototyping, tooling, and direct manufacturing technologies together in an environment that facilitates networking and business interaction.

Contact: web site: www.sme.org/rapid

World Conference on Digital & Rapid Prototyping: Research & Applications

25-27 May

Mysore, India

DRP 2009 will focus on the following topics:

  • Rapid prototyping (RP) and rapid manufacturing (RM) technologies.

  • CAD, virtual prototyping and internet-based product development.

  • RP and RM materials – metals/non-metals/FGM/composites/bio and micro materials.

  • RP and product design – concurrent design and manufacturing.

  • 3D digitising, reverse engineering and image-based modelling techniques.

  • Applications: aerospace/automotive/biomedical/consumer goods/tooling.

Contact: web site: www.rapidsociety.org/drp2009

RoMoCo 2009

1-3 June

Czemiejewo, Poland

The scope of the workshop includes but is not limited to: control, modelling and parameter identification of robots and manipulators; robot control techniques: non-adaptive and adaptive, robust, hybrid, learning; path and trajectory planning: nonredundant, redundant and hyperredundant manipulators, mobile robots, microrobot holonomic and nonholonomic systems; collision avoidance; applications: manufacturing, space, underwater, civil engineering and service, medicine, economic and social aspects of robotics; neural networks in robot motion and control.

Keywords Robot motion and control, Mobile robots, Neural networks

Contact: IEEE. E-mail: waldemar.wroblewski@put.poznan.pl, web sites: http://romoco.put.poznan.pl/; www.ifr.org/index.php?name=News&catid=1

Jisso Protec 2009Jisso Process Technology Exhibition

3-5 June

Tokyo, Japan

The Triple Collaboration of JPCA Show 2008/2008 Microelectronics Show/JISSO Protec 2008 is the industry’s own and only organized effort to create a reasonable, targeted and fair event with the solution network for electronics manufacturing. The purpose of the events are to be held for the creation of a venue featuring latest rigid-type PWB technologies, flexible circuits, design and manufacturing/engineering solutions, testing/inspection and analysis, electronics packaging (Jisso) and SMT fields in electronic circuits industry originating both Japan and overseas, and to provide valuable information today customers require, and create great opportunities for new business.

Contact: web site: www.jpcashow.com/show2008/English/index.html

WSOM – 7th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps

8-10 June

Florida, USA

WSOM’09 will be bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field of self-organizing systems, with a particular emphasis on neural networks and self-organizing maps. It will highlight key advances in these and related fields. It is the seventh conference in a series of bi-annual international conferences started with WSOM’97 in Helsinki.

Contact: web site: www.cnel.ufl.edu/conferences/WSOM2009/

ATX East 2009 (C) (E)

8-11 June

New York, NY, USA

Stay ahead of your competition – find the automated solutions you need for lean manufacturing, cost reduction, enhanced productivity, and six-sigma process control at ATX. With recent trends toward off-shore outsourcing, it is more important than ever for North American manufacturers to automate in order to remain competitive in today’s global marketplace.

Keywords Automation, Manufacturing

Contact: Canon Communications LLC. Tel.: +1 310 445 4200, Fax: +310 996 9499, web site: www.devicelink.com/expo/atxe09

GWR’09German Workshop on Robotics

9-10 June

Braunschweig, Germany

The aim of the 2 day single-track German Workshop on Robotics 2009 is to bring together leading roboticists from academia and industry with backgrounds in various subdisciplines of robotics to foster an intensive exchange of information and cross-fertilisation between these fields. Since the workshop is sponsored by the German Association of Robotics (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Robotik – DGR) it is mainly intended for, but is by no means limited to, researchers from the German robotics community. The conference language will be English.

Contact: web site: www.gwr09.org

IRVSInternational Robots & Vision Show and Conference (C) (E)

9-11 June

Chicago, IL, USA

One of the largest and longest running international robot shows in the world.

Keywords Robotics, Machine vision, Motion control

Contact: Automation Technologies Council. Tel.: +1 734 994 6088, Fax: +1 734 994 3338, web sites: www.robots-vision-show.info; www.robotics.org/events/index.cfm

RDPM 1010th National Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacture

12 June

High Wycombe, UK

This annual conference, this year to be hosted by the Buckinghamshire New University in High Wycombe, is a one day event and is jointly organised with the Lancaster Product Development Unit, Department of Engineering, Lancaster University. To mark the 10th anniversary of this popular and prestigious conference, a special event prior to the conference is being organised. Details will be posted on the conference web site.

Contact: web site: www.rpnationalconference.com/

RoboGames 20095th Annual International RoboGames

12-14 June

San Francisco, CA, USA

RoboGames is the world’s largest open robot competition (even the Guinness Book of World Records says so!) We invite the best minds from around the world to compete in over 70 different events. Combat robots, walking humanoids, soccer bots, sumo bots, and even androids that do kung-fu. Some robots are autonomous, some are remote controlled – but they are all cool!

Contact: E-mail: dcalkins@robotics-society.org, web site: http://robogames.net

EOS Conference on Manufacturing of Optical Components

15-17 June

Munich, Germany

The EOS Conference on “Manufacturing of Optical Components” will give an overview of the state-of-the-art of fabrication technologies, and will provide, among other things, an international platform for discussing manufacturability of optical components as well as ongoing scientific research projects and, last but not least, future trends and prospective developments.

Contact: web site: http://optics.org/cws/event/13336

EOS Conference on Frontiers in Electronic Imaging 2009

15-17 June

Munich, Germany

The EOS Conference on “Frontiers in Electronic Imaging” addresses scientists and engineers in electronic imaging R&D, users of imaging solutions who demand the highest performance from their equipment for their particular application, interested professionals from all segments of academia and industry where imaging is significant, and all technically-oriented persons who would like to know where electronic imaging is heading.

Contact: web site: http://optics.org/cws/event/13335

C-ELROB 2009Civilian European Land-Robot Trial (C)

15-18 June

Oulu, Finland

C-ELROB aims to bridge the gap between users, industry and research in the field of robotics in security domains, fire brigades, civil protection, and disaster control.

Keywords Robotics, Unmanned vehicles

Contact: Research Establishment for Applied Science. Tel.: +49 228 9435 481, Fax: +49 228 9435 508, E-mail: elrob@fgan.de, web site: www.elrob.org

MESIC’09The 3rd Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference

17-19 June

Alcoy, Spain

The 3rd Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (MESIC’09) will provide the forum for the exchange and dissemination of the latest research in the field of manufacturing engineering.

Contact: web site: www.mesic.upv.es/

CVPR – Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

20-25 June

Miami Beach, FL, USA

Contact: web site: www.cvpr2009.org/

The 33rd Japan Rapid Prototyping Symposium

22-23 June

Tokyo, Japan

Contact: web site: www.rpjp.or.jp/index2.html

ReMAR ’09ASME/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (C)

22-24 June

London, England

The ASME/IEEE International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2009) is to provide an international forum for presenting and discussing new mechanisms and robots developed in the past decade for their new properties in changing the topological structure of a mechanism or a robot and for discussing their uses for domestic, hazardous, out-space and manufacturing environments. The conference will be held at King’s College of London.

Keywords Robots, Mechanisms, Manufacturing

Contact: ASME, IEEE. Tel.: +44 (0)20 7848 1991, E-mail: remar2009@kcl.ac.uk, web sites: www.kcl.ac.uk/schools/pse/diveng/research/cmms/remar2009; www.ifr.org/index.php? name=News&catid=1

ICIA 2009IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (C)

22-25 June

Zhuhai/Macau, China

ICIA is a young, vibrant and growing international conference – running annually since 2004 and gaining increasing international prominence. Its scope was broadened in 2008 to emphasize the importance of information to automation research. We are pleased to bring you the 2009 conference, with the theme of fusion of information and automation, as a forum that facilitates timely and effective academic and scientific exchanges among researchers in a wide range of research fields in information science and automation engineering.

Keywords Robotics, Sensors, Artificial Intelligence, Mechatronics, Automation

Contact: IEEE. E-mail: icia09@cs.ualberta.ca, web sites: www.cs.ualberta.ca/ ∼ icia09/#; www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

TCETime Compression Expo

22-26 June

Chicago, IL, USA

For maximum impact, the inaugural time compression expo (TCE) will co-locate with the national plastics exposition (NPE) and the moldmaking expo (MME). This collaboration is the only venue that will expose your business to more than 75,000 moldmaking, plastics, and rapid product development professionals on the year’s biggest event stage.

Contact: web site: www.timecompressionexpo.com/

ICORR 2009IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics

23-26 June

Kyoto, Japan

ICORR2009 will be focused on a number of topics, including the themes of: assistive robotics, therapeutic robotics, mechatronics in prosthetics, artificial human exoskeletons, psychosocial robotics, robotics for caregiving, neural-machine interfaces and control, robotics for human-motion analysis, evaluation and clinical experience.

Contact: web site: www.icorr2009.org/

CARS 2009Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 23rd International Congress and Exhibition

23-27 June

Berlin, Germany

The CARS congress is a facilitator of innovation and an important contributor to modern medicine on a worldwide basis. CARS has its focus on research and development for computer assisted systems and their applications in radiology and surgery.

Contact: web site: www.cars-int.org/

MED 200917th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation

24-26 June

Thessaloniki, Greece

The conference, through its technical program, will provide a unique opportunity for the academic and industrial community to address new challenges, share solutions and discuss future research directions. A broad range of topics is proposed, following current trends of combining control/systems theory with software/communication technologies.

Contact: web site: www.med09.org/

ICAR 2009International Conference on Advanced Robotics

24-26 June

Munich, Germany

The theme of ICAR 2009 will be “able robots”, where “able” is the lexical intersection of “cap-able”, “depend-able”, “measur-able”, “afford-able”. These adjectives stand as synonyms for four rather fundamental and important features of robots which are supposed to deliver useful and economically competitive services in everyday environments under everyday conditions.

Contact: web site: www.icar2009.org/

RSS 2009Robotics: Science and Systems

28 June-1 July

Seattle, USA

The 2009 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference will bring together researchers working on algorithmic or mathematical foundations of robotics, robotics applications, and analysis of robotic systems. High quality, original papers are solicited in all areas of robotics. The final program will be the result of a highly selective review process designed to include the best work of its kind in every category. The conference will be single track to allow attendees an opportunity to experience the best research in all areas of robotics. The program will include invited talks as well as oral and poster presentations of refereed papers.

Keywords Mechanisms, Manipulation, Human-robot interaction and human centered systems, Distributed systems, Mobile systems and mobility, Applications, Medical robotics, Robot perception

Contact: University of Washington. Web site: www.roboticsconference.org/

ICINCO 20096th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (C)

2-5 July

Milan, Italy

The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the application of informatics to control, automation and robotics.

Keywords Intelligent control systems, Optimization, Robotics, Automation, Signal processing, Systems modeling and control

Contact: ICINCO. Tel.: +351 265 520 185, Fax: +44 203 014 5435, E-mail: secretariat@icinco.org, web sites: www.icinco.org/; www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

2009 Rapid ManufacturingInternational Conference

8-9 July

Leicestershire, UK

Now in its fourth successful year, the International Conference on Rapid Manufacturing (RM) is one of the world’s only conferences focused solely on the application of “end use parts”, made using additive layer manufacturing technologies.

Contact: web site: www.rm-conference.com/

CITSA 20096th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (C)

10-13 July

Florida, USA

The 6th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications is an international multi-conference being organized with the purpose of providing researchers, practitioners, developers, consultants, and end-users of computerized, communications and/or control systems and technologies, as well as their industrial and social applications in the private and the public sectors, an opportunity to join in a common place sharing experience and knowledge.

Keywords Cybernetics, Information technologies, Systems and applications

Contact: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics. Tel.: +58 212 232 7062, Fax: +1 407 656 3516, E-mail: citsa@mail.iiis2009.org, web sites: www.iiis2009.org/imeti; www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

ARCS-09The International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Control Systems (C)

13-16 July

Florida, USA

ARCS is an important event in the areas of automation, robotics, control and other-related areas. The conference will be held at the same time and location where some other major events will be taking place. The scope of the conference includes all areas of automation, all areas of robotics, all areas of control systems and related areas such as computer vision, etc.

Keywords Robotics, Tele-robotics, Adaptive control, CAD/CAM/CIM, Fuzzy systems, Intelligent automation, MEMS/ NEMS, Micro robots and micro-manipulation, Nano-scale automation and assembly, Sensors, Actuators and transducers

Contact: International Society for Research in Science and Technology. E-mail: contact@promoteresearch.org, web sites: www.promoteresearch.org/2009/arcs; www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

AIM 2009IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (C)

14-17 July


The 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics will be held on July 14-17, 2009 in Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Center, Singapore. The theme of the conference is “Mechatronics for Everyday Lives”. AIM 2009 conference invites submissions of high-quality research papers describing original work on abstractions, algorithms, theories, methodologies, and case studies on the following topics: actuators, automotive systems, bioengineering, data storage systems, electronic packaging, fault diagnosis, human-machine interfaces, industry applications, information technology, intelligent systems, machine vision, manufacturing, micro-electro-mechanical systems, micro/nano technology, modeling and design, motion vibration and noise control, neural and fuzzy control, opto-electronic systems, prototyping, real-time and hardware-in-the-loop simulation, robotics, sensors, system integration, transportation systems, and other fields of mechatronics.

Keywords Mechatronics, Robotics, Sensors, Intelligent systems

Contact: IEEE/ASME. E-mail: michen@ntu.edu.sg, web sites: www.aim2009.org/; www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

20th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium

3-5 August

Austin, TX, USA

Contact: web site: http://utwired.engr.utexas.edu/lff/symposium/index.cfm

The purpose of the Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) Symposium is to provide a forum for technical exchange of research and developments in all areas of liquid, solid or gas phase SFF, the computer/machine technologies associated with the SFF processes, studies of various disciplines associated with SFF, and applications of SFF. These include but are not limited to solid modeling, computer controls, system design, beam-materials interactions, and the materials science and engineering of SFF processing and post-processing of parts.

ICAL 20092009 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (C)

5-7 August

Shenyang, China

The purpose of this conference is to promote activities in areas of automation and logistics, by providing a forum for researchers to exchange ideas, present technical achievements, and discuss future challenges. The scope of the conference includes technical sessions, tutorials and panels, as well as exhibition and working group meetings.

Contact: Tel.: 314 935 6037, Fax: 314 935 7500, E-mail: gc@ieee-ical.org, web site: www.ieee-ical.org/

TIROS 2009Taipei International Robot Show

5-8 August

Taipei, Taiwan

TIROS, a mega show of robotics, is the most professional robotics event in Taiwan organized by Robotics Association Taiwan (ROBOAT). This 4-day event is expected to draw 100 exhibitors from home and abroad, using a total of 300 booths. It is an excellent platform for you to generate good business fortunes, an opportunity to present your proposition to consumers.

Contact: web site: www.tiros.org.tw

ICMA 2009IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (C)

9-12 August

Changchun, China

The objective of ICMA 2009 is to provide a forum for researchers, educators, engineers, and government officials involved in the general areas of mechatronics, robotics, automation and sensors to disseminate their latest research results and exchange views on the future research directions of these fields.

Keywords Intelligent mechatronics, Robotics, biomimetics, automation, and control systems, Teleoperation, telerobotics, haptics, and teleoperated semi-autonomous systems, Sensor design, multi-sensor data fusion algorithms and wireless sensor networks AI, Intelligent control, Neuro-control, Fuzzy control, Industrial automation, Process control, Manufacturing process

Contact: IEEE. E-mail: fukudamein.nagoya-u.ac.jp, web site: www.ieee-icma.org/

AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2009 (C) (E)

10-13 August

Washington, DC, USA

AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2009 is the world’s largest event focusing on the international ground, air and maritime unmanned systems marketplace. It will host the largest gathering of government, business, technology and academic leaders in the unmanned systems community. It will have a plenary session featuring senior unmanned systems speakers addressing both defense and civilian markets.

Keywords Unmanned systems, Military, Vehicles

Contact: Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. Tel.: +1 703 845 9671, Fax: +1 703 845 9679, E-mail: info@auvsi.org, web sites: http://symposium.auvsi.org/; www.auvsi.org

MTT2009MTT Indonesia 2009 (C) (E)

12-15 August

Jakarta, Indonesia

The 4th international metalworking technology and machine tools exhibition and conference.

Keywords Manufacturing, Metalworking, Machine tools

Contact: The Federation of Indonesian Metalworks & Machinery Industries Association. Web site: www.mtt-indonesia.com

ICER 2009The International Conference on Entertainment Robotics

16-18 August

Incheon, South Korea

The International Conference on Entertainment Robotics (ICER 2009) will take place together with five other international conferences under the umbrella of the FIRA RoboWorld Congress 2009.

Contact: web site: www.fira.org

SICE 2009SICE (Society for Instrumentation and Control Engineering) Annual Conference (C)

18-21 August

Fukuoka, Japan

The conference covers a wide range of fields from measurement and control to system analysis and design, from theory to application and from software to hardware. Newly developed interdisciplinary ideas and concepts transferable from one field to another are especially welcome.

Keywords Sensors and transducers, Opto-electronic measurement, Intelligent control, Computer aided design, Systems theory and engineering, Robotics and mechatronics systems, Industrial applications, Fuzzy systems, Neural networks

Contact: SICE. Web site: www.sice.or.jp/iccas-sice2009/index.html

MMAR 200914th IEEE International Conference Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics

19-21 August

Miedzyzdroje, Poland

The participants of the 14th IEEE International MMAR Conference will have the opportunity to take part in the wide spectrum of categories for technical presentations, including plenary lectures, regular papers of both lecture and poster session types, and panel discussion.

Contact: web site: www.mmar.ps.pl

Robotics World Show 09 (E)

20-23 August

New Delhi, India

The core mission of the “Robotics World Show 09” is to promote and elevate the domestic and global players operating in the robotics sector, by providing a common platform to reach and interact with their prospective buyers, suppliers and the target audience in a well controlled environment enabling room for personalized interactive communication growth and development of engineering and machinery industry.

Contact: KMG Business Technology. Tel.: +91 79 32410602, Fax: +91 79 26851716, E-mail: info@kmgindia.com, web sites: www.kmgindia.com/rawe/home.html; www.ifr.org/index.php?name=News&catid =1

IEEE-CASE 20095th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (C)

22-25 August

Bangalore, India

The goal of the conference is broad coverage and dissemination of foundational research on automation among researchers, academicians and industry practitioners. The focus would be on scientific methods for machines and systems operating in structured environments over long periods, and also on the explicit structuring of environments. Special themes for the 2009 conference include: green technologies and automation; knowledge services and automation; self aware automation; internet automation and internet search and analytics.

Keywords Green technologies, Automation

Contact: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Web sites: www.ieee-case.org/assets/pdf/case%202009%20poster.pdf; www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

COMS 2009COMS – Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems Conference (C)

30 August-2 September

Copenhagen, Denmark

Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems Conference – COMS is the world’s most important meeting place for all those bringing emerging small technologies from concept to the marketplace. It addresses issues on an international front, gathering input from MNT leaders representing regions all over the globe. COMS is connecting the international micro-nano marketplace!

Keyword Micro and nano-science and engineering

Contact: MANCEF. E-mail: info@mancef-coms2009.org, web site: http://mancef-coms2009.org/

SYROCCO 099th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control

10-12 September

Gifu, Japan

Automation 2009 (E)

16-19 September

Mumbai, India

India Automation 2009 is a first-class automation show. It will provide an excellent opportunity to the exhibitors to show new products and services to the potential buyers. It will bring the visitors and exhibitors related to the field Automation on a common platform. The event would be very beneficial to meet and interact with the decision makers from the foremost automation companies.

Keywords Automation, Manufacturing, Industry

Contact: Confederation of Indian Industry Mumbai. Tel.: +(91) (22) 24931790, Fax: +(91) (22) 24939463/24945831, web site: www.biztradeshows.com/india-automation-mumbai/

ECMR 20094th European Conference on Mobile Robots

23-25 September

Dubrovnik, Croatia

The primary aim of ECMR is to establish a biannual European forum, internationally open, allowing researchers through Europe to become acquainted with the latest accomplishments and innovations in advanced mobile robotics and mobile human-robot systems. The first ECMR meeting was held in September 2003 in Radziejowice, Poland, followed by ECMRs in September 2005 in Ancona, Italy and in September 2007 in Freiburg, Germany. ECMR’09 is aimed at continuing this policy. ECMR especially seeks to attract young researchers to present their work to an international audience.

Contact: web site: www.ecmr09.fer.hr/

RO-MAN 2009IEEE International Symposium on Robot an Human Interactive Communication (C) (W)

27 September-2 October

Toyama, Japan

RO-MAN addresses fundamental issues in coexistence of robots and humans from psychological and philosophical aspects over interaction and communication mechanisms to technological systems and architectures. Manifold real-world application areas such as rescue, assistance, care, education, or entertainment require cognitive and social skills in order to provide safe, intuitive, and efficient interaction and goal-directed proactive behavior.

Keywords Multi-modal communication, Human-robot interactions, Collaborative robotics in manufacturing environments, Robot assistants for housekeeping and care, Situation recognition, Socially interactive robots, Entertainment and education robots

Contact: IEEE. E-mail: sec@ro-man2009.org, web site: http://ro-man 2009.org

VR@P 2009The Fourth The International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping

6-10 October

Leiria, Portugal

The International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping (VR@P), organised every 2 year since 2003, has been designed to be a major forum for the Scientific exchange of multi-disciplinary and inter-organisational aspects of virtual and physical prototyping and related areas. VR@P aims at making a significant contribution for further development of these fields.

Contact: web site: www.vrap.ipleiria.pt/

IROS 2009IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (C)

10-15 October

St Louis, MO, USA

Contact: web site: www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/227/iros-2009.html

TCT 2009Exhibition & ConferenceSoftware & Technology for Product Development & Manufacturing

20-21 October

Coventry, UK

Taking place annually, TCT successfully draws together everyone involved in the concept, design, manufacturing and specification functions. Designers, prototype specialists, technical directors, development engineers, product managers, purchasing engineers, design directors, chief engineers, sub-contractors, consultants and other manufacturing professionals all attend TCT searching for the latest technologies to help them reduce time to market.

Contact: web site: www.Tctshow.com

MM LIVE 2009The Micro, Precision and Nano Manufacturing Event

20-21 October

Coventry, UK

MM Live is a global showcase for everything to do with the mass manufacture of small to micro-precision parts, whether a company can make them to order or supply the machinery to mill, cut or mould. Companies from all industrial sectors are embracing the potential micro manufacturing can offer. As consumers demand small, lighter, and more portable products, MM Live offers the manufacturer the solutions. Exhibits cover the full spectrum of micro-manufacturing techniques from laser cutting, welding, and micro machining to injection moulding, inspection and measurement, photo etching, handling and assembly.

Contact: web site: www.micromanu.com/x/exhibition.html

ICICRA 2009The International Conference on Intelligent Control, Robotics, and Automation (C)

28-30 October

Venice, Italy

The International Conference on Intelligent Control, Robotics, and Automation (ICICRA 2009) aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of intelligent control, robotics, and automation, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

Keywords Intelligent control, Robotics, and Automation

Contact: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). Web sites: www.waset.org/wcset09/chicago/icicra/; www.ifr.org/index.php?name = News&catid = 1

International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics Conference

2-5 November

Orlando, FL, USA

The International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO®) has a 26 year history as the conference where researchers and end-users meet to review the state-of-the-art in laser materials processing and predict where the future will lead. From its inception, ICALEO has been devoted to the field of laser materials processing and is viewed as the premier source of technical information in the field. Each year ICALEO features areas of topical interest.

Contact: web site: http://optics.org/cws/event/13626

SSRR 20092009 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics

3-6 November

Denver, CO, USA

Contact: web site: www.engr.du.edu/ssrr2009

CARVE 2009International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision Engineering (C)

25-27 November

Johannesburg, South Africa

The International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision Engineering (CARVE 2009) aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of control, automation, robotics and vision engineering, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

Keywords Control, Automation, Robotics, Vision

Contact: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). Web sites: www.waset.org/wcset09/sydney/carve/; www.ifr.org/index.php?name = News&catid = 1

2009 International Robot Exhibition

25-28 November

Tokyo, Japan

This show is designed to provide a place to exhibit robots and related equipments in order to enhance market awareness of new technology. At the same time, the show is to be a medium to promote new products and to develop new business through contributing the promotion of new technology.

Contact: web site: www.nikkan.co.jp/eve/irex/

ROBIO 2009IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics

16-18 December

Guilin, Guangxi, China

Contact: web site: www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/323/robio-2009.html

ICIRA’092nd International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications

16-18 December



The market demands for skills, knowledge and personalities have positioned robotics to be one important field in both engineering and science. In order to meet these challenging demands, robotics has already seen its success in automating many industrial tasks in factories. And, a new era will come for us to see a greater success of robotics in non-industrial environments. In order to anticipate a wider deployment of intelligent and autonomous robots for tasks such as manufacturing, eldercare, homecare, edutainment, search and rescue, de-mining, surveillance, exploration, and security missions, it is necessary for us to push the frontier of robotics into a new dimension, in which motion and intelligence play equally important roles.

RoViSP 2009The 7th International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Signal Processing, & Power Applications

19-20 December

Awana Porto Malai Hotel Langkawi, Kedah Malaysia

The 7th International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Signal Processing, and Power Applications (RoViSP 2009) is organized by School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia. This conference marks the continuation of the 6th RoViSP held in 2007, which had successfully gathered as many as 200 presenters from different countries. RoViSP 2009 provides an avenue for researchers, scientists, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all around the globe to present their research results and development activities. The conference will feature world-class speakers, tutorials and over 10 lecture sessions.

Contact: web site: www.rovisp.org

2010IEEE MEMS 20102010 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems

24-28 January

Wanchai, Hong Kong

WHCM 2010IEEE Workshop on Health Care Management

18-20 February

Venice, Italy

This is a primary international event that provides an opportunity to highly qualified researchers, academicians and practitioners in the healthcare management and technology assessment fields to exchange new ideas and results. Scientists and practitioners are invited to present their current research topics in the area of the healthcare modelling, simulation, optimization and management, especially taking into account the modern information and communication technologies innovations. The event aims at providing a forum for international collaboration and dissemination of research and best practices in the healthcare management and technology assessment fields.

Contact: web site: www.deei.units.it/WHCM2010/

HRI 20105th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

2-5 March

Nara, Japan

HRI is a single-track, highly selective annual international conference that seeks to showcase the very best interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in human-robot interaction with roots in social psychology, cognitive science, HCI, human factors, artificial intelligence, robotics, organizational behavior, anthropology and many more, and we invite broad participation.

Contact: web site: www. 2010.org/

Forum Robotic

4-5 March

Contact: web site: www.forum-robotic.de

ICRA 2010Robotics for Energy (C) (E)

3-7 May

Alaska, USA

The theme of the conference is “Robotics in the Environment,” reflecting the ever growing interests in research, development and applications in the dynamic and exciting areas of robotics and automation.

Keywords Robotics, Automation

Contact: IEEE. Web sites: http://icra2010.grasp.upenn.edu/ ∼ graspweb/dynamic/icra2010/?q = overview; www.ifr.org/index.php?name = News&catid = 1

Automatica 20104th International Trade Fair for Automation Assembly, Robotics and Vision (E)

8-11 June

Munich, Germany

Automatica presents an international product range covering assembly and handling technology, robotics, machine vision and associated technologies. This makes Automatica the very first international event that brings together all branches of the robotics and automation industry under the same roof in a single event. It is being staged in Munich, the central hub of the biggest European market for robotics and automation products.

Keywords Assembly and handling technology, Robotics, Machine vision, Positioning systems, Drive technology, Sensor technology

Contact: Messe München GmbH. Tel.: +49 899 491 1538, Fax: +49 899 491 1539, E-mail: info@automatica-munich.com, web site: www.automatica-muenchen.de

MFI 2010IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems

5-7 September

Snowbird, UT, USA

IAV 20107th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles

6-8 September

Lecce, Italy

The symposium will consider generic methodologies and techniques applicable to intelligent autonomous vehicles. These include mobile robots on land, at sea, in air or in space, multi vehicle systems and networks of autonomous vehicles.

Contact: web site: http://iav2010.unile.it/

2011ICRA 2011International Conference on Robotics and Automation

30 April

Shanghai, China

2012ICRA 2012International Conference on Robotics and Automation

1-6 May

Minneapolis, MN, USA

2013ICRA 2013IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

27 April

Karlsruhe, Germany

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